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!4I'lie wheels of wealth will be slowecl by all difficulties of transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the mughness of the roads over which it runs,"—John Beattie Crozier.,
• £250 for Suggestions.
As announced in our last issue, awards totalling 2250 are offered jointly by The Commercial Motor and its associated journals, The Motor' The Light Car and C yeleear and Motor 0 yeling for the purpose of encouraging motor owners, users and drivers to submit. proposals for dealing in their widest application with the . increasing risks of the road.
There are many complex problems involved, and it is highly probable that a number of suggestions will go towards their solution. The sum offered, therefore, has been apportioned in awards of varying amounts, and they will he distributed according to the merit of the contributions to this subject, and in the following manner 10 awards of 210 each ... 2100 15 awards of 25 each ... 75
25 awards of 21 each ... 25
100 awards of 10s. each ... 50 snaking a total of 150 awards to the total valve, of 2250.
We are placing no limit to the Dimher of the suggestions that may be put forward by any contributor, because there are so many phases of the matter to be considered. One can take into account the weaknesses and 'foibles of various types of road user and discuss the question of imposing -restrictions on pedestrians, lihrse drivers, cyclists and dog owners, and may even consider whether any advantage would be served by establishing a test of motor driving and control before a licence be granted. Mechanical improvements and devices in connection with vehicles can serve their part in making the road safer, and many risks ean be eliminated by improvements in road construction and lay-out.
We shall be glad if suggestions can be sent in at once. We are not imposing any conditions which can be considered , at all irksome. 'Suggestions may be set out separately or in a group, briefly or discussed in an ample manner, and they may be contained in letters or on postcards. The general merit of the idea submitted will be the basis of the awards, and not the literary character of the contribution. Letters and post-cards must be addressed to the Editor of The Com-. ,mercial Motors 7-15, Rosebery. Avenue, London, E.C.1, and be plainly marked "Highway Safety."
On other pages of this issue we are giving the opinions of some of the men prominent in the commercial road transport industry.
Petrol Pumps on-.Highways.
The Minister of Transport has issued a circular to municipal authorities in which he draws attention to the erection of petrol pumps in the highway, either on the carriage way or on the footpath, for supplying petrol to motor Vehicles. Colonel Ashley's reply in the House of Commons on July 3rd to a question put by Viscount Curzon is repeated. He then said that local authorities have no power to sanction, or even to acquiesce in the erection of petrol pumps or shnilar installations on lands dedicated to a public highway. He was of the opinion that petrol pumps should, wherever possible, be erected on private property adjacent to the highway, but in such a manner as to enable vehicles to draw up to the-pump without causing obstruction either us the carriage way or on the footpath—which seems to us to be almost impracticable, because no vehicle can leave the highway and re-enter it or cross a footpath on its way to and from private property without causing an obstruction which must be considered more or less great,
The Minister referred to the introduction. of clauses relating to petrol pumps in three private Bills, and to the fact that in two of the Bills the clauses were withdrawn by the promoters, whilst in the-case of the third Bill the Local Legislation Committee of the House of Commons struck out the clause.
It will be seen that -the Minister's circular is not very helpful. There is not the slightest question but that the kerbside petrol pinup is a much more convenient method of replenishing the tanks of motor vehicles than the two-gallon can, and its use, by saving time and avoiding the stacking of full and empty cans by the side of the vehicle during the process of tank replenishment, makes for considerably less obstruction of both the highway and the footpath.
The kerbside petrol pump is unquestionably less obstructive and less unsightly than gravel bins erected on the footpath by local authorities—quite an unnecessary method of storing gravel which could easily be brought to the spot, when required, in a lorry—and also less obstructive than the transformer and telephone boxes which are to be found on the kerb in connection with tramway systems. If the•petroI pump, i which s a source of convenience to the travelling public, is to be barred, then the other obstructions which are merely erected for the convenience of officials should also be removed.
The Yorkshire Patent Steam Wagon Co. inform us -that they have removed their 'London offices to Abbey House, 8, Victoria Street, S.W.1.
Mr. H. Bell Thompson, general manager of Sterns, Ltd., the well-known arm of lubricant manufacturers, has, we learn, been appointed to it seat on the board of directors of the company. Mr.' Thompson's. connection with this wellknown company extends over a period. of 30 years.
The Liverpool Parade.
