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'The wheels of wealth will be slowed by all difficulties of transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the roughness of the roads over which it runs."-John Beattie Crosier.
The Minister of Transport's • Views on Speed.
In reply to a complaint from the Wareham and Purbeck (Dorset) Rural District Council as to the dangerous driving of heavy motor vehicles in that district, the Minister of Transport has stated that, in his view, the fixing of an arbitrary speed limit for motor vehicles is not, in normal circumstances, the best method of protecting the public. No maximum speed can be fixed at which, under certain condition, it may not be dangerous to drive.
He points out that the recognition of this fact, together with the difficulfy of enforcement, has rendered many of the existing special speed Emits practically Inoperative. In certain cases, e.g., where a road may be dangerous in fact but not in appearance, a special speed limit may have its uses as being more definite than the mere cautionary sign, but, in general, a safe driving speed depends so, much upon the condition of the moment that a fixed maximum speed which cannot take these conditions into account is liable to fail in its object— that of the protection of the public.
The Minister stated that be has regently circulated a draft of a Road Traffic Bill for the purpose of discussion, and, pending a decision as to the form which fresh legislation on the subject of road traffic generally should take, the Minister would be prepared to exercise his existing powers with respect to speed limits only in exceptional circum stances. .
Little British Support for German' Show.
The industrial-vehicle section of the Gerfnan motor exhibition, to be held in Berlin from November 8th to 18th next, promises to be of a highly international character, French, Belgian and American makers' being included in the list 'of those applying for space, in addition, of course, to all the leading German manufacturers. At the time of writing, the only British firm who has so far appeared on the jist of exhibitors is Willys Overland Crossley, Ltd., of Stockport.
The Unification of Transport in Berlin.
We learn' that steps are being taken towards amalgamating the three existing transport enterprises in -Berlin, these 'being the tramways, the electrical railways and the buses., The traffic committee of the municipal council has approved a Bill to this effect, and the result will be a single 'undertaking, with a capital of 400,000,000 marks (approximately £20,000,000), which will be known as the Berlin Traffic Co., or Berliner Verkehrs A.G. s Municipal Vehicles in Rio de Janeiro.
In the annual 'report for 1927, recently presented by the ,Prefect of Rio de Janeiro to the municipal council of that city, it is mentioned that, with a fleet of 21. Saurer motor lorries in service and 20 more arriving shortly, the cleansing services will soon he elite to dispense with the use of animaldrawn vehicles. No fewer than 1,604 mules are at present used for this work, and the amount of refuse hauled during the. year was 291,051 tons. The report mentions that six motor-driven streetwatering tanks were acquired during the year and that five new motor ,am!nuances were. added to the first-aid equipment, which dealt with 43,619 eases in 1927. The prefect adds that motorbuses are now being run by various companies over 40 regular rhutes, totalling 172 miles, in the city, these not including four suburban services for which temporary licences have been issued.
In a Line or Two.
The Board of Works at the Port of Alicante is said to be about to invite tenders for a number of electric vehielss for the transport of merchandise.
The number of pneumatic-tyred commercial vehicles registered in Persia at the end of 1927 was 1,254, apart from 41 vehicles equipped with solid tyres.
An order for a batch of rigid-frame six-wheeled chassis was , recently received from the War Department by the Vulcan Motor and Engineering Co. (1906), Ltd.
Mr. Alderman Soddy is urging the Eastbourne Corporation to provide additional and improved approach roads into the town at the earliest possible date.
It is reported that, largely owing to the successful 'running of five Bussing public-service vehicles in Moscow, the municipal . authorities of Kharhov, Russia, have lately placed an order for a fleet of six six-wheeled buses with the Bussing Co., of Brunswick, Germany, According to the latest French licensing returns for 3927, there were 865 motor vehicles fitted with gas producers registered in that country at the beginning of the present year.
Exports of tractors from the United States to Angola, Portuguese West Africa, amounted to 25, valued at *2,207, during 1927, the machines being practically 'allof one make.
