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The wheels of wealth will be slowed by all difficulties of transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the roughness of the roads over which it hms."--John Real tie Crozier.
,Our Next Issue..
The next issue of The Commerhial Motor will be the Special Passenger Vehicle Number. It will contain double the number of pages of reading matter
• as compared with the normal weekly issues, but will be on sale at the usual price of 3d. The important articles to bs included will adequately cover the many phases of the passenger-transport industry and will make a direct apneal to bodybuilders, chassis. makers, 'operators and' maintenance engineers. It will be profusely illustrtted and a feature will be a special tinted section. .
Sugar-beet Transport Suggestions.
A' conference of beet growers was recently held at Islarper-Adams College, Newport, Salop, and amongst the papers read was one by Mr. Thompson Close, machinery adviser to the
Ministry of Agriculture. Regarding transport, Mr. Close said we handled our beet too much between field and factory. Continental growers did not de this nearly so much, (IPA it was necessary that we should find improvements that would effect economies. In respect of other implements we were quite abreast with the -Continent.
Fie thought one of the best machines for hauling was the tractor, which, by manna of specially fitted strakes, could -haul the load from the field, and then with five minutes' work after reaching the road, could bee running on pneumatic tyres.
Mr. Close was evidently referring to the Latil tractor, and he particularly emphasized its value. There were other good tractors in this country, and bad been, he said, for many years.
Referring to the new Vickers tractor that was now being tried out, he said that great things were expected of it. The self-cleaning wheels should make it most useful for land work.
Ddaling with beet transport on the Continent, Mr. A.Bridges, advisory economist at the Institute for Research in Agricultural, Economics, Oxford, said the problem of carrying beet to the factory was simpleron the Continent than it is in this country. First there was a greater concentration of' factories; or factory-receiving points, and there was rather a wider choice of different methods, whilst transport costs amounted to only 5 per cent, as against 10 per cent. or 12 per • cent, in this country. Such economy was, to some extent, hound up • with the question of the supply of pulp to growers. Transport agencies, he . added, are able to quote a reduced rate for combined traffic when they can rely upon the return load of pulp.
Tilling and B.A.T. Report.
The report of Tilling and British Autoniobile. Traction,' Ltd., which has just been issued for the year ended December 31st last,, shows a -total revenue of £187,573, with a net profit amounting to £167,206, after deducting adMinistration and general expenses, income tax dna debenture stock interest. After adding a sum of 121,457 brought forward from the previous c20
year, there is a total of £188,663 available for distribution.
As already mentioned in our columns, the company is paying a dividend of 10 per cent, on the ordinary shares, and the payment of an additional divis dead of 2 per cent, on the ,8 per cent. participating preference shares will bring this up to 10 per cent, for the
year. As before, a sum of £10,000 is transferred to the• reserve. — .
The authorized share capital r)f the company has been • increased to £2,000,000, and in April last 331,704 ordinary 'shares were issued to the ordinary shareholders at 22s. 6d. per share and, subsequently, 868,296 ordinary shares were allotted to • Thomas Ltd., the British Electric Traction Co., Ltd., and certain of its associated companies in exchange for shares in various road-transport undertakings..
The premium on the ordinary share issue has been carried to the reserve, which now stands at £100,081. The sum to be carried forward into the next accounts is s£22,926.
Interchange of London Bus Routes.
• As from Wednesday of last week four bus routes hitherto operated by the London General Omnibus Co., Ltd., are being 'worked, by the London Public Omnfbus Co.; and, similarly, eight routes hitherto worked by the latter concern will be operated by the L.G.O. CO. We understand that the arrangements entered into between these two companies do not involve any alteration to any of the. routes or services. •
The closer co-ordination of the services provided by the. two companies enables the -public to enjoy t1N benefit of the availability of return tickets issued by either concern on the vehicles of the other' undertaking,
British Trading with Russia.
It was interesting to note that at a meeting held in London one day last week to discuss the question of reviving trade relations between Great Britain and Russia, at which a large number of important British manufacturers in all classes of trade were represented, several prominent concerns in the commercial-vehicle industry had representatives in attendance. A resolution wars unanimously passed deciding to accept the invitation of the Soviet Government to send a British. trade
delegation to Russia.
The Royal Commission on ,Transport.
