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"The wheels of wealth will be slowed by all difficulties of transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the roughness of the roads over whkh it runs,"—John Beattie Crozier.
Ford Models for 1928.
As has already been made known, details of the new model Ford chassis are being kept absolutely secret until the Ford Motor Co. is prepared to make a full disclosure of its designs and plans and a declaration of its policy at the opening of the Ford Exhibition in London on December 2nd.
We are, however, able to state authoritatively that the model-T is now entirely' a thing of the past and will not be made in future (although, of course, the factory, or a section of the factory, must be kept going for the maintenance of the supply of spare parts for those vehicles of the type which are now in existence). The new model Ford will entirely supersede the model-T both for pleasure and commercial-vehicle work.
The I.A.E. Twenty-first Anniversary.
The Institution of Automobile Engineers this year celebrates its comingof-age, and a 21st anniversary dinner will be held at the Savoy Hotel on Wed nesday, November 30th. A suite of Iseonas has been engaged, and the outline Programme is as follows reception by the president at 7 p.m., dinner with speeches and music from 7.30 p.m. to 10.30 p.m., and a dance from 10.30 p.m. to 1.30 a.m. We understand that a small souvenir of the evening will be presented to each of the ladies attending the dinner.
Carburetter Concerns Amalgamated.
A scheme for the amalgamation of the carburetter businesses now carried on by Amac, Ltd., Brown and Barlow, Ltd., and C. Binks (1920), Ltd., has received the approval of the boards of these companies and is co be submitted to the respective shareholders. A new company, to be known as Amalgamated Carburetters, Ltd., is being floated.
Nottingham's Efficient Transport Service.
One of the most practical adjuncts which has been accomplished in connection with Nottingham's chief business organization, the Chamber of Commerce, has proved to be that for which the road transport department has been responsible. The administrative committee presented a report at the last meeting of the members indicating a further substantial expansion of operations. Sir Ernest Jardine,. the chairman, who is at the head of some of the largest industrial undertakings in the East Midlands, observed that road transport had had the effect of Making the railway companies more obliging and compelling
them, in many essential instances, to cut rates.
The report indicated that comparing the returns for the first six months of this year with those of 1925 there had been an increase of approximately 30 per cent. in the volume of traffic dealt with.
Middlesbrough Grants Licences.
Licences have been issued by the Middlesbrough Watch Committee to the Teesside Railless Traction Board, an undertaking jointly controlled by the Middlesbrough Corporation and the Eston Urban District Council to inaugurate a service between North .Ormesby and Middlesbrough. The undertaking has a fleet of about 24 trolleybuses, but is now employing motorbuses in preference to trolley vehicles for service extensions in order to obviate the heavy capital expenditure necessary for the overhead equipment. Buses will, therefore, be used on the new Middles. brough service.
Military Transport in India.
In view of the development of military mechanical transport in India, it is intended to establish in that country a civil reserve of sehieles for mobilization purposes. The scheme provides for the Indian Army Service Corps taking over by annual successive stages the mechanical transport duties now performed in India by the British R.A.S.C., as each of the new units becomes complete in establishment. The Royal Army Service Corps at home has, for some time, been providing a large personnel for the Indian branch, which the latter has new taken over as an independent corps.
Official Orders for August.
Orders for motor vehicles given out by Government Departments during August lastincluded those placed by the G.P.O. authorities with the Maudslay Motor Co., Ltd., Crossley Motors, Ltd., Morris-Commercial Cars, Ltd., A. B. Gould. Ltd., and W. H. Perry, Ltd. The War Office placed an order for ambulancc chassis with A. E. Gould, Ltd., whilst the .Crown Agents for the Colonies divided a contract for lorry chassis between the Albion Motor Car Co., Ltd., and J. I. Thornycroft and Co.. Ltd.
Irish Free State Imports. From the detailed returns lately
issued by the Irish Free State Ministry of Industry and Commerce, we have compiled the tabulation given below which shows the imports of commercial vehicles into the Free State during the six months .‘ended with JunS last, as compared with the corresponding period
of 1926 :—
It-must be pointed out that, although the bulk of the vehicles are credited to this country, it does not follow the vehicles are all of British construction, the returns only taking cognisance of the Port of shipment.