News and Comment.
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This journal is extensively read by the heads of many wealthy commercial houses.
Our annual awards of bonuses to driver and mechanic contributors will be announced next week.
We paid a visit to the Paris Exhibition a few days ago. Our impressions are on pages 319-321.
Pressure on our space this week necessitates the holding over of " Opinions from Others," and the curtailing of other ' usual features.
The New "2000 Guineas." It is officially announced, under date the 4th inst., that the Society of Motor Ma.nufacturers and Traders will offer a prize of 2000 guineas for a home-produced hal The exact terms and conditions are under discussion. The offer is one which was reported by our contemporary " The Motor," so far back as its issue Of the 12th ult., to be imminent.
Our Trumpeter.
Since the 1st of January last we have been enabled to afford our readers first-published, illustrated descriptions of no fewer than 46 new commercial models. This is undeniable evidence of the importance of TILE COMMERCIAL MOTOR to the user. Our reports and criticisms of all new and interesting accssories, components and supplies of all kinds are equally prompt and informative.
Tookal Subjects.
Our leading articles this week deal with the following topical subjects : (I) " Portugal's Tariff ; " (2) " Proposals for Big Purchases by the War Office, and for a State Transport Company ; " (3) " The Removal of Mud : Clean Streets and the Public Safety ; "(4) " The S.M.M.T. and a Prize to encourage the Development of a Home-produced Fuel ; " (5) The Reversal of the Horse Regime." The Liga Gummiwerke., 0.m.h.h., of Frankfurt a/M-Hausen, with which company Mr. Louis Peter is now identified, desires to add to its agencies for solid-rubber tires.
The directors of Argylls, Ltd., have issued their report and balance sheet for the year ended 30th September last. The accounts show a balance of £5742 at the credit of profit and loss account, and from this it is proposed that the balance of the preliminary expense, amounting to £3769, be written off, and that the remainder d the sum available for disposal, 21973, be carried forward.
From the Pen of Captain
By the courtesy of the Editor of the " Royal Engineers' Journal." we are enabled this week to publish (pages 316-318) the major portion of Capt. Bagnall-Wild's contribution to the current issue of that journal. The proposals for a State-owned mechanical transport undertaking are of such a nature that they will undoubtedly attract considerable notice in all commercial-motor circles.
The monthly meeting. of the general committee was held at 89, Pall Mall, S.W., on Wednesday, the 4th inst.
Preserit.—Colonel R. E. Cromp ton (Chairman), Major H. C. Wilder, Messrs. H. Lyon Thomson, J. C. Mitchell, T. B. Browne, E. E. Rudge, E. Percy Beavau, W. H. Wilcox, H. W. Wigan, J. C. Moth, T. H. Jones, E. W. Rudd, D. S. Kennedy. W. G. Lobjoit, E. S. Shrapnell-Smith (hon. treasurer), and Frederick 0. Bristow (secretary).
Committee.—The sudden decease of Mr, Iltid Witherington (a member of the committee since April, 1907), was reported, and, on the motion of the chairman, the following resolution was passed: " The committee learns with deep regret of the death of so esteemed a colleague as Mr. lltid Witherington, and desires to place on record its profound sympathy with his widow and family." It was resolved that an invitation be extended to one of the sons of the late. member to serve on the committee.
foN Parade.—It was reported that. His Majesty the King had consented to become patron of the
191:3 parade. The secretary also reported that 65 entries had already been promised, and that the sum of 2120 15s, had been promised to the general prize fund, and .291 to the special prize fund. in connection with the Parade.
Badge.--The secretary reported that over 1100 C.M.C.A. badges for members' vehicles had now been issued.
rol Committee for StatigtieR.—Mr. E. S. Shrapnell-Smith was appointed to represent the
C.M.U.A. on this committee for the year 1913.
Roads Improvement ASSOCiation. —Resolved that a grant of 210 10s. be made to the funds of the R.I.A. for the current year.
Fuels Committee.—Col. Crompton reported that he had submitted the proposals of the C.M.U.A. Fuels Committee to the Petrol Committee, and he suggested that the C.M.U.A. should move in the direction of obtaining a reduction in the size and bulk of gas producers.
Mr. Shrapnell-Smith reported that, at the invitation of the Petrol Committee, he had given evidence before the Home Office Departmental Committee on Petroleum, with regard to the law as to the conveyance of petrol in bulk by road tank wagons, and that he had been asked by the Departmental Committee to prepare and submit a specification for a petrol road wagon. This was in hand.
Legal (Grant).—A grant was made towards the costs of an action in which one of the members was concerned.
Mayoralty of WeRtminster.—The chairman, Col. Crompton, moved that a vote of congratulation be passed to Mr. H. Lyon Thomson, one of their vice-chairmen, on his election as Mayor of the City of Westminster. This was carried unanimously. Mn H. Lyon Thomson suitably replied.
Financial ,Intement. — The financial statement for the month of November was received and considered satisfactory.
New Hembers.—Forty-four new members were elected.
Manchester Tenders.