A Bus Company Provides a Public Park.
One of the hest known bus-operating companies in the Midlands is the Orosvilla Motor Co., Ltd., and some time ago this company, in connection with its express coach services from Liverpool, Wallasey and the surrounding districts, purchased a large area of land near Molds in which the well-known Loggerheads is situated. With the surrounding woods, running through which are many beautiful walks, the land is open to the public free of charge as a natural park and tea gardens are located in a delightful arbour. It is certainly something of a novelty for a passenger-transport concern to go to such expense in providing its patrons with such a rendezvous.
The company owns a large fleet of saloon coaches and, to supplement these, coaches of a nese' type have recently been introduced, these having sliding hoods so that in good weather full advantage can be taken of the fresh air. Slightly inereased fares are charged for these special vehicles.
Increasing Profit. from Buses.
The revenue from the buses of the Stalybridg,e, flyde, Tslossley and Dunkinfield Tramways and Electricity Board for the year ended March 31st last was £43,404, and the working expenses £30,736, giving a profit of £12,668, which is certainly satisfactory and compares favourably with that for the previous year, which was £9,341. Of course, this is gross profit, and out of it £5,000 has been applied to depredation of the buses, £922 to interest on capital expenditures £1,500 for carshed charges and £1,000 to income tax, leaving £4,246, which has been placed to the .tramways net revenue account.
Manchester Refuses a Licence for a Six-wheeler.
Manchester Watch Committee has considered the application of the corporation tramways committee for a licence for a six-wheeled motorbus, but reports that it cannot deviate from its previous decision not to grant licences to run into the centre of the city for buses having a greater overall length than 26 ft.
Are Taxi Drivers Rapacious?
There have been many arguments as to whether taxi drivers should be tipped or not and, if the former, what the tip should comprise. In a recent instance, a gentleman, when paying a ,3s. 6d. fare, gave the driver 4s. The driver, however, called him back and returned 3d., saying: "Pardon me. sir, but 3d. is a sufficient tip for a short journey like that.". The fare was left speechlesS with surprise.
A Report Contradicted.
It has been stated in the Press, but not in this journal, that the \Vest Yorkshire Road Car Co., Ltd.,. proposes to run a service of sleeper coaches between Bradford and London. We are informed by the company that it has no knowledge of the matter and no intentions in this direction.
Manchester Motor Parade.
• On September 15th the Manchester branch of the C.M.U.A. will hold its eighth annual commercial-motor parade. The place of assembly will be the St. George's Park, Hahne, between 8.30 a.m. and 9.30 a.m. Judging will commence at 9.45 a.m. The street parade will start at 12.30 p.m., and will take the following route :—Chester Road, Jackson Street, Stretford Road, Oxford Road, Portland Street, Princes Street and Albert Square, where the machines will disperse. Vehicles, of course, may be entered for the street parade without taking part in the competitions. Competing vehicles are classified as follows :—"Team of three petrol machines, team of three steam vehicles, steam wagons (any type), steam tractors, light petrol vehicles With capacities of under three tons, heavy petrol vehicles with capacities of three tons or over, tank wagons and, finally, non-members' entries.
A Thriving Manxland Concern.
The public had the opportunity last week of subscribing for an issue of 200,000 ordinary shares of 1s. each in Manxland Bus Services, Ltd. This company, which has a capital of £50,000, was registered in May of last year, and owns a fleet of motorbuses which operates regular services over 170 miles of route in the Isle of Mau. A large central garage and works is now being built in Douglas. The company has garages and depots at Ramsey, Peel and Port Erin. From May 16th, 1927, to March 31st, 1928, the buses run by the company carried 1,030,583 passengers.
A Plea for Wood Wheels.
