A word or two with Mr. J. Burns Dumbell, managing
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director of the Turner Miesse Co., More Stearn of Wolverhampton, Vehicles, a week or two ago, revealed the fact that they are fairly launched now in the heavy-vehicle side of the business. They have turned out a few cars, and these, under arduous trials, seem to be giving much satisfaction. That is the goal at which Turner-Miesse are aiming, and it will not be long before they are bidding for a large share of the trade in commercial vehicles both at home and abroad. Japan has already bought several.
For a few years I have come in contact with, and for many years an important member of our Editorial staff has intimately known, and formed a high opinion of, an employee of the Durham-Churchill concern.Mr. S. Duffin. T don't know the entire details, but there is a" halt by the way." in the Durham-Churchill affairs, and Duffin is looking for a. fresh post. Now he is thoroughly versed in motor matters, both on the heavy-vehicle side and also in pleasure oars ; he has a sound acquaintance with costing systems and is a reliable buyer, with the engineering knowledge so necessary in a motor works. As I say, I have seen sufficient of him to form a favourable opinion, and this is more -than confirmed by the member of our Editorial staff to whom I referred At Liberty.
earlier. I shall be glad to put anybody requiring a reliable assistant for its commervial side in communication with Mr. Duffin.
No doubt I ought to have remembered that the principal of one par
ticular motor firm On Duty. was a gallant "Ter
rier," with a company of men and motor-transport wagons too, and " from early morn till dewy eve " his services were at the disposal of his country; but, if he had been out at the front, combating the Pathan or even the Fuzzy-Wuzzv, the commissionaire could not have said with more glow and pride : " No, sir ! he is not in, he is on Salisbury Plain." The enthusiasm spread to me I believe I saluted my friend the sergeant, and I know I retreated with a military step.
'Latham in his attempted crossChannel flight, stopped short, I think it is understood, be
"Brook's, of cause his accumula Sheffield." tor ignition failed him; the possibility is, if be could have switched on to a separate and additiaal ignition, he might have got through. Of course, there may be, in his case, some objection, but it is difficult for the lay mind to perceive it. I see that Messrs. Brook, Shaw and Co., of Sheffield, are making a speciality of fitting magneto ignitions, by simple means, to cam at present installed with arcomulator ig
nition only, and they already stock these sets for several makes of vans. It will be worth the while of any reader to communicate with them, if he is contemplating such an addition to his existing vehicle.
I found my way up to F. B. Goodchild's offices during last week, having occasion to see the
A Handy gentleman, and I disThree-wheeter. covered him up to the ears in work. It, transpired that Mr. James Morton, of the Belhaven, was up in town from Wishaw. The Belhaven vehicle seems to be fairly catching on, and the three-wheel " Auto-Carrier," which Goodchild also sells, is an admirable little runabout for light business. He told me he had just received an order for three, for service upon billposting and advertising purposes generally, from Messrs. Page, Watson and Keen, of Bristol. I can see great possibilities for this three-wheeler : the price is right; it is easily managed, and low in up-keep; and it does not require a large garage for storing. In consequence, many tradesmen will be induced to make a start with a vehicle of this kind, just as many motorists started with a tri-car. One important thing is to have a heavy tire for the single back wheel, because of the concentrated weight and driving strains. I should judge that Goodchild and the people associated with him are on the proper track for business in all departments, and for all trades.