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That all oil is grist to the mill of a Diesel motor.
With sympathy, the 25-ton machinery carrier's inarticulate cry.
That any fool can drive fast, but it takes a wise man to drive carefully.
That the law loveth a careful driver.
From others, however, that it does not always give him his due reward.
That some county councils are too niggardly with their supply of stone chippings to cover newly tarred roads.
That Glasgow's refuse wagons are tipped by gear forming part of the permanent equipment of the receiving depot.
That spotted stockings are (inevitably) the fashion amongst cyclists and pillion riders during the tar-spraying season.
That owing to the Ford inactivity the retail sales of cars in America for the year 1927 were fewer by 603,000 than those for 1926.
That the French motor hearse must be the only "passenger-carrying vehicle" that can accommodate two bodies simultaneously on the chassis.
From the Celeron Co. that its silent timing gears are made from sheets of canvas impregnated with Celeron resin and moulded at a temperature of 1,200 degrees Fehr. under a pressure of 2,000 lb. per sq. in.
Build more bridges. Use more pneus. Use more concrete.
Of a 12-in, valve for gully flushing on a Fowler gully emptier. Very little of light-alloy wheels although much • is to be said for them.
That the Coakley ticket-issuing machine will make the way plainer for conductors, comely and plain.
That approximately 1,000 vehicles are now enrolled under the W.D. subsidy scheme.
That dyed-in-the-tree wood might be as much in demand in the house-building as in the coach-building trade.
That exact matching of colours might, however, be a difficulty.
That it will soon be easier to maintain an average speed of 20 m.p.h. on water than it will be to do so on the road.
Of tyre testing on a glass road through which the distortion caused by the drive and the flexing of the tread can be viewed.
That pneumatics at 190 per set of six seems more expensive than it really is when mileage is taken into consideration.
That if a 2-in, ball were expanded to a diameter of 200,000 miles the atoms composing it would each measure 12 ins, across and the electrons .01 in.
That the sixes on some number-plates have their top loops so nearly closed that, even at a short distance, they are practically indistinguishable from eights.
Spray more tar. Use more slogans. Make less. noise.
That America has now 5,000,000 unemployed and no doles. •