There is a possibility that the Liverpeol motor vehicle parade, due to take place on Saturday, September 29th, may have to be abandoned owing to the poor entry list. Up. to the present, we learn, only about 30 vehicles have entered. The parade committee of the .LiVerpool branch of the Liverpool Commercial Motor Users Association had arranged six classes each for (1). haulage contractors; and (2) firms other than haulage contractors, as follows :—(1) Steam vehicle fleets; (2) petrol vehicle fleets; (3) single steam vehicles—machines delivered not later than December 31st, 1918; (4) sin, gle steam vehicles—machines delivered not leer than December 31st, 1922; (5) singlepetrol vehicles—machines delivered not later than December 31st, 1918; (6) single petrol vehicles—machines delivered not later than December 31st, 1922. It was decided to omit the single electric vehicle classes, and to substitute therefor two new classes for nenmembers of the C.M.T.3.A., as follows:—
(1) Steam vehicles; (2) petrol vehicles,. the entrance fee for each vehicle. being 5s.
• On Monday, September 3rd, the parade committee held a meeting to discuss whether or not the parade should be held, but did not come to a decision. The matter will be finally decided at a meeting of the general committee of the Liverpool Area Corerhitteo, to be held on Thursday, September 13th.
Motorbuses for South Wales.
After a review of the facilities available for public road travel, the hackney carriages committee of the Mae.ateg Urban District Council has decided that additional bus licences should bergranted by the Council.
The recommendation has been adopted by the council, but when it was confirmed the opportunity was taken of voicing strong complaint against bus drivers for alleged driving .at excessive speeds.
Members stated that the' town thormighfares had been converted to
Brooklands tracks," and a. motion was put forward-that the counci: should associate itself with the present, police campaign against reckless driving and peti tion for the suspension a licences, in addition to the imposition of a fine.
It was suggested that the police should be invited to pay special attention to vehicles carrying passengers in excess of the licensed number; but, on the ground that this would bear more harshly on small than large owners; it was decided to take no such. action.
Preventing Competition.
Leeds Watch Committee has granted five motorbus licences to the Yorkshire (Woollen District) Electric Tramways, Ltd., for a service between FarnIey and Cleckheaton, on the condition that the omnibuses will not proceed into the city of Leeds farther than the Farnley trolleybus terminus.
For Service in the Highlands.
The London, 'Midland and Scottish. Railway Co. have just placed an order with Guy Motors, Ltd., for '30-cwt.
passenger vehicles,. which. are for the purpose of operation in the Highlands to connect up some the isolated districts which ate at. present' far 'removed from the nearesi, railhead.
Timing Motorbuses.
The chief constable of Merthyr Tydfil has been timing motorbuses, and, as a consequence, the Watch committee has now warned bus proprietors against any departure f coin their time-tables.
Seeking First-band Knowledge.
The Aberystwyth Town Council has decided to hold a demonstration of fireengines at the end of September, on the result of which the council will makepurchases from the types of motor. engines invited to the 'display.
Eastbourne Bus Results.
The motorbes committee of tho Eastbourne Town Council reports an approximate profit on the motorbus services for the month of July' of £1,704 as against £1,743 for the corresponding month of last year. The approximate profit on the services for the year up to July 31st, was £2,752,
AnOther New Cushion Tyre.
Air cushion tyres appear to be the order of the day, and the satisfactory:sesults which are ,beinlobtained from this type of .equipment is indicated by the fact that most of the prominent manufacturers are producing tyres of this description. The latest addition to the ranks is Henley's Tyre and Rubber Co., Ltd., 20-22, Christopher Street, London, E.0.2, who have just issued a leaflet describing the company's new cushion tyre.
• We hardly think it necessary to describe the principle of construction, of the tyre, which, as our readers know, incorporates a circumferential air cavity' in the centre of the tyre. In the Henley design, deep grooves, which are staggered and extend from each side of the tyre to the centre, are incorporated. This form of tread, it is said, minimizes the risk of skidding.
Cushion tyres of this type have much to recommend them in so fat as they in
.corporate most of the good points of both the solid and the pneumatic tyre. The cost of the .Henley air cushion ty.re is a little higher than. that of,, the ordinary solid tyre, bat it. Mould be remembered that its use will effect economies in the running costs of the vehicle to which it is fitted by reducing wear-and tear on the mechanism.
St.. Helens' 'First Municipal Bus.
