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National Certificates for Servicing

12th January 1945
Page 38
Page 38, 12th January 1945 — National Certificates for Servicing
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ASATISFACTORY step in the direction of improving the status of craftsmen engaged in the engineering side of the motor-vehicle retail and repairing trade was announced last Saturday by the Ministry of Education.

• The Ministry of Education will issue certificates to all who pass approved examinations. They will be signed by the principal of the college or school at which the students attend, also by the chairman of the National Joint InduStrial Council, as certifying a standard of craft efficiency The City and Gandaof London Institute is 'acljuSting its syllabuses in A2S motor-vehicle mechanics and, when agreed, these will form the basis of tho courses. • Colleges and schools will be at liberty to use their own examinations or those of the Regional Examining Unions.

Others co-operating are the Union of Lancashire and Cheshire Institutes, the Union of Education Institutes, the East Midland Educational Union and the South Wales and, Monmouth Advisory Council. Incidentally, the certificates will ,not he confined to apprentices.

• -The: education kuthori ties have been informed of agreement on -the special training scheme for apprentices, includ.. ing arrangements for technical education and certification on a national


. The scheme was initiated by the

which represents the Motor Agents Association as employers, whilst on the workers' side it covers the Amalgamated Engineering Union, the Transport and General Workers' Union and the National Union of General and Municipal Workers.'

According to the president of the . M.A..A., Mr,. George Lucas, the instate...lion centres will be equipped with the most modern equipment available' for the practical. taining. of service mechanics.