The current issue of "The Timber rrades Journal" contains a striking article concerning the use of wood wheelsfOr motor vehicles. It is well known that such wheels have almost disappeared on British makes, and yet ,
many foreign machines are still so equipped. It is, of course, recognized that the wood wheel has a natural resiliency which is absent from the steel variety, and, consequently, it gives smoother running through acting as a type of shock absorber. The general complaint has been about shrinkage of the wood and it is pointed out in the article in question that this has been entirely due to inefficient and wrong methods of seasoning, which can now be overcome.
Buses Wanted for Hull.
The general manager, Tramways office, Albion Street, Hull, is asking for tenders for six double-deck, covered-top buses each to seat 60 passengers ; also for three one-man-controlled, single-deck, 25-seater vehicles. Tenders must be delivered by September 15th.
A Saurer Operating in Chile.
We include some illustrations of a 2 B.H.-type 2-ton Saurer operating under very difficult conditions in Chile. It is equipped with a standard body and Wood hydraulic tipping gear. The chassis is of a type much used by the Swiss postal authorities and employed on passenger service over the Alpine passes, but, of course, the conditions there are not nearly so severe as those prevailing in Chile. New Leylands for Wallasey.
A resolution of the tramways committee of Wallasey, which has been passed by the finance, committee, is to the effect that 12 new double-deck Leyland buses shall be purchased at a cost of £1,800 each, and application shalt be made to the Government for sanction to borrow £43,200 to cover the cost of 24 buses, which includes the 12 already ordered. These 12 buses will be run between Seacombe Ferry and New Brighton Ferry, along Seabank Road, which service will probably be inaugurated during the winter months, and will eventually displace the trams on this route.
It is interesting to note that Wallasey had only four buses in 1921, but with the new buses ordered and about to he ordered it will have a fleet of 49.
The annual revenue has already grown from £9,000 to more than £20,000.
An Ambulance for Rowley Regis.
A new motor ambulance has been provided for Rowley Regis at a cost of about £600. This will replace a vehicle which has been used for many years. The whole of the money for the new vehicle has been raised by a voluntary committee.
Co-ordinating Bus Licensing in Lancashire.
For some time past the question of co-ordinated action between the various bus-licensing authorities in Lancashire has been a subject of consideration, and at a conference held in July the formation of a district and central advisory committee was decided upon. Bolton Watch Committee was represented, and recently it had under consideration a letter from the town council of Blackburn, which convened the conference, suggesting that the committee should call together representatives of the various authorities concerned in order that the district advisory committee for the Bolton Union might be set up. The watch committee decided, however, that as it is a menlber of the Chorley Motor Omnibus Joint Committee, it is not in favour of the formation of another advisory committee whirl would include the Borough' of Bolton. Government Contracts placed in July.
Arnow, the contracts for motor vehicles ;laced during last July by Government Departments were the following :—By the War Office, an erder for Six-wheeled chassis divided between Crossley Motors, Ltd., Manchester, and Guy Motors, Ltd.. Wolverhampton. The Admiralty ordered tractors from Greenwood and Batley, Ltd., Leeds. The Crown Agents for the Colonies divided a contract for motor road-rollers between 'rhos. Green and Sons, Ltd., Leeds, and Aveling and Porter, Ltd., Rochester, and one for lorriesand yams between John I. Thornycroft and Co.; Ltd.1. Basingstoke, the Albion Motor Car (Jo., Ltd., Glasgow, Morris Commercial Cars, Ltd., Birmingham, and Bean Cars,
Ltd., Dudley. .
Advertising Washing Plants. .
Andrew Page and Son, Ltd,, 09, Albion Street, Leeds, the Britishdistributers for Apsou-Bean Hurricane ear
washers, has adopted an interesting method of bringing garages equipped with this plant to the dotice of road users.• To every purchaier of a car washer qi daylight sign is being supplied. It ii 3 ft. 11 ins, long and 8 ins. wide, and can be supplied in various colours.