The first :municipally owned motorbus has just commenced work in St. Helens, haying been introduced to fop the onprovided for area between Haresfinch and Eceleston, for the:inhabitants of which a 45-mM. service will now be run. The St. Helens terminuk for the bus, which will be operated by one man, will be opposite Griffins' Picture House, Orrnskirk Street. It would have been possible to go by a more, direct route to Eccleston, 'but the • desire is to tap Newtown, and by going through Peter Street, Horace Street. arid Cambridge Road the bus will keep so far from the tram routes as possible. When Kirk. land Street. has been remade it it posed to use this sired in preference to Peter Street. The minimum fare on the service will be ld.
An Unsuitable Bridge.
Richard Garrett and Sons, Ltd., of Leiston, send us an interesting cutting from an Augtralian paper illustrating the collapse of a bridge tinder the strain of carrying too heavy a load, which was being conveyed on a Garrett unciertype steam wagon. Unfortunately, the picture is not sufficiently clear • for reproduction, but it is interesting to record that mot a bolt or nut on the steam wagon itself was broken as a result ef the mishap.
The vehicle, which was owned by the Melbourne and Metropolitan Tramways Board, was carrying Many tons of metal screening; and when it passed over the bridge one of the steel guy :ropes taking the strain collapsed and the drawbridge thus gave way. The load on the wagon and: on the bridge was reduced by shovelling the, screenings into the river below.
Bad Roads and Buses.
South Shields Corporation proposes to establish a naotorbus service to Beach Road later on. Meanwhile, negotiations are proceeding with regard to the roads in the, Boldon Colliery district, where, as a result of the bad state of the surfaces, repairs to the buses are exceptionally heavy, necessitating frequent overhauling and replacement of springs, tyres and, various chassis parts. If a settlement can be effected with regard to the roads, more buses will he purchased, otherwise, it is said, some of the buses may be taken from the colliery route and used for other services.
The Holden Suspension System.
In our issue for August 21st. we included a detailed description of the Holden suspension system, which has been devised by the Bolden Suspension Co.; Ltd., of 30, Wood Street, Deansgate, Manchester. With this article we published a perspective drawing showing the construction of the channels enclosing the air tube, but we indicated the restrainers which hold the channels in correct relation with the frame members as extending the whole length of the channel, whereas this is not the case, the restrainers (three in number) being disposed at intervals throughout the length of the members on each side of the body.
At the present time the makers are not fitting a supplementary tank containing air at a fairly high pressure on the dashboard .in order to Vary the pressure of the air in the tubes, but are running a connection from the tubes to an ordinary Schrader valve fixed on the dash, by means of which the tubes are inflated.
As indicating the successful results which have been obtained with this system of pneumatic suspension, we may refer to the fact that buses and tramcars which have been in service for tho past eight months and covered a big mileage have not had the pressure in the tubes altered.
Hauling a Fire-engine.
Burnham Urban District Council has arranged for Messrs. King and Hine to place a motor lorry at the disposal of the brigade for the haulage of the fire engine at a retaining fee of two guineas a year, with a payment_ of 5s. for drawing the engine to a fire under a mile distance, and 2s. a mile after the first mile
East Devon Road Traffic.
The census figures taken by the Axminster Rural District Council in accordance with the instructions of the Ministry of Transport of the •traffic on certain classified roads in the neighbourhood of Seaton revealed a remarkable increase 'in the number of motor vehicles. During one week the number of motor vehicles that passed on the Beer Road was 540, including 46 motor coaches, whilst from Boss-hill Cross to Seaton via Axmouth, the number of motor vehicles during the period was 2,505, including 289 motor coaches, A census taken on an unclassified road last year is to be repeated this year owing to the growth of motor coach traffic on the road.
-The Bradshaw of the Broad Highway.
The September issue 'of the T.B.R. Guide, which is published 'monthly by Rica, Wiley and Co., Ltd., 123, Pall Mall, London S.W.1, is the 28th edition of this publication which has been issued every month sinee it first appeared in June, 1921. The guide maintains all its recogni4ed features, and includes the latest additions which have been made to the motorbus services of the country.
We notice that the publishers give prominence to extracts from The CommerciaT Motor, which deal with a journey which was made by one of our staff from London to Scotland by motorbus over a period of five days with 35 hours actual travelling time.
Road Services in Carlisle The Carlisle district, which is by no means behind in the way of convenient road services, has just had its facilities increased by the inauguration of a new service by R. Percival, Ltd., connecting up Brampton, Walton, Lane End; Irethington, Laversdate, High Crosby, Low Crosby, Linstock, Brunstock and Houghton.