The chairman of the Royal Commission on Transport makes the following announcement:—The Commission will meet in public at 2 p.m. on Wednesday, February 13th, ai Committee Room "E," Rouse of Lords, to hear evidence to be given on behalf of the Royal Automobile Club, the Tramways and Light Railways Association and the Cordmercial Motor ;Users Association.
The Commission will resume at 10.30 a.m. on Thursday, and at the same hour on Friday.
Birmingham's Fire-brigade Require ments.
The .fire department of the City of Birmingham is asking for tenders for a motor turntableescape, a 500-600-gallon Motor pump' of 60h.p., a 300-400-gallon motor pump of 50 h.p. (the chassis to have a forward-driving position), and two 15 h.p. inspection cars with box bodies. Specifications can be obtained from the chief officer at the fire-brigade headquarters, Birmingham. Tenders have to be delivered by March 11th.
Time and Money-saving Road Transport.
From time to time .The Commercial Motor has noted a change-over by certain of the industrial and trading concerns in South Wales from a combined form of rail, and sea distribution to road transport.
Instances of this have recently occurred, and if the experiments being made in one direction—the distribution of tin plates by road—be successful, it may well prove to be one of the most important strides in connection with goods transport by road that have been made in this country. Several journeys have already been made, and they have . proved conclusively that more than 4s. per ton is saved in cost and many hours in time when using road motors. The journeys are made at night and fourwheeled motor lorries drawing trailers are' used, as well as steam wagons and trailers, 'carrying 10 tons to 20 tons.
/Another development 'of interest is the decision to send the products of several Staffordshire and Midland pottery and porcelain concerns to the docks and markets by road ; consignments of pottery have already been received at Swansea. from Stoke-on-Trent. A saving of 30 hours was effected when the goods were 'carried by road, despite the fact that their progress was linpeded by low bridges near the docks. Refuse Collection at Dover.
At a meeting of the scavenging committee of the Dover Corporation the borough engineer submitted a report stating that the Six electric vehicles purchased in the years 1915 and 1916 at a coSt of £1,126 each were rapidly approaching the end of their economic life, after having had 13 years of very hard wear. The average working cost of each vehicle per day per ton-mile, excluding loan charges and depreciation, but including drivers' and tippers' wages, was 7s. 9.5d. for the year 1927-28, as compared with 6s. 4.54. in 1924-25 ,(when the best results were obtained shortly after the batteries were renewed), and 10s. 8.84. in 1920-21. The committee considered the report and the borough engineer stated that the cost of the hire of a 1-ton petrol vehicle and two tippers per day is 12 9s. 6d., as compared with £2 15s. 5d., which is the cost of an electric vehicle performing the work. In view of the present condition of the electric vehicles the committee considers that no fur .
Transport Service in Leeds.
Allen and Lax, Ltd., has just opened a new petrol-filling station at the Red Lion Yard, Thwaite Gate, Hunslet, Leeds, which should prove of value to drivers passing through the town. Apart from being able to give the usual service to road users in the way of petrol and oil supplies, the company can offer lodgings to drivers who wish to stay overnight in the city. Besides offering garage accommodation to vehicles, the concern is also in a position to 'undertake repairs.
For a Brewery Concern.
We illustrate on this page a recent addition to the fleet of ec■mmercial vehicles in the service of Whitbread and Co., Ltd. This is a Dennis 6-tonner mounted on 40-in. by 8-in, pneumatic tyres. The company owns a fleet of over 130 vehicles of this make, and the machine illustrated was supplied through the chassis makers' agent, Mr. B. A. Turner, A.M.I.A.E., of 163, London Road,Singston-on-Thames,the body and cab being designed and constructed in Mr. Turner's own shops. The cab is totally enclosed and has drop windows, there being a carriage-type door on the near .side. The windows are of Triplex glass and the driving seat has a spring back and cushion, this provision being made with a view to ensuring the comfort of the driver on long-distance journeys. We understand that the vehicle is at present running five days a week between Portsmouth and London.
Salford Corporation has appointed a special committee to investigate the question of traffic within the city.
Personal Pars.
The Tyntiouth Corporation has appointed Mr. Cohn Clegg, of Southendon-Sea, as director of public cleansing for the borough in succession to Mr. T. Robinson, who has been appointed cleansing superintendent to the Newcastle Corporation. The Tynemouth Corporation has an efficient fleet of motor vehicles, which, since it was centralized, has shown very economical results. The cleansing fleet comprises S.D. Freighters, which have proved very convenient for meeting local conditions.