The Institute of the Motor Trade Examination, The sixth examination of the Institute of the Motor Trade (Inc.), 157, Great Portland Street, London, W.1, will be held in London and the provinces on November 30th, commencing at 10 'a.m. The council is offering gold, silver and bronze medals to the three candidates securing the highest number Of marks in the 1928 examinations of April' and November. Candidates must give notice to the honorary secretary Vrom whom full particulars and forms can be obtained) on or before November 1st.
A Call for' Side Life-guards on Brighton's Buses.
It appears that some, at least,., of the buses operating in the neighbourhood of Brighton are not equipped with side life-guards, and this has already been the cause of fatalities through persons falling under the rear wheels. It is rather surprising that such guards B22 should not be fitted. It is quite easy to provide them at a cost which is not excessive, and they can be made to hinge and to be easily removable, so as not to interfere with maintenance and accessibility to the mechanism. They have already proved of enormous advantage in Londdn and elsewhere and have saved many persons from death or injury when they have stepped off the kerb and been avoided by the front wheel but would have been caught by those at the rear, but for the guards.
This matter-has been referred to inlocal papers, but deserves a little emphasis.
Progress of the National Omnibus and Transport Co.
The National Omnibus and Transport Co. bad it somewhat chequered career until a few years ago, but since that time it appears to have done well, following a capital reduction in 1924. Despite the issue of a 2() per cent. bonus in preference shares in respect of 1026. the distribution on the ordinary shares was increased from 10 per cent. to 111 per cent, for the 12 months ended December 31st last.
The Policy followed has been ope of continual expansion by the acquisition of various transport businesses. The addition of these businesses necessitated a fresh capital. increase in February last, raising the total issued capital to 1800,000, equally divided between cumulative preference shares and ordinary shares.
The chairman of the company is Sir Sohn Jarvis, and lie and his co-directors are to be congratulated upon the pro gress made. • Bus-owners' Scheme for Protecting Their Interests.
The motorbus undertakings in the Sydney district of New Sou"-th \Valet have recently formed a special committee to protect their interests and to launch a publicity campaign specially designed to bring prominently before the general public the necessity for retaining the buses under their present ownersbip for a period, of at least 10 Years. In order to provide the necessary money for the campaign the bus owners have agreed to contribute to a special fund, the first payment of 10s. per bus, and a weekly coutribution of 2s. per vehicle for six months. Dunlop Service in Manchester and Coventry.
A new service dopot has been opened at Ardwick Green, Manchester,' by the Dunlop Rubber Co., Ltd. Here, conversions from solid tyres to pneumatic tyres can be undertaken rind, in fact, every type of wheeland tyre problem tackled. Three 200-ton solid-tyre presses have been installed and there is sufficient accommodation for from 12 to 15 heavy lorries. Afree compressedair installation is ' available, and an -efficient staff is equipped with all the most modern appliances fok the removal of 'tyre.
• Qualified engineers are in attendance to advise any users as to the advisability or praCtiCability' of changing from solids to giantpneurnaties; Already several huidred vehicles have been so converted.
A'ne* depot has also been opened at Coventry; where similar 'serVice will in
givenAn Anti-Shock Plug Terminal.
The Runhaken Magneto Co., -Tipping Street, Ardwiek, Manchester, has . recently Placed on the market a neat type of inaulated. terminal for the hightension wires leading to the sparking plugs. The device incorporates a metal claw-piece, the arms of which fit into a groove in a thick washer, which, in turn, passes over the terminal screw of the plug. The claw-piece is bedded securely into a brass housing, which is hollow .and cylindrical, having a skirt split in four places and being threaded at its end nearer the claw-piece. There is also a short, rubber-covered section of metal tubing, the interior of this being bored out, slightly tapered inwards and tapped to take the threaded housing to which the claw-piece is fitted.
Iu order to fix the terminal to the Wire, the latter must be passed through the tapered tubing and slipped inside the splitskirt section of the brass housing. The last-mentioned is them screwed into the tapered tubing, which, of course, causes the split skirt to tighten on to the insulating casing of the wire.
