ACCESSORIES and t am port equipment are on displ at
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Kelvin Hall on Stands 1 49 inclusive. Among items particular interest is the ne Michelin tyre for vans al light trucks, the XCA. This on Stand 13 alongsit Michelin's TRX car radial. the larger vehicle sit Michelin says that its casini can be reprocessed thrt times after original use.
Engine test equipment is ways well represented at Gle gow, and this year is no exce tion.
Sun Tester of King's Lyn Norfolk, is showing four mock on Stand 33. The VAT 28 is machine for testing starting ar charging systems. It comprisi a voltmeter 0-18 and -.3-3 volt ammeter -50 to 500 and -10 100amp and includes sequential test selector fi battery, starter motor, etc. Ti tester is available in forms f both light vehicles and heavief.
The oscilloscope tester on J Suntester stand is the EET 74 CP which is said to give a cor plete diagnostic test facility, ar includes a Sun Calorific C meter.
A scopeless tune-up teste the TUT 1001 CP has a centr programme control with push-button test facility.
Finally, the EPA 70 is a infra-red CO meter whic quickly analyses the carbon mi noxide content of the exhau: gases.
Automotive Products Ltd
Michelin is showing a wide range I tyres, including its newly introduce XZY.
3nbury has two stands, No 18 r its AP Distribution company id No 19 for Autela comments.
A. P. Distribution specialises
the bulk distribution of comments to factory and wholeilers and is showing the full nge of Lockheed brake parts, 3rg and Beck clutches, Locked shock absorbers, steering ins, AP filters, silencers and ie AP Engine cooling service. preign commercial vehicle miponents will be catered for I/ AP Impart II which is shortly
be launched.
The Autela components .and shows the sort of cornanents it offers to garages and eet operators through its 70 ade depots, of which there are wen in Scotland. These parts iclude the complete AP range, ungstone batteries, Payen askets and a wide range of arying components.
A range of products from &ling, Armstrong, Quinton lazell, Harmo Industries, GKN, nd Automotive Products, is on how by Sandy Buchan (Motor ,pares) Ltd, of 21 Albert Street, dinburgh, on Stand 36.
Two new items are on show n Stand 16 by the Clydesdale ladiator Co Ltd, of May Street, lamilton. These are the Perflex asy-clean number plates which re made by being engraved with the registration letters beore being faced with Acrylic heet. The other new exhibit is he Euro-Matic 2000 I NMONT, 1/4utomotive paint mixing nachine with a Micro-Fiche brmulation Viewer.
In addition to these new prolucts, Clydesdale has a range of adiator exhibits.
A comprehensive display is xhibited by Swan, Tennent and vlcMeckin on Stand 2.
The latest Ministry of Trans)ort Road test equipment, con
forming to DoE specification, is shown alongside washing, lubrication and heating equipment. Welding plants, engine diagnostic equipment, specialised workshop tools andhand tools by leading makers are also shown.
Making a first appearance at the Scottish Motor Show is Shaft Automotive, of 90, Cheapside Street Glasgow, part of the Jonas Woodhead group of companies. An extensive range of components on Stand 46 includes steering racks, CV joints, decoke sets and disc pads. The parts on show are manufactured at Livingstone and Chelmsford.
Next door on Stand 47 KC Motor Accessories of Grey Place, Greenock, are exhibiting items from their range of body refinishing materials, tools and accessories.
These include paints by Berger, Abrasives by 3M, body fillers and spot-welding equipment.
The RSR section of Jonas Woodhead, based at 2 Rochdale Road, Manchester, is exhibiting a large number of items of commercial vehicle and psv equipment suitable for British and Continental applications, on Stand 21.
Service is the keynote on the Eaton Truck Components Stand No 31. The company is based at Worsley Road, North Worsley, Manchester, and is not showing any actual models. Instead, field sales and service engineers are on hand to give technical advice on the company's products. In addition, sales and service literature, including wall charts are available.
Wiper blades and arms for both cars and commercials are shown on Stand 22 by Michael Brandon Ltd. Michael Brandon is situated at 15 /17 Oliver Crescent, Hawick, Roxborgh,. and markets Dario Armen (UK) Ltd products.
Two working examples, the 471 computer wheel balancer and the F68 automatic tyre changer head a number of tyre equipment exhibits shown by Repco Automotive Equipment (UK) Ltd on Stand 45. Repco operates from Wadsworth Road, Greenford.
AE Edmunds Walker of Argyle House, Joel Street, Northwood Hills, Middx, has a wide selection of the automobile components which it stocks, on Stand 11.
The company has 16i branches throughout Scotland and employs a staff of 90. Throughout the UK and the Irish republic it has a total of 140 outlets.
Engine manufacturers are well represented this year. Perkins engines, the Peterboroughbased diesel maker has as its centre-piece on Stand 39 the V8.640 engine first announced at last year's Earls Court show. This is a 10.5-litre (640cuin) design which extends the Perkins power capability up to 106kW (215bhp).
The V8.540 engine produces 134kW (180 bhp) at 2,600 rpm from a capacity of 8.8 litres (540cuin), and the Perkins stand is completed by one of the T6 354,3 units.
Cummins Engine Company, of Coombe House, St George's Square, New Malden, Surrey has a factory at Shotts only 20 miles from Glasgow. not 'surprising then that thi company has a Shotts-buil NHC-250 engine on display This is a six-cylinder design witl a capacity of 14 litres (854cuin producing 179kW (228bhp).
A new range of multi-stage displacement rams for three way ripping bodies is on view or Edbro stand — No 17. Suppliec as a ready-to-fit assembly thi YD series has the control-ran housed in a sub-frame whict embodies booms for the sich and end tipping pivots and car ries an underfloor tank contain ing the hydraulic oil.
There are six basic sizes of Y: tipping gear with lifting capac ities from 5 to 20 tons. The YE on show in Glasgow has a foul stage ram with a stroke of 1.4r (4ft 7in) and a lift capacity of 11 tons. In addition the Leve Street, Bolton, manufacturer i exhibiting examples of its rang of ancillary hydraulic equipmer for trucks.
A part for almost every car i what Quinton Haze Automotive claims it is showin on Stand 43. The company' comprehensive range includE components for most of th world's cars and covers coolin and exhaust systems, susper sion, steering, brakes and tran mission equipment.
Making a first appearance I its own right at Kelvin Hall Crane Fruehauf Ltd, the No wich Road, Dereham traili body and truck equipmei maker. Previously CF showed i products on the stands of Scc tish motor distributors. Ho% ever, this year, as the compar has a manufacturing plant Whitburn it is occupying Star 34. This will highlight many the group's activities, includir semi-trailer and rigid chass bodies.
Choosing the right oil is ti theme of Alexander Duckhar stand — No 12. Products fro the Duckham range includii brake and clutch fuids, greas
and anti-freeze are also on sho. The company is located at Sul mit House, West Wickham.
In-cab entertainment is ce ered for by Radiomobile Stand 28. the company is d playing a one-piece kit, tl CV02 specially made for coi mercials and designed to ta any radio for the range. Al particularly suitable for coi mercials is the 1171 mod which can be seen with sev other radios.