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Vlr B. McGilivray has )een appoined to the ex)cutive board )f the National 'reight Cor ioration and to a new posiion of group co-ordinator, nternational. Mr McGillivray, vho joined the NFC in 1971, las been managing director if its subsidiary, Tankfreight .td, since 1972.
Cenneth Thorpe, 45, has leen appointed general nanager of Frigoscandia's tefrigerated Transport )ivision in the UK, resionsible for a fleet of more han 50 vehicles operating rom five depots. Mr Thorpe as spent 21 years with such iil companies as Fina, lurmah, Castrol and Calor 3as, and during the recent oil ;risis was a member of the )IEC (Oil Industry Emergwency :ommittee). Ron Downes, 26, who has joined Constantine Forwarding, a member of the Constantine Group, from Brown Jenkinson, is one of the company's three new commercial executives. The others are J. N. F. Cattell, 21, who has moved to London after working in the forwarding business in Birmingham and Southampton, and G. M. Allen, 22, who has joined the company from the Thorn organization. Gordon Botwright, 34, who was previously with Transport Ferry Services, becomes assistant manager of the company's Felixstowe office.
Jack Lawrence, chief general manager of the Yorkshire division of the Eastern region of National Bus Company and general manager of West Yorkshire Road Car Company, has retired after 46 years in the industry. J. G. Bayliss, 30, becomes operations manager of Bristol Omnibus Co Ltd on December 1. Mr Bayliss has been assistant traffic manager of the West Riding Group since February, 1973.
Harry Tennant, chief engineer of Ribble Motor Services, becomes chief engineer of the western region of the National Bus Company on November 1. Mr Tennant joined the industry in 1934, and has held his present post since 1949.
New appointments have been announced by Western Welsh Omnibus, and Red and White Services, as a result of the merging of management
administration functions. Derek Price, Lesley Smith and Geoffrey Clarkson
become managers respectively of the North Glamorgan, South Glamorgan and Gwent divisions. Dennis Oakley becomes express service manager. These appointments are dated October 1. John Wilkins, Owen Parry and Ronald Nicholls are now central, eastern and western division area engineers respectively. George Pever is area engineer in charge of Bulwark, Chepstow.
Barry A. Green has been appointed marketing services manager to the Girling Sales and Service Group. Mr Green has been the company's publicity manager for the past 21/2 years.
Andrew McLeod, who joined MAN Concession aires GB Ltd as a field ser vice engineer mit in December last year, and was previously with British Leyland for nine years, has been appointed field service manager.