Manchester, Liverpool and Counties C.M.U.A.
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Report of Committee for the Half-year Ended 51st December, 1915.
The first annual general meeting of members of the Manchester, Liverpool and Counties C.M.U.A. was held on Friday last, the 6th inst., at the Midland Hotel, Manchester. Mr. R. C. Reynolds (Bleachers' Association, Ltd.), chairman of the Association, presided over a representative gathering.
The report of the Committee, which is reprinted below, was read by Mr. Ellis Green, F.C.A., the secretary, and formally adopted on the motion of the Chairman, seconded by Mr. J. Nall, Junr. In the course of his remarks, Mr. Reynolds explained that the Committee, had decided not to present any .financial statement for an incomplete period, but to merge the income and expenditure for that portion of the year 1913 during which the Association had existed with the accounts for the year 1914. The position, however, was a satisfactory one the Association had money in hand, and was sufficiently prosperous to meet all demands upon it.
Mr. E. S. Shrapnell-Smith, hon. treasurer of the Incorporated C.M.U.A., spoke, by invitation of the chairman, in regard to the work which had so far been accomplished, and complimented the Mariehes: ier, Liverpool and Counties C.M.U. A_ noon the pro
gress indicated in the report. He stated Chat the parent body in London was well satisfied.
Formal business included an alteration of the rules, so that the Committee may consist of not less than 12 nor more than 20 members. The present officers were re-elected, and the appointment of honorary auditors was left to the Committee.
A cordial vote of thanks to the chairman was adopted, on the motion of Mr. D. H. Simpson (Simpson and Godlee,. Ltd.), seconded by Mr. Geoffrey Fairrie (Fairrie and Co., Ltd., Liverpool).
The Report.
The snggestion to form an Association for Users of Commercial Motors in Manchester and district was first raised in June of last year. It was decided to call an open meeting of commercial motor users to consider the advisability of forming such an association, and to this end all known users outside the area of the two existing associations were notified of the meeting. The meeting was held at the Midland Hotel, Manchester, on Friday, 20th June, 1912, and upwards of 50 users were represented. Mr. R. C. Reynolds, of Messrs. The Bleachers' Association, Ltd., was voted chairman of the meeting, and Mr. E. S. Shrapnell-Smith, Editor of Tits COMPIERCIAL MOTOR and lion, treasurer of the C.M.U.A. (Incorporated), and Mr. F. G. Bristow, secretary of the C.M.U.A. (Incorporated), were present. Mr. Shrapnell-Smith fully explained the relationship which would exist between a local C.M.U.A. for the district and the C.M.U.A. (Incorporated), and also the benefits of membership. Numerous prominent. users spoke, promising support, and it was ultimately resolved that the Association be formed forthwith. A provisional committee of 14 members was elected to settle all details, including the terms of affiliation with the C.M.U.A., and the Manchester, Liverpool and Counties Commercial Motor Users A.sso tion was eventually Maugnratecl. • The Association is affiliated with the C.M.U.A. (Incorporated), and carries with it associateship of the Royal Automobile Club. In area it embraces the whole of the territory north of straight lines drawn from Barmouth (County Merioneth, North Wales) to Derby, from Derby to Newark, and from Newark to Skegness, not already allocated to the North and East Lancashire C.M.U.A. and the West Riding C.M.U.A, The first officers of the Association were elected as follow:— Chairman: R. C. REYNOLDS (Bleachers' Association, Ltd.).
Vice-Chairman LEO. SWAIN. (Leo. Swain and Co. and Polack Tyre and Rubber Co., Ltd.).
Hon. Treasurer : JOIN FATTLKNER (C. T. Faulkner and Co., Ltd.).
Secretary.' ELLIS CRETN, F.C.A. Rules and regulations governing the Association have been drawn up and issued by the committee. Immediately after its inauguration full information regarding the Association and the benefits of membership was circulated amongst all users in the area, with such good result that the membership of the Association is now some 120, and increasing weekly.
Meetings of the committee have been held monthly, and have been extremely well_ attended.
The committee have naturally been engaged to a great extent settling the numerous preliminary details of management of the Association, but several matters of general interest to commercial motor users have been dealt with.
The most important work of the committee during the halfyear since its commencement has been the preparation of a special insurance policy for members of the Manchester, Liverpool and Counties C.M.U.A. only, at exceptionally low rates. The idea was first raised at a meeting of the committee held in October, when a sub-committee consisting of Messrs. R. O. Reynolds (the chairman), John Faulkner, Max. R. Lawrence. and the secretary was appointed to go thoroughly into the question. A draft policy was carefully drawn up by this subcommittee. In this policy all the clauses which are common in commercial motor policies, and which operate unfairly to the insured, were deleted. The draft policy was then submitted to some dozen insurance companies, who were asked if they would be willing to quote for this special policy and take up the policy as prepared by the sub-committee.
Replies were eventually received from these companies and considered by the sub-committee, who recommended that the rates quoted by the London Guarantee and Accident Co., Ltd., be accepted. This recommendation was confirmed by the general committee of the Association, and the policy, prospectus, etc., have been printed and are in the hands of the secretary, from whom particulars and rates can be obtained. This policy will undoubtedly be of great benefit to members not only on account of the exceptionally low rates, but also on account of the special character of the terms of the policy itself.
In October a requisition was received from several members from the Liverpool district that a special meeting of the Association be held to consider certain demands made by the Mersey Quay and Railway Carters' Union. A special committee meeting was held, but the committee decided that the constitution of the Association did not allow of its taking any official action. A meeting of Liverpool users was, however, held in Liverpool, and the chairman, Mr. Reynolds, and the secretary attended. A committee Wa-s formed from the users present, of which Mr. Ellis Green was appointed secretary. Several meetings were held and deputations received, and the question ultimately settled. As a result of the committee's activities in this direction many new members were secured.
Arrangements have been made for the institution of a register of commercial motor drivers with the ultimate view of ensuring a supply of competent drivers for those members who are in need of them. It is hoped that the members will support the scheme by referring applicants for whom they have not vacancies to the secretary of the Association, and that those in need of drivers will avail themselves of the facilities now provided.
The free legal defence scheme of the Association has proved very popular amongst its members. The charges against. members defended by the solicitors to the Association free of charges have been numerous, and several members have expressed in writing their appreciation of the way in which their defence has been made.
With united effort your committee are of opinion that with the constantly-increasw cominercial-vehicle traffic the work of this Association will become of such value that it will ho necessary for every user to be a member in order that concerted action may be taken on the many important questions which must necessarily arise. In this connection it should be realized that much of the success of the Association depends upon its numerical strength, and the members are earnestly requested to bring the advantages of the Association before the notice of all those who arc eligible for membership. Signed on behalf of the Committee,
R. C. REYNOLDS, Chairman. • LEO. SWAIN, Vice-Chairman. ELLTS GREEN, Secretary.
Manchester, 30th January, 1914