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Men in the News

12th April 1957, Page 38
12th April 1957
Page 38
Page 38, 12th April 1957 — Men in the News
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MR. LEONARD HALSEY, sales manager of the Nationai Benzoic Co.,, whom he joined in 1923, has retired.

MR. K. ST. JOHN BALDWYN, formerly sales manager of Stanley Goodwin and Son, Ltd., has joined Saville (Tractors), Ltd., as manager of the motor truck MR. CLEMENT R. FREARSON has been appointed manager of the New South Wales branch of Perkins Diesel (Overseas' Pty.. Ltd., at Sydney, Australia.

MR. M. W. HARRIS, managing director of Burrows Transport. Ltd., is to visit Lawson Pigott Motors (Rhodesia), Ltd.. Salisbury. Rhodesia, an associate company.

MR. F. E. Cox has been appointed manager of the road transport department of Samuel Williams and Sons, Ltd., in succession to MR. M. E. LYON, who has become a director.

MR. S. I. BRINJES. assistant to the divisional staff officer of the Pickfords Division of British Road Services, has been appointed divisional staff officer in succession to MR. E. J. CHURCH. who has retired.

MR. E. H. WOODHALL has retired after 44 years' service with the Birmingham and Midland Motor Omnibus Co., Ltd.. of which he was liaison officer. Since 1930 he has been secretary of the local rail and road joint standing committee.

MR. HAROLD HEATH, deputy managing director, has succeeded MR. F. P. L. JACKSON as chairman and managing director of Coventry Radiator and Presswork Co., Ltd. MR. J. G. DAVIES and MR. E. CriARE have become assistant managine directors.

MR. E. J. POWER has been appointed executive director of the automotive division of Birfield Industries, Ltd. He was formerly with Laycock Ertgineering, Ltd., a group company. MR. F. OLDFIELD, who was also previously with Laycock, is now northern area sales manager of the division. MR. R. J.

RisTRam and MR. L. J. RICHARDSON, both formerly with Hardy Spicer, Ltd.. another group company, have become area sales managers of the division, Mr. Tristram being responsible for agricultural activities and Mr. Richardson for the London area MR. J. A. GILLIARD, who was previously with Intermit, Ltd., a further Birfield concern, has been appointed Birmingham area sales manager of the division: Formerly of Small and Parkes, Ltd., MR. G. N. KELSALL is now Coventry area sales manager, and MR. D. T. WARREN, previously With Aston Martin. Ltd., Home Counties area sales manager.


MR. S. N. LOOSEN has become sales director or the Anti-Attrition Metal (o., Ltd.

MR. T. H. AMBLIN has become chairman of Frome Sub-area of the Road Haulage Association, and MR. A. R. EowARos. vice-chairman. The honorary secretary is MR. C PRATT.

MR. C. E. JORDAN has,,been re-elected chairman of the West Midlands Division of the Traders' Road Transport Association. The three vicechairmen, MR. E. A. BEI-TELLY, MR. J. DELICATE and MR. W. A. STANDLEY, have also been re-elected.

SIR LEONARD SINCI.AIR wishes to relinquish his managing directorship of the Esso Petroleum Co., Ltd., on May 31, but will continue as chairman. MR. HUGH C. TETT, a managing director, will become chief executive. Ma. REGINALD J. PINDER will continue as a managing director_ MR. R. W. B. HAWKSLEY has been appointed managing director of Mann Egerton and Co., Ltd., and MR. H. H. CHArmaN and MR. E. W. BIRKETT have become deputy managing directors. MR. K. T. BOARDMAN has resigned as deputy chairman and an executive director. but remains on the board.

MR. A. RIGBY has been appointed general manager of Morecambe Transport Department in succession to MR. W. T. H. MARSHALL. Mr. Rigby, who has been traffic superintendent of Wigan Transport Department since 1948. is a former assistant traffic superintendent of St. Helens Transport Department, which he joined as-a junior clerk in 1931. MR. M. V. SPURWAY has joined the board of Lake and Elliot, Ltd.

MR. 0. F. LITII.F_R has been elected a director of H. and J. Quick, Ltd.

MR. STANLEY S. DAWES has been elected president of-the Institute of the Motor industry for 1957-1958. He will be installed in this office for the eleventh time.

MR. SYDNEY S. Guy, chairman and managing director of Guy Motors, Ltd., has returned after a three-month visit to South Africa and Rhodesia: He was accompanied by Cot— ARTHUR JERREET. vice-chairman and sales director.

MR. BERNARD S. PICKUP, East Midland regional sales manager of Leyland Motors, Ltd., has been seconded to the company's export division and left last week for India, Ceylon and Malaya as a technical sales representative.

MR. A. A. WOODWARD, area transport officer of the Express Dairy Co. (London), Ltd., who manages 60 vehicles engaged on the distribution of bottled milk in London, has been presented with an award to mark 30 years' service.

MR. HUGH FULION, managing director of Albion Motors, Ltd., for the past 10 years, is resigning for personal reasons and will be succeeded by MR. STANLEY IvIARKLAND, of I.eyland Motors, Ltd. Leyland purchased a controlling interest in Albion about five years ago.

MR. T. C. RICHARDSON has succeeded MR. A. W. HARDIE as eastern divisional manager of Shell-Mex and B.P., Ltd. Mr. Richardson was previously divisional sales manager. Mr. Hardie has been appointed general manager of Scottish Oils and Shell-Mex, Ltd.

MR. J. P. JAMIESON has been appointed industrial and automotive tools sales manager of Black and Decker, Ltd. lie takes over the position formerly held by MR. F. A. FIELD, who has become managing director of Eutectic Welding Alloys, Ltd. MR, ROY TABOADA succeeds Mr. Jamieson as sales manager for the northern and Scottish areas of the utility tool sales division.