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12th July 1921, Page 24
12th July 1921
Page 24
Page 24, 12th July 1921 — THE MAKER AND THE USER'S REPAIRS.
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The Efforts of a Prominent British Chassis Builder to Facilitate Repairs and Overhauls.

AMAKER• who offersi good trepairing facilities is always viewed with approval by the user, for the lattei realizes that it is better, especially if he be the owner of one or two machines only, to be able to put the repair into the hands of a (*mem specializing on one make of chassis than to turn the job over to a repairer whose staff may be accustomed to executing repairs on miscellaneous types.

. It is with this idea in mind that the Associated Equipment Co., Ltd., have recently opened a repair depot at the junction of North Road and Caledonian Road, Holloway, London, N.7. Repairs were previously undertaken at Walthamstow, where the A.E.C. chassis is built, and, although this spot is well situated for constructional work, it is somewhat off the map for users in London and its environs whose machines need overhauling or repairing. It is with the express idea of giving users better'facilitiies that repair work is now being centralized in Holloway.

The pictures on this page will give some idea of the size of the depot and its equipment. The actual area of the site on which the depot is built is 15,065 ft. super., the area of the building itself being 14,478 ft. 8 ins.

The depot is well equipped with, modern machine plant, arid together with the complement of men (which is likely to be increased so soon as requirements can be correctly gauged) is at present capable of tackling about 30 chassis at one time. Heavy and light drilling machines, a power saw, emery grinder, heavy-type lathe, and other equipment are capable of undertaking the ordinary machine-shop jobs, although certain work, such as cylinder and crankshaft grinding, is still carried out at Walthamstow, where it can be put through with similar work at considerably less cost. A 'caustic-soda bath, which facilitates the cleaning of oily parts, is installed. The depot has only been in existence for about three months, but during that period many users have availed themselves of the facilities offered.

Engine overhauls have been the chief jabs undertaken so far, although complete overhauls can, of course, be.carried out. For instance, we saw one vehicle with the frame badly cracked (brought about by a heavy load having been accidentally dropped on to the body) just ahead of the front bracket of the rear spring. This was an awkward repair, for, apart from welding and strengthening of the channel for some distance each side of the fracture, it necessitated other structural alterations. After engines have been overhauled, they are driven by electric motor for two or three hours, and then subjected to a prolonged test under their own power. The stores equipment at the depot is very complete, and it is arranged on the usual system of bins, a number being given to each part, which corresponds to a similar number in a box file, from which it is possible to gather the exact stock on hand. All requisitions for stores have to be made through the fore. man, and all i_ssnes from stock are made by the storekeeper. If a user calls for a. small part, an effort is usually made to meet his demand, but postal applicia, tion for spares and replacements are passed on to Walthamstow for attention.

A careful check is kept on the actualt„ime spent on each job, whether it be

sweeping up she shop or a lengthy machining job, and so soon as any man takes up a new job he has to clock on. Thus a man's time can only be charged to the job on which he is engaged.

It is evident from the workmanlike way in which the overhauling and repair work, under the able supervision of Mr. 0. 8. Holland, is being effected that a creditable effort is being made on the part of the Associated Equipment Co. to render a useful service to own.ers of A.E.C. vehicles.