Taking your lorry abroad
Page 33

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I: The initial checklist for operators Ind drivers
this new series we are looking at igislation and regulations which govern ie use of a British vehicle working broad. The information contained in the eries is collated from a number of Durces and we wish to acknowledge the ssistance given by the Road Freight ivision of the Department of the nvironment.
Operation in Europe demands the ossession of a number of documents and efore a driver sets off, the operator must nsure that he and his vehicle are in ossession of all the necessary aperwork. If a vehicle is authorized on an perator's licence in the UK then the disc lust be carried on the vehicle when perating abroad. It must also have an xcise licence, a registration book, a reen card insurance and the driver hould carry his record book, driving cence or international driving permit. If a riving licence is carried, there must be n accompanying translation if the holder ; going into Italy or USSR. If he is going to ulgaria, Hungary, Poland, Spain or urkey then an international driving ermit is essential.
`assport essential
It is also essential that a driver carries s passport, and a visa is required for ;Algeria, Czechoslovakia, East Germany, ungary, Poland; Rumania and USSR. pplications for visas have to be made to le Embassies or Consulates of the Auntries involved and for some countries iera is a delay of up to two weeks ....tween the application and the issue. For those engaged on hire or reward )erations a CMR consignment note has ■ be completed and carried and for ustria, West Germany and Hungary an Nn account document must be carried. lese documents will be dealt with in ore detail later. Certain other )cuments are required in other )untries and as these countries are dealt litn in the series, we will list which )cuments apply. There are six such pcuments. They are the road haulage ADR certificates, ATP certificates, R carnet, T form arid the carnet de