Once the w(tsher is Placed in position over .the plug, connection and disconnection can easily be made, as the claw-piece has a natural spring and can be quickly slid from the washer. The rubber covering protects the operator from the uncomfortable sheels which are so easily experienced when handling the plug terminals of a running engine.
Commercial Vehicles in the British Colonies. '
The number of commercial vehicles operating in certain Colonies at December 31st last is given in a short statement recently issued by the Department of Overseas Trade. The figures are as follow :—Manritius : hire cars, 334; buses, 65; lorries, 75. Tonga: hire cars, 82. 1..Infederated Malay States: hire cars and -busts, 3,931; lorries, 918. British North Borneo: mixed, 130. Straits Settlements—divided into :
gapore, public conveyances, 1,449; Penang, 335 ; -Province. Welletley, 533;
Dindings, ; Malacca, 1,062; Labuan, 16. ,Sierra Leone (as at June 30th last) : lorries, 26. Basutoland, mixed, 6; Swaziland, mixed, 24; Bechuanaland, mixed, 10.
Bus-traffic Control for South west Durham.
Another north-country traffic-control organization has just been formed, this being to cover the south-eastern part of the county of Durham, where there is extensive bus working and intensive competition. The new authority, known as the Joint Executive Committee for Regulation of Motor Omnibus Licences (Bishop Auckland and District Area), covers the urban districts of Bishop Auckland, Shildon and Willington, and the rural district of Auckland. It is also expected that Spennymoor Urban District Council will shortly he represented on the committee. The new body is to make an immediate start on the task of eliminating traffic dangers in the area concerned, organizing timetables and the supervision of the construction and working of vehicles.
Co-operative Motor-coaching Results. The Huddersfield Co-operative Society runs its own motor coaches, the takings for the past half-year in connection .alith this enterprise being £852. The expenses were £404, and after meeting ether Charges this section of the -underInking showed a profit of £33 Sc. 6d.
C.M.U.A. to Forego Preston Parade. This Year there will not be a motor parade under the auspices of the Preston Area Committee of the Commercial Motor Users Association, owing, probably, to the fact that entries in the previous seven parades have not been sufficient to create the desired competition for the valuable challenge trophies that were offered. We are interested to learn that the committee is giving attention to the organization of certain other events which are likely to interest members and drivers.
Torquay's Restriction on a Longdistance Bus Service.
At a meeting of the Torquay Corporation Traffic Committee a representative of Greyhound Motors, Ltd., of Bristol, was interviewed in connection with the condition proposed to be attached to the licences in respect of the vehicles engaged on the Bristol-Torquay service, that no passengers should be picked up on the downward journey. at Exeter Gr intermediate places between Exeter and Torquay, nor picked up on the upward journey at Torquay or any intermediate ,place up to Exeter, unless their destination be a place situate beyond Exeter.
After having heard the views of the representative, it was decided that the proposed condition be waived and the following stipulation which the company were prepared to accept substituted therefor, viz., that a minimum fare in and out of Torquay of is. 6d. shall be charged by the company.
Licences Refused at Torquay.
Torquay Corporation Traffic Committee has refused the application of the National Omnibus and Transport Co., Ltd., for licences in respect of 10 motor coaches to he used on the Plymouth-Torquay omnibus service, for the reason that the committee considers that only saloon vehicles should be used on this service.
Unauthorized Advertising on .a Lorry.
For displaying advertisements on a motor lorry without the permission of the watch committee, Arthur Ernest Easterbrook, of Widnes, was fined 10s. at Birkenhead on Tuesday. A constable stated that it was a heavy motor lorry with an advertisement about 13 ft. long. 7 ft. broad and 11 ft. high. He stopped the lorry and asked the driver if it was being used exclusively for the purpose of advertising, to which he replied that it was and admitted that he had not obtained permission from the watch committee. Defendant stated that he was ignorant of the by-laws, although he knew there was one ruling this matter in Liverpool.