Mr. Herbert Raworth, who has been associated with the management of the West Yorkshire Road Car Co., Ltd., of Harrogate, for the past 22 years, has just retired from the post of managing director of that concern. Tinder his guidance the company has developed a big network of bus routes through out the West Riding, as well as par ticipating on an extensive scale in the summer coaching trade of Harro gate. Until a short time ago the company was known as the Harrogate Road Car Co.
Mr. Raworth will remain a member of the directorate and has accepted the position of vice-chairman of the company. He is to be succeeded as general manager by Major F. J. Chapple, D.S.O., who has occupied a similar post with the Yorkshire (Heavy Woollen) District Traction Co., Ltd., of Dewsbury, for the past eight years.
. A Rear Light Case.
A. driver employed by a Blackburn bus company recently appeared before the Blackburn magistrates for failing to have a red rear light on the vehicle he was driving. When his attention was drawn to the fact by a police constable, the driver said that it must have become extinguished during the journey, but pointed to the red plateglass window at the rear of the bus and to the illuminated index number and maintained that the lights inside the bus shining through this was sufficient to meet the needs of the law.
Mr. H. Deckhouse, instructed by the Commercial Motor Users Association, defended, and had the vehicle brought to the court so that the bench could have an opportunity for exarnin ing it. He submitted that it was pot necessary to have a rear light in addition to the red plate-glass and number illuminated by a light from inside the bus.
The bench at first declined to examine the vehicle, but, after consultation, the magistrates changed their minds and, upcm their return, announced that, as it was the first case of its kind to come before the court, it would he dismissed on payment of costs. They were all of opinion, however, that the lamp which had become extinguished was that required to conform with the official requirements.
Straying Animals on the Highways.
The County Councils Association has 'decided that it is desirable that the law shonld be extended so as to make any person. having the care, custody or possession of animals straying on the highway liable to a penalty equally with
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the owner. In view of the ever-increasing motor traffic it suggests (a) the maxmum fine of 5s. for animals straying on the highway be increased to £1 after the first offence, and (b) the maximum fine for six or more animals for so straying. be increased to £5.
A New Edition of " The Motor Boat Manual."
Marine motoring in the past few years has advanced in popularity, and the latest edition of "The Motor Boat Manual" just published by Temple Press Ltd. has been brought well up to date and covers all phases of the subject. It has been largely re-illustrated, extensively revised and two entirely new chapters added.. These deal with a very popular form of marine motoring, viz., the use of the outboard type of engine.
There are 20 chapters in the book, commencing with boat design and construction, and then passing on to descriptions of typical motor craft, followed by chapters on engine equipment principles, carburetters, ignition and lighting, lubrication, cooling, transmission, propellers and maintenance of machinery—all extensively illustrated.
In the advertisement of Willmott's Motors, Ltd., Woodger Road, Shepherd's Bush, London, W.12, which appeared in our issue dated February 5th, an obvious error occurred in connection with the disposition of the two illustrations, which were reversed. Those who are familiar with the makes of vehicle which were advertised will undoubtedly have quickly detected the mistake.
An Interesting Inquiry.
The Ministry of Transport has intimated its intention of holding an inquiry in the offices of the Ogmore and Garw Urban District Council, at the end. of February, into an appeal by South Wales Commercial Motors, Ltd., against decisions of the council. The appeal is of more than local. interest, as a point of great importance to bus proprietors and local authorities generally is to be investigated and decided upon.
The point at issue is whether or not the acquisition by a bus company of a rival concern entitles that company to run the services which had been previously run by the acquired concern.
The Ogmore and Garw Urban District Council holds that the acquiring company is entitled to make no increases to its fernier service, that such a purchase should result in a decreased number of journeys on the rciute or routes and that the only benefit which the acquiring company might rightfully claim is patronage for its services by the passengers formerly carried on the other concern's vehicles.
Naturally, bus companies are much interested in the outcome of the appeal, for it will certainly affect the absorbing policies of some undertakings if the Ministry upholds the council.
The Lightning Fastener for Tilt Vans.
The Lightning fastener, which has been well known for some time past in this country in connection with tobacco pouches, leggings, bags, etc., has lately been adapted in France by a company known as the Societd de in Permeture "Eclair," of 43, Rue Stanislas-Givardin, Rouen, to the flaps of tilt vans. The fastener consists of ' special rustless eteel edging ribbons which, by means of a sliding connecting piece, quickly locks the two ribbons together. It is claimed that the fastening and unfastening is effected much more quickly and effectively than is the case where leather straps and buckles are used.