For the purpose. of conveying to hospital poor people who are unable ta defray the cost of their removal, a moveinent is on foot to purchase a fully equipped motor ambulance by voluntary contribution in Newcastle.
Vulcan Activity.
• We learn with much interest that on. August 31st, thelcan Motor and Engineering Co. (1906), Ltd., of Crossens, Southport, sold and delivered the 1,000th Vulcan vehicle which has been turned out of their works since January lst of this year. As our readers are probably aware, the coinpany's output consists of several commercial models and medium. Size private ears. .
The company have lately been supplying a number of 20 and 26-seater passenger vehicles, and buses for the Manchester Corporation, Portsmouth Corporation and the Southdown Motor Co., Ltd., have recently passed. through their shops;
Connecting Industrial Centres and Health ' Resorts.
A new bus service between Lampeter and Ammanford has been instituted by Messrs. Jones Bras., Brynteg Garage, Upper Tumble, and it is the first on this important route. The new service was inaugurated in response to a protest that there were only inconvenient facilities existing for connecting the Lampeter and Llandilo agricultural areas and the Amman Valley mining districts.
The service brings the industrial districts near the Llandrindod Wells and Llanwyrtyd resorts, and at alower cost than by rail via Carmarthen.
.' It iA now suggested that in view of the amplification of travelling facilities tla-• Llandilo and Lampeter Councils should become active in booming the produce markets of the fawns.
British Catalogues. In Canada.
H.M. SeniorTrade CommissiMier in Canada has informed the Department of Overseas Trade that there is a serious lack of British catalogues in the various trade commissioners' offices in Canada. Ile point's out that without such catalog-nes it is often a difficult matter to
advise firms in Canada as to possible British sources of supply, and that, as a consequence of the necessity for referring inquiries to headquarters in London, business is sometimes lost.
Those makers who contemplate sending catalogues to Canada should note that Customs duty is levied on liters-, tare of this sort entering Canada., and
that the duty should be prepaid, for which purpose stamps may be obtained from the office of the High Commissioner of Canada, Kinnaird House; Pall Mall East, London, S.W.
A Midland Second-hand Mart.
It will probably interest many of our readers to learn of the reCent establith ment• in the Birmingham district of a second-baud motor-vehicle market, where all types of motors will he received for sale by private treaty on favourable terms. The establishment is known as the Midland Olympia, and is under the active directorship of Mr. H.
B. Fenwick, who was for many years sales manager to Enfield-Alldays, Ltd. Spacious premises have been secured in Silver Street, King's Heath, where about 100 vehicles can be well displayed.
Merthyr Services.
Merthyr Tydfil Watch ComMittec has granted an application by Messrs, W. Leyshon.and Co. to ply for hire from the Castle Street stand or pleasure trips, but rejected an application by Mr. E. T. Jones to extend his service..
Coachwork from Lowestoft.
A catalogue indicative of the class of hodywork 'which ii produced in the shops of P. W. Watson and Sens, -Ltd., St. Peter's Street, Lowestoft, has just been issued. Most of the catalogue is taken up with illustrations of different types of touring car bodies, although a section is devoted to bus bodies which are suitable for fitting to the Ford one-tan chassis.
Regulations for Petrol Pumps.
The HaverfOrdwest Town Council has devoted considerable time to a discusskin on -kerbside petrol pumps, and has decided to permit additional appliances of this type to be erected, subject to the owners complying with the ideas of the surveyor in the matter of construction, agreeing to light pumps at night, being responsible for all accidents arising from the pump fixtures, and replacing thee pavement on removal of the pump. The council-signs all agreements between owners of pumps and the contractors for their erection.
Motor Traffic Growing in Egypt.
The extent to which the Use of motor vehicles has developed in Egypt during the past year is well reflected in the latest report issued by the DePartment of Overseas Trade, which details the increases which have taken place in Cairo and Alexandria.. We wilt jgive the numbers fur each type of vehicle, and in parentheses include those for the previous year. Dealing -with Cairo first: motorbuses 220 (79), motorcabs 612 (308), motor lorries 420 (110). In tho case of Alexandria, there are no buses now running, although. five were in use in 1921 the number of cabs is 383 (234) and motor lorries 144 (104).