The Tramways Committee of the Manchester Corporation wishes to receive tenders, on or before the 24th inst., for the supply of three motorbus engines and chassis, and one motorcar. Full information can be had from the general manager of the department. British Business Motors.
A meeting of creditors of this company was held on Tuesday of last week at the company's offices. Messrs. C. H. Grey and C. Berry, the liquidators, with Sir William Bull, solicitor to the liquidators,. were present.
It was said that the capital, as represented by the share issue, was 214,000, of which 4000 shares had been issued to Mr. H. G. Burford in part discharge of £10,000 purchase consideration for the freehold and leasehold premises and plant, that 2000 shares had been issued to Mr. S. F. Edge, in consideration of his becoming chairman of the company, and that the latter had subscribed £6000, and Mr. Vane 22000. in cash.
It was stated that actions were pending against S. F. Edge, Ltd., and Mr. S. F. Edge personally, the latter having undertaken to act as chairman for three years.
A motion to appoint an independent liquidator acting for the (Continued on page 328.) creditors was defeated, in view of the fact that Sir W. Bull stated that serious negotiations had been entered into with thres different groups, with a view to the sale of the business at a price which would enable alt creditors shortly to be paid in full.
It is understood that Mr. S. F. Edge has entered an action against the liquidators for the return of the money last paid in by him.
Export Yorkshires.
In addition to a considerable home trade in stsam wagons, the Yorkshire Commercial Motor Co.. of Pepper Road. Hunslet, Leeds, has a very satisfactory overseas connection. We illustrate a steam wagon and trailer ready for shipment to ths Philippine Islands— the first of a batch of eight vehicles. These machines. have besn designed to travel on hilly roads, and they are capable of taking a net load of five tons three tons on the wagon and two on the trailer—nrs a gradient. of 1 in B.
New Private Bins : Additions..
The following notices have now to be added to those which were reported in our issue of the 286 ult. (page 270 nate) :- Morley : Power to authorize the construction of a railless-traction system by the Corporation. Agents: Baker and Sons, 51, Parliament Street, S.W.
Western Valleys (Mon.): Powers to the Western Valleys (Mon.) Railless Electric Traction. Parliamentary agents : R. W. Cooner and Sons, 5, Victoria Street, S.W.
Leeds: Powers to authorize the Corporation to provide and run motor omnibuses. Parliamentary
agents : Sharpe, Pritchard and Co., 9, Bridge Street, Westminster. liottinghain : Powers to the Corporation to provide and work trackless trolley vehicles and motor omnibuses. Parliamentary agents : Sharpe, Pritchard and Co., 9, Bridge Street, Westminster.
Metropolitan Electric Tramways : Powers to the company to adopt tailless traction. Parliamentary agents : Sherwood and Co., 22, Abingdon Street., Westminster.
Another London Deal.
The directors of the New Central Omnibus Co., Ltd., contemporaneously with the issuing of their first report and balance sheet, notify the conclusion of an agreement, which will be submitted for confirmation and approval at the annual meeting of shareholders on the 16th inst., under which the company's fleet of Leyland motorbuses will be leased to the London General Omnibus Co., Ltd., for a period of 20 years. We understand that this agreement includes the somewhat extraorslinary clause, that the fleet is to be handed back to the vendor company at the end of that term, in good condition. In addition, over and above a r,ent to be paid for the use of the fleet, the managing director of the Central (70., Mr. W. B. Richardson is to be taken over and remunerated by the L.G.O.C., subject to a right to hill to rejoin the Central Board herenfler.
'Tensing le the accounts, we fird that the issued and paid-up capital amounts to only 280,938. During the nine months ended the 30th September last, the company's omnibuses carried 7,775,608 passengers, and the gross revenue amounted, to £44,424. The run ning expenses were : wages £!0,970, petrol £6227, tire re newals, etc., £5122, lubricants and lighting £1403, garage expenses £330, police and Excise licences. £.30S, bell punches and tickets, etc., £276, compensation claims £667, maintenance and depreciation £8616, and administration £4161. The profit was 26396. A dividend at the rate of 7 per cent. per annum is to be paid, in respect of the last period of working.
Huge Wolseley Developtnente.
The directors of the Woiseley Tool and Motor Car Co., Ltd., have now decided upon what they consider to be one of the greatest of the extensions they have so far made—and those who have been familiar with the works at Adderley Park, Birmingham, over a period of years will freely admit that remarkable extensions have been made there from time to time, one of the most noteworthy being the acquisition of the whole of the adjoining Metropolitan Carriage and Wagon Co.'s works. It has been decided to erect a threestory building, giving 60,000 sq. ft. of floor space, to, be devoted to commercial-motor work and to special work of all kinds, such, for instance, as aero and marine engines, and for serial orders of small dimensions. To the new factory will be moved all the machinery now devoted to this class of work, and, in its place, in the present machine shop, will be installed further automatic tools, so that this shop will be entirely devoted to standard car production. By nieans of the new arrangement, the output of the company will be raised to :3000 private cars per annum, and it is the firm intention of the directors that this output shall be maintained at the constant level of 60 Vehicles per week.