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That what the railways want is all the cake and most of the daily bread.

12th April 1957, Page 35
12th April 1957
Page 35
Page 35, 12th April 1957 — That what the railways want is all the cake and most of the daily bread.
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Which of the following most accurately describes the problem?

That road transport is not going to be satisfied with crumbs and sweepings.

That the problem of standardizing lorry light signals is no light matter and a clear understanding is necessary.

From a reader that he recently enjoyed a peaceful week-end reading the " C.M." after all the fuss about horse-race tic tacs and boat-race tactics.

That there is a promise of buses to last 25 years, and a reader's comment that when you are waiting for room in one it often seems years since the last.

That the script writers of "The Archers " evidently realize now how many road transport operators are listening %vith critical interest to the activities of Walter Gabriel. That Britain's production of synthetic rubber is beginning to bounce.

That it is expected to collaborate with, not replace, the natural product.

Of someone asking whether Brighton btii seats are extra narrow or Brighton passengers exceptionally wide.

Of a driver who had difficulty in deciding the relative values of the attraction of the Leyland Octopus and Diana Dors in the film Long Haul."

Of hopes that new Dunlop cut-out game may help to cut out, or at least cut down, the horrifying number of child casualties on the roads.

That our medical services are justly proud of the decrease in infant mortality in the past 50 years, and we must see to it that these children live to grow up into useful citizens.