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Match Brake Facings NAUCH_ of the efficiency of to the Particular Drum iVibrakes depends upon the
Material proper matching of the materials employed for the friction facing and the drum. Sometimes, after a brake drum has been retined, an operator will complain that the efficiency has been much reduced. This is usually because, whereas the drum was probably made of reasonably soft material, the new liner is much harder. In such a case, the use of a different type of shoe facing, giving a higher coefficient of friction, will probably overcome the trouble.
Interesting Points on SOME people have wondered the Use of Super"--'why superchargers are not
chargers used more often for commer cial vehicle engines. The object of such devices is to try to obtain from an engine of small capacity results equal to those given
• by one of much larger displacement. If the increased cost of having a heavier engine to meet the greater stresses be not more than balanced by better performance, superchargers will hold little interest for fleet operators. Often they show better results, but have certain attendant disadvantages, which have not yet been overcome. An important characteristic of supercharged engines is that the fuel consumption remains virtually steady throughout a wide operating range, and of the same values as are obtained at full throttle from an engine with normal aspiration. This is of interest in view of the poor fuel economy of most petrol engines at part-throttle operation. In one. test, an increase from 113 b.h.p. to 157 b.h.p., with
practically constant consumption at all speeds between 1,600 r.p.m. and 3,200 r.p.m., was attained. Undoubtedly, however, an engine equipped in this way must be subjected to much higher stressing. Connecting rods, pistons and gaskets must all resist the increased duty demanded, often the radiator capacity requires to be enlarged, whilst sparking plugs may not react to the changed conditions.
Parcels for British rIUR far-flung Empire has Busmen From New 1.-"shown much practical sym
Zealand pathy with the Old Country
in our difficult position. An example of this and of the comradeship which exists between some people here and their opposites in New Zealand, is the action of some busmen in New Zealand, who have, through Leyland Motors, Ltd., arranged to send food parcels to busmen in Britain. The social committee of L. J. Keys, Ltd., a wellknown operator of Leyland buses in Auckland, asked the Leyland concern to supply the name of a bus organization in England which uses vehicles of this make and has a fleet of similar size to its own. Scout Motor Services, Ltd., of Preston, which operates 37 buses, meets the requirements, and the names and addresses of the 78 members of that company have been cabled to New Zealand. The concern in that country has voted £50 (N.Z.) to cover the cost. The parcels are expected early in the New Year. The New Zealand operating concern has run Leylands since 1929, and during the past 12 months four export model Leyland Tiger chassis have been shipped to it, for fitting in New Zealand with 38-seater bodies. WHEN we were recently invited to a special showing of a new film entitled "Atomic Physics," produced. by G-B Instructional, Ltd., a part of the Rank group, candidly we wondered what sort of job had been made of it. We had lightly studied nuclear physics, and we were most agreeably surprised at the remarkably clear yet scientific manner in which the film had been prepared and made. It is in five parts: lasting about 75 minutes. They are.—The Atomic Theory, Rays from Atoms, the Nuclear Structure of the Atom, Atom Smashing: Thc Discovery of the Neutron, and Uranium Fission: Atomic Energy They start with Dalton's theory in 1808, bring in Faraday's early experiments in electrolysis, deal with the discovery of the electron, X-rays and radium, the splitting of the lithium atom in 1932, and the uranium-fission discoveries leading to the
Clever Atamic Physics Film of Remarkable Interest
atomic bomb. [here are talks by Lord Rutherford and Sir Joseph Thomson before they died, and other's, including Professor Einstein and Dr Cock croft. The film should be an invaluable asset to scientists and students TYPEWRITERS are an essential in most industries, and the Government has many thousands of these in dumps, but they have been so badly stacked that, in many cases, the bases have been broken. Concerns overhauling and re-issuing these machines are clamouring for them, yet they are freed only 100 at a time at long intervals. Surely something more could be done to expedite their disposal and thus help thousands of business people who urgently require them
Thousands of Surplus Typewriters Should
be Issued