Vosa sees the light on headlamp aim tests
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by Roanna Avison
VOSA'S PLAN TO simplify the way headlamp aim is tested by switching to using an electronic measurement system has been met with a mixed response from the industry.
The changes. which would result in a wider tolerance range for the headlamp aim, and a move away from measuring the aim by eye, are under consultation.
While dealers contacted by CM are pleased with the changes, most operators were unaware of any issues with the headlamp aim test, despite Vosa figures showing that the majority of first-time failures were the result of headlamp aim misalignment. Graham Maurer. aftersales director at Dragon Truck and Van, says any change that will make the test more accurate as well as increase the tolerance will be welcome. "About 60% of our failures are caused by headlamp aim problems," he says.
Mark Price, assistant service manager at Imperial Commercials. says: -All we want is a clear, precise and fair method of testing the headlamp aim."
Most operators CM spoke to Say they send their trucks to their local dealer, which will get it tested, so they were not aware of the problems. But Steve Biddle, head of technical services at the Road Haulage Association, says: "We are supportive of what Vosa is
doing. It should help improve the first-time pass rate, since headlamp misalignment is the biggest single reason for failure.
-So while the failure because of headlamp aim does not attract much attention from TCs. it will
affect operators' OCRS score," Biddle explains.
Freight Transport Association head of engineering policy Andy Mair adds that both the electronic testing and the increased tolerance need to be introduced to have an effect rather than one or the other. "On their own, each would have limited benefit. Together, they can make a difference."
• To have your say on Vosa's plans, e-mail headiamps@vosa.gov.uk or write to Lisa Roberts, Vosa, Unit 8, Woodlands Court, Ash Ridge Road, Almondsbury Business Park, Bristol BS32 4LB by 14 November.