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Constant-mesh Gearbox for Superpoise

12th April 1957, Page 40
12th April 1957
Page 40
Page 40, 12th April 1957 — Constant-mesh Gearbox for Superpoise
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raA FOUR-SPEED constant-mesh dogengagement gearbox is now standard on the Commer Superpoise 2-5-ton range. The synchromesh gearbox, with or without overdrive, will continue to be available as an alternative. Certain modifications affecting the carburetter and dynamo have been made to petrol-engined vehicles in the range.

-Maximum net output is now 85 b.h.p. at 3,200 r.p.m. and maximum torque 189 lb.-ft. at 1,400 r.p.m. In the Commer forward-control range. 7-ton petrol models will have the constantmesh gearbox as standard and the synchromesh as an option, but the synchromesh gearbox will be standard on Rootes oil-engined models, The Eaton two-speed rear axle offered for the Superpoisc 5-ton petrol and oil chassis and the 7-ton petrol chassis will be of the 16.500 series. All Commer and Karrier forward-control models are

now available w it Fr 'flashing-light indicators.


NEWLY elected officers of the Traders' Road Transport Association are as follows: Yorkshire-Hull and FALSI Riding Division: M. F. IE. Hilton, chairman: Mr. H. W. Stark and Mr. H. Clayton. vice-chairmen; Mr. J. Pickering. honorary treasurer.

Portsmouth and District Area: Mr. H. 0, Sparshatt. chairman.

Kent Arca: Mr. II, „I. G. killer, chairman; Mr. H. W. Crundwell. vicc-chairman.