Mr. Catherwood and Derry's Bus • Service.
We understand that there is every probability of the Derry muuicipal bus service being leased to Mr. H. 'M. S. Catherwood, the well-known North of Ireland bus owner. For some weeks Mr. Catherwood and members of the corporation have been carrying on negotiations, and we are informed that the corporation has now drawn up terms ore which they will discuss the matter further with Mr. Catherwood. Its terms include• the liquidation by the lessee of the debit balance on the corporation's bus account ; the taking over at a valuetion of the corporation buses and, in addition, the payment to the corporation of a certain percentage of the net profits. It is believed that Mr. Catherwood may accept these conditions.
An Insurance. Registration.
The Omnibus and General Insurance Co., Ltd., was registered in Edinburgh as a public company on January 26th with a capital of £50,000 in 4s. shares. to acquire the business of the Omnibus and General Mutual Insurance Society. The directors are Messrs. H. G. Penney, W. Duncan and T. Boag, and the registered office of the cotnpany is at 144, St. Vincent Street, Glasgow.
Costa for a 2-tonner.
The borough engineer of Chelmsford has recently reported on the cost of working a Vulcan 2-ton vehicle from June to December last. The total Cost during this period was £326 6s. 7d., the cost per day, based on a 5i-day week, being £2 2s. 6d. The total mileage covered during the period mentioned was 4,030, and the total tonnage dealt with was approximately 2,750. The vehicle worked for 1,361 hours, those being spread over 167 working days, and the time lost on the total number of hours (1,386-i) was only 25-i hours. The average mileage covered per working day was 24.1, and the average tonnage dealt with per day was 16.46.
So far as costs are concerned, the Per-ton per-mile figure was la 9id., and the figure per ton on an average run of 1.46 miles 2s. 7d.
The borough engineer mentions that the lorry is found to be of great use on long-distance runs and undoubtedly facilitates the progress of the work in hand.
Demonstrating Garage Equipment.
The interest exhibitod in the displays and demonstrations of garage equipment staged at its head warehouses at Great Eastern Street, London, and at various provincial branches, has prompted Brown Bros., Ltd., to arrange further demonstrations during the ensuing months. We are advised that three such displays are to be held during this month, one at the London headquarters of the company from February 18th to 22nd, another at 1923, Grace Street, Leeds, from February 25th to March 1st, and the third at 265-273, Deansgate, Manchester, from February 25th to March 2nd. During these periods demonstrations will be given with G.E. brake testers, G.E. brake riveting fixtures, G.E. frame benders and general garage equipment.
Long-distance Services from Oldham.
The chief constable of Oldham has submitted additional letters to the watch committee with reference to the establishment of motorbus services between Manchester and Leeds, Mancheater and gull, and Manchester and Newcastle, but further consideration of the subject has been adjourned until all the companies and undertakings concerned in the proposals have submitted applications for licences, Sligo Bus Owners and Proposed Tax. The Sligo Private Bus Owners' Association has decided, in the public interest, to oppose by every legitimate
means in its power the proposed new tax on buses in the Irish Free State. At a recent meeting of the association several disadvantages of such a tax, not only upon bus owners, but also upon members of the public, were pointed out. It was stated that if the tax was put into force it would be absolutely impossible for bus owners to avoid increasing their fares.
A Loss to Cooper, Webb-Jones and Co.
We learn with regret of the death of Mr. A. Norman Jones, the senior partner in the firm of Cooper, Webb-Jones and Co. The business of the firm, which is concerned with the manufacture of motor body fittings largely used in the commercial-vehicle industry, will be carried on by Mr. S. N. Jones, who has, for many years, been emaciated with hie father in the management and control of the business.
Trying-out a Six-wheeler.
The Coventry Corporation is about to put into operation for experimental purposes a new Maudsiay six-wheeled bus, and the vehicle was recently given
a trial run. The machine is a 61seater and the body was built by Vickers, Ltd. A feature of it is the covered-in stairway which leads to the top deck. It is said that the new type of bus is no longer than the doubledeckers at present in the service of the corporation, but it seats 13 more people than the older buses with covered tops.
Buses to Replace a Steamer Service.