It -should be noted that the figures dealing with Alexandria for 1922 include 55 light vans, and That whilst the majority of the 79 buses in use in Cairo in 1921 were private conveyances -be. longing to hotels, schools, etc., a considerable portion of those in use in 1922 consist of public-service vehicles which ply between points whieh are either off the;route of the tramways or onlypar
tially served y them. The vehicles accommodate, for the most part. 34 passengers, and are of the single-decker type, although there are a number of Ford 10-seater; buses, in iuse. Bus services are also springing into 'being in many of the larger provincial towns. Local .Proceedings.
Bridlingfton Town Council is to. con.sider the question of the purChase of ii motor fire-engine.
Stirling Town Council has now decided to purchase a Dennis turbine motor fire-engine at a 'cost of £450.
Leeds Watch Committee has decided to purchase a motor vehicle which can be converted into an ambulance.
Leeds Corporation has atithorized the purchase of a Vulean motel-van for the gas department at is cost of £600.
Thorne Rural District Council is coneidering the question of the .purchase of a motor fire-engine for the use of the parishes in the rural area.
Calcutta Municipal -Committee has accepted the tender of FordMotors. (Calcutta), Ltd., for tile supply of four one-ton Ford lorries, specially fitted, at a cost of Rs. 13,000,
The Guardians of the Manchester Union invite tenders for the supply of a motor chassis of about 20 h.p. suitable for ambulance .work. Tenders have to be delivered not later than September 12th.
The gas committee of the Salford Corporation recommends the purchase of a Karrier motor-tipping wagon, with hyrdaulic tipping gear, and guaranteed to carry a net load of -2i tons, at a cost of £755.
Following a joint conference of representatives -of Heittlen Bridge, Mytholmroyd and Todmorden Rural District Councils, it has been decided to scrap the existing horse ambulance and to purchase a new motor ambulance for service in the three districts.
At a meeting of the Rochdale Watch Committee a letter was received from Mr. F. Biggin, Wardle, applying for permission to run a 14-seater bus from Wardle to Rochdale, and to pick up and set down passengers at the Williams Deacon's Bank. Consideration of the application was deferred to the next meeting. Leeds Watch Committee is considering proposals -submitted by the chief constable with respect to the •medical examination of applicants for, hackney carriage drivers' licences. •
With a view to improving its ambulance facilities, Tynemouth Corporation is inviting tenders for the provision of a new motor ambulance to carry two ;stretcher patients, and with accommodation for seated patients and attendants.
• Importance of Correct Lubrication.
Correct lubrication is one of the most important points affecting the ranning of a vehicle, and if 'it be neglected burntnut bearings, excessive carbon deposit and rapid depreciation of the moving parts will result.
It is with the object of assisting users to solve their lubrication problems that the Vacuum Oil Co., Ltd., have issued special booklets dealing with correct lubrication. A perusal of the pages of the new edition dealing specifically with commercial vehicles, farm tractors and motorcars of all types will prove that., although the book is published in the interests of the Vacuum Oil Co., Ltd.; it contains much sound, common-sense advice.
The main headings of the 'booklet deal with the lubrication of the engine, selecting correct oil, gearbox, back axle and general chassis lubrication, whilst other
chapters deal with troubles and remedies, the ignition system, fuel system, farting and lighting system, etc. The chart of reconunenclations, which serves as a guide to the quality of lubricant which is best suited to any particular type of vehicle, should prove most valuable to users.
A copy of the booklet can be obtained on application to the Vacuum Oil Co., Ltd., Caxton House, Westminster, London,
Growth of Goodyear.
On August 29th the Goodyear Tyre and Rubber Co. celebrated their 25th anniversary. The company started operations so long ago as August 29111, 1898, in a small -factory with a very limited. amount of capital at their disposal. . Since that date they have created a record of continual expansion and development.
It is interesting to'notri that the Goodyear Co. have recently been registered as one of the 12 largest industrial corpora-. lions in America, being second only to the Ford Motor Co."
It is noteworthy to recall that on January 31St last 'ale 50,000,000th pneumatic tyre was turned out from the company's works.
A Position Open.
A motor firm in the Londori district require a well-qualified man 'to take sole charge of 55 men and to deal with mechanical repairs and coachwork. High-class work only is -done, and the remuneration will commence at from £400 to £450 per annum. The successful applicant mast be of good appearance and education, as he will have to interview important clients.
Letters addressed care of' the. Editor of this journal will be forwarded to the right quarter.
The Westinghouse Brake.
We are informed by the WesCrighouse Brake and Saxby Signal Co., Ltd., that the method of conducting gases through a drilled cylinder-head stud has. been patented by them. We omitted to mention this fact in the description of the Westinghouse system which appeared in our last issue.