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I NTERESTING particulars concerning the commercial motor industry of the Union of South Africa are contained in the finely illustrated handbook on the trade and industries of the sub-continent juSt issued by Mr. C. W. Francis Harrison, F.S.S., F.R.G.S., sometime Acting Trade Commissioner in London for the South African Government, The handbookis an extension of the reviews appertaining to the trade and industry of British South Africa issued in 1921 and 1922, following a special tour of investigation on behalf of the Federation of British Industries.
Inter alia, Mr. Harrison mentions that out of a total of 144 power-driven lorries the United Kingdom supplied 34
and North America 104, the value of these imports being given as £61,662 for the year 1922. -Chassis (for private' cars and lorries) were valued at £33,097 in 1922, other parts being valued at £173,647.
Mr. Harrison adds that the commercial vehicles supplied by America to the South African tnarket are lighter in construction and much cheaper than the English machines. For the heaviest lorries there is a fair sale, and chars-4,-bancs have lately made their appearance, Whilst there is good scope for the sale of motet delivery vans. As the roads of the eosin-. tryare improved mechanical road trans. Sport will become, it is stated, a feature in the agricultura.l. districts. There are
bound to be developments also in mechanical ploughing.
Reference is made in thebook to the South African motor spirit called Natalite, to which we have several times referred in the past.
The number of motor vehicles registered in the Union in the year 1921 was 44,372. Of this number 34,135 vehicles were registered for private purposes and 9,237 for business purposes divided as follows: Cape Province, 3,666; Natal, 1,508; Transvaal, 3,882; Orange Free State, 441. Great Britain supplied 11,946 vehicles, and the U.S.A. and Canada together 30,526. Motor spirit to.the value of £1,059,590 was imported into the Union during 1922. .