At a recent meeting of the finance committee of the Inverness County Council, a letter was read from the town clerk of Inverness, stating that the council had under consideration the question of the daily steamer traffic on Loch Ness. It was mentioned that, on a date to be agreed upon, the steamer service was to be replaced bya number of road motors. The town council is of the opinion that the substitution would have a. detrimental effect on the borough and county of Inverness and that the scheme should be opposed.
C.M.U.A. Activities in the Liverpool Area.
In the eleventh annual report of the Liverpool Area Committee of the Commercial .Motor Users Association, which will be submitted to the general meeting of members on Thursday next, February, 14th, it is recorded • that the scheme for the issue of tokens to enable drivers to obtain siipplies of water for steam wagons continues to operate emceesfully, but the demand for tokens in 1928 showed a decline on that in 1927. In the 5i years which have elapsed since the new method of supplying water was inaugurated by the Liverpool Corporation, the C.M.U.A. (Liverpool office) has supplied 337,504 tokens to motor users.
Under the legal defence scheme a large number of cases had been dealt with during the past year, 50 per cent. of these being speed offences.
The report concludes with an expression of regret that greater use is not made of the organization.
The Boothferry Bridge.
It is hoped that the Boothferry Bridge over the Ouse will be completed in May. The northern approach is well in hand, about a quarter of the work having already been completed. Work on the southern approach was to begin a few days ago. A Number-plate Point.
The driver of a motor vehicle was receutly fined at a London police court for inadvertently assisting the police, in that the letters and numbers on his front registration plate were larger than those prescribed by the law. We understand that the motoring members of the House of Commons are to call the attention of the Home Secretary to this matter, because, although they can appreciate the fact that it is an offence to use registration numbers which are smaller than the size officially stipulated, they are at a loss to understand why it should be a punishable offence to have them of a size which is larger than is demanded by the regulations.
Water in Warrington for Motors.
For the benefit of users of mechanically propelled vehicles Warrington Corporation is 'seeking power for the installation of tanks, or other receptacles, for water, in or under streets in the county borough, or, with the consent of the road authority, in any street outside the borough which is within the water limits of the corporation.
Weighbridge Charges at BursLem.
In view of the charges made for weighing motor vehicles on the weighbridge at the Town Yard, Burslem, many owners of motor vehicles have refused to make use of the facilities provided, the fees being considered too
high. The city surveyor has considered suggestions made on the matter by the chief inspector of weights and measures, with the result that a revised list of fees has now been decided upon. Vehicles which do not exceed 3 tong gross weight will, in future, be weighed for 3d.; above that weight and not exceeding 5 tons for 4d. ; between 5 tons and 7 tons for 5d.; between 7 tons and 9 tons for 6d.; between 49 tons and 12 tons for 8d.; and between 12 tons and 20 tons for is.
An Ingenious Heater.
In the description of the simple and ingenious heater used on the vehicles of Kingston and Modern Travels, Ltd., which appeared in "Passenger Travel News " in our issue dated January 29th, no reference was made to the designer. We are informed by Mr. C. H. Preece, of the concern in question, that he is responsible for the heater.
Where Batimar's Can Help.
The engines of many commercial vehicles have cylinders with detachable heads and it sometimes happens that a leak develops between the heads and the cylinders, which is not easy to cure. The trouble may be due to warping of the faces of the cylinders and heads, and, in this connection, we are reminded by Barimar, Ltd., 14-18, Lamb's Conduit Street, London, W.C.1, that it can overcome trouble of this kind by remachining the faces dead true. Ford Vans on Mail Service.
It is officially stated that the Post Office owns 961 Ford motor mail vans. In four of these, which were recently purchased for experimental purposes, the chassis are of American manufacture, but the bodies were built in this country. The remainder are almost entirely of British make. There are, it is stated, no Ford vans on order at the present time for the Post Office.
A Club for Bus Employees.
The new Welfare Club and Institute of the Cardiff Corporation at Charles Street, Cardiff, was formally opened by the Lord Mayor of Cardiff on February 1st. The institute has been provided by the Cardiff Corporation for the benefit of the bus and tram employees, and its provision is in conformity with what ,has been done by a number of provincial municipalities for its passenger-transport employees.
The institute accommodation includes bath, toilet and mess rooms, library and reading rooms, games rooms, committee rooms, etc.
Six-wheelers for Territorial Units.
At its recent quarterly meeting, the Glamorgan Territorial Army Association decided to buy four new sixwheeled motor tractors of a type to be decided, at an estimated cost of £2,000. A further four tractors will be purchased at a later date.