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Slippery Road Surfaces. London Traffic Co-ordination. War Office Subsidies for Passenger Vehicles. British Vehicles for Rumania.
By Our Special Parliamentary Correspondent.
AN unusual procedure has been adopted by the House of Lords in respect of Lord Cecil's Road Vehicles Regulation Bill. In spite of the fact that the Royal Commission on Transport has agreed to present an interim report in July relating to that branch of its inquiry which embraces the interests dealt with in the Government's draft Road Traffic Bill and Lord Cecil's Bill—with the prospect that Government legislation will be definitely introduced in the first session of the new Parliament—the Lords agreed to set up a Select Committee to consider Lord Cecil's
Bill. Thus, two inquiries will be held simultaneously on the same subjects and, presumably, if the Select Committee's investigation is to be thorough witnesses will be called and evidence duplicated. After so many inquiries the ultimate results in road traffic legislation ought to approach perfection.
Lord Cecil's Bill cannot pass into law during this Pealement, and there is a feeling that it would have been equally effective to have amended the Bill in a Committee of the whole House and given the measure a third reading, thus placing on re :orcl their Lordships' views on the many matters dealt with in the Bill. It is possible, of course, that the Select Committee, by frequent sittings, may be able to present their report on the Bill in March or April, in good time to enable the report and third rtading to be taken before the dissolution, but even then no progress can be made in the House of Commons.
The most useful feature in the discussion which took place last Tuesday night was the assurance by the Leader of the House that the Home Office would consider whether, in the meantime, administrative steps were possible, without fresh legislation, to carry out some of the proposals designed to reduce the number of road accidents, such as the standardization and improvement of road signs, the suspension of licences by magistrates and similar matters.
It must be recognized that the House of Lords has taken a great deal of interest in protective measures against road accidents, and their most recent action will undoubtedly serve to keep the question before the public and hasten the comprehensive legislation which is long overdue.
Transport Commission to Issue Interim Report.
MR. WARDLAW MILNE, who recently introduced a Bill for compulsory insurance against third-party risks, inquired of the Minister of Transport whether the Government intended to deal with this question and the problem of road accidents during the present session of Parliament.
Colonel Ashley said the points referred to Were receiving the consideration of the Royal Commission on Transport, which had undertaken to present an interim report so soon as possible, dealing with these and kindred matters connected with the control of road vehicles. It is not probable, however, that the Commission will be in a position to present its report before the General Election.
Slippery Road Surfaces.
ATTENTION has once more been called to the slippery nature of many minor roads which, it is alleged, -prevents farmers from marketing their produce, as neither farm horses nor cattle can keep their feet. Colonel Ashley said that where roadscould not be effi-eiently and economically maintained, without being giveussm Impervious surface, his officers would probably advise the application of tar or other similar material, suitably gritted, and if this process was properly 'carried out there was no reason why dangereshould restilt to horses and cattle.
He added that although the recommendation contained in the circular, letter of June 4th, 1925, to county surveyors,' advocating the tarring of roads and the coating of them with hard stone chippings had. been widely, adopted, he was issuing a further letter to all highway authorities on the subject of slippery roads. He also stated that it was not a condition of grants from the Road Fund, towards the upkeep of minor roads, that such roads should be tarred. A large proportion of the total length of about 60,000 c28
.miles of these scheduled roads in rural areas now receiving grants at the rate of 25 per cent. was, it was -mentioned,
not tarred. •
Sir Henry Maybury's Post.
COLONEL ASHLEY informed Mr. Scurr that Sir Henry Maybury, on his retirement from the post of Director-General of Roads, accepted a part-time appointment as consulting engineer and adviser to the Ministry of Transport on road questions, with a retaining fee of £1,000 per year. This appointment was terminable at any time by either party, in the 'event of it being considered that for reasons of health, or in view of the nature of his professional arrangements, it was not possible for him to Continue to advise the Ministry in the manner contemplated.
Sir Henry was also his representative (unpaid) on the London Traffic Advisory -Committee, which had elected him to be its chairman, and a room at the Ministry had been placed at his disposal.
Rumania as a Market for Motors.
SIR ROBERT THOMAS suggested to the Secretary to the Overseas Trade Department that there was an excellent potential market for British motorcars in Rumania and asked what steps were being taken to further the British trade in that country.
Mr. Hacking said he was aware that a fair market for British cars existed in Rumania. His department had. from time to time, circularized British manufacturers with appropriate information on the subject.
'London Traffic Co-ordination.
IT is now doubtful whether the second readings of the L.C.C. and the London Electric Railway Companies' Co-ordination of Passenger Traffic Bills will be taken on February 14th. They will probably be delayed to the following week. The Labour Party, which opposes the Bills, asked the Speaker whether the importance of the principles involved did not necessitate the introduction of a public Bill instead of two private Bills. The Speaker decided that this was a question which must be left to the House itself.
There is little doubt, however, that the Bills will proceed in their present form, the desire for a public Bill promoted by theGovernment being a political move.
The Joint Standing Committee of the Metropolitan Borough Councils has, by a large majority, agreed to support the Bills and requests that Parliamentary time should be afforded to enable them to be passed into law before the dissolution.
War Office Subsidies for Passenger Vehicles.
THE Secretary of State for War has informed Major Glyn that it is not, at present, considered necessary to offer any subsidy for suitable passenger road vehicles of approved design which could be utilised for the transport of troops on mobilization.
Ile also stated that information was being obtained concerning the ; umber of mechanical goods vehicles in the country, of a kind suitable for Army requirements. The number of vehicles which might be fiubsidized under the present scheme was limited to 1,000 and that number was at present enrolled.
The regulations which were constantly under review were • framed to secure the most up-to-date vehicles, whilst assuring the owners that the examination and periodical inspection would not unduly interfere with the normal work those vehicles had to perform.
• During the year 1928 484 vehicles were subsidized in replacement of a similar number which had ceased to be eligible. The subsidy was £40 per year in each case and the total payments made since the beginning of the scheme in January, 1924, until the end of January, 1929, had amounted to approximately £147,000.