A Parts List for Locomobile and Riker Chassis.
Those who have had a certain amount of difficulty at any time in obtaining spare parts for chassis of Locomobile or Riker make will, no doubt, welcome the extremely comprehensive and well. arranged spare-parts catalogue for these chassis which has been prepared by W. J. Barkus, of Cavershara Road, Reading. Any owner. of vehicles of these makes will be supplied with a copy, post free, on application. Practically every part of importance is shown in excellent line drawings, the various components being numbered and carefully listed.
A Garage Wanted by Holborn.
The Metropolitan Borough of Holborn is inviting tenders for the. construction of a motor garage in Goldsmith Street. London, W.C.2. Drawings and specifications may be seen and bills of quantities and forms of tender obtained on application to Mr. J. E. Parr, A.M.Inst.C.E., borough surveyor, Town Hall, High Holborn, London, W.C.1. To obtain these a deposit of a 2s. must be made, which will be returned upon receipt of a bona fide tender. Tenders must he delivered to Mr. N. Lionel Walford, town clerk, not later than 12 noon on Monday, October 1st, and sealed in the official envelope provided.
Municipal Purchases and Proposals.
LEEDS Corporation has accepted the tender of Carrimore Six-Wheelers, Ltd., at £162 3.0s. for a 5-ton tipping trailer.
Tenders are to be obtained by the LEEDS Corporation for the installation of -a petrol tank and pump at the Kirkstall Road transport depot.
The LEEDS Corporation Tramways Conunittoe has accepted the tender of Rosser and Russell,. Ltd.,at £372, for an extension to the heating apparatus at the motorbus garage.
On certain conditions the MANCHESTER Watch Committee has granted the application. of M. and H. MotorS, Ltd., Blackpool, for permission to run a bus service between Blackpool and
Manchester. .
MANCHESTER Watch Committee has granted the applications of the Manchester and Oldham CorporationTrainways . Committees and the North Western Road Car Co., Ltd., for permission. to run a bus service between Roytou and Lower Mosley Street,
Manchester. . A special committee has been appointed by the BOLTON Corporation to advise on purchasing a motor ambulance for the fire brigade.
The MANCHESTER Corporation has accepted the tender of Looker's, Ltd., a Manchester, for the supply of an Austin saloon ear for the use of the housing department MAN CHESTER Corporation Tramways Committee has accepted the tender of H. and J. Quick, Ltd., 'Manchester,. for the supply of 32 Ford parcel :vans on the new-type chassis.
SALFORD Corporation Health, Committee recommends . the tender, at £194 10s., of • Messrs. F. Kenning and Sons, Manchester; for the Supply of a 12-ewt Morris motorvan.
The tender of Herbert Lomas, Ltd., Manchester, has been . accepted by the , MANCHESTER watch Committee for the
provision and fitting of an -ambulance body to an eiisting chassis.
The tender of Frank H. Dotson (Leeds), Ltd., at £1,080, for the supply of a motor ambulance for the removal of infectious-disease cases, has been accepted by the LEEDS Corporation.
Where Buses Have to Charge More.
. In many districts where buses are running in competition with the trams, the authorities stipulate that the fares' on the buses must be greater than those on the trams. .
A rather amusing commentary on this is contained in a letter of coin; plaint sent recently to a Nottingham paper. The writer points out. that privately -owned buses are allowed to pick up passengers within the city boundaries only On condition that they charge the public a higher fare ; thus, for a 1d. stage the bus has to charge 2d.
• According to the writer•of the letter, this means, in effect, that the corporation is giving the bus owner • a bonus of 1d. per head • for. every passenger he takes away from the trams, so helping to build iii. a powerful opposition to the municipal service.
We have always thought that the extra fare is not regarded as a bonus, but is enforced with the, object of in-diming the would-be passenger by bus to employ the tramway—a means of travel which he may not like, but which is thus 'made to benefit his pocket.