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Vosa says spot fines will not work

12th July 2007, Page 10
12th July 2007
Page 10
Page 10, 12th July 2007 — Vosa says spot fines will not work
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THE PROPOSED levels of on-the-spot fines for the Graduated Fixed Penalties and Deposit Scheme will not be high enough to deter foreign operators that break the law in the UK, according to senior management at Vosa. The scheme, which is expected to be introduced in the middle of next year, will force drivers to pay £30-£200 depending on the severity of the offence.

Vehicle examiners will be able to demand deposits towards any lines — and they will be empowered to immobilise the vehicle if the request is refused.

But Janice James, senior intelligence officer at Vosa,predicts:"The level of the fines will not have a substantial impact on foreign hauliers." Vosa chief executive Stephen Tetlow describes the extra penalties are another "weapon in our armoury". He points out that the new system will simply put the UK on equal footing with other EU member states.

• During a two-day international vehicle check in the South-East last week Vosa vehicle examiners checked 56 vehicles and handed out 23 immediate and 11 delayed prohibitions. Traffic examiners checked 45 vehicles and issued a total of 17 prohibitions.

Two of the drivers checked on the second night were prohibited from driving for 45 hours because they had taken no weekly rest in the preceding two weeks.