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Interview 25)
Lewis's of Birmingham. "The Machine Delivers anything from a Bit of Lace to a Mangle."
We are pleased to be in a position to place before our readers impressions of store-to-door delivery by motorvan as given by an official of that old-established and extensive trading house—Louis's, Birmingham. Additional interest is given in this particular instance, in that the undertaking but recently decided to make a departure from its old-time methods of goods delivery, Piekfords, Ltd., having had charge of this part of the business, the bulk of which was effected by horsed vans.
It having come'to our notice that the undertaking had resorted to the use of the motorva,n, we made it our business to call at the head offices in Bull Street, one day recently.
We were particularly fortunate in obtaining an interview with Mr. S. Mandelson, general manager of this large concern, who being an ardent motorist himself proved only too pleased, in spite of the excessive amount of work lie had in hand at the time of our visit, to give us his views on the matter.
Lewis's, Birmingham, "the Great Store of the Midlands," as it is called locally, has been established 30 years, although in the North of England the first Lewis's business was opened well over 60 years ago. As before mentioned, the concern does a, considerable amount of its goods delivery by horse-drawn vehicles, and Mr!. Maxidelaon informed us that it was recently decided, more as an experiment than anything else, " to go in for a motor."
"After some little considers, lion," continued this gentleman, "our choice fell upon a 16-20 h.p. Napier, and although we have only had the machine about six months, we are quite pleased with the experiment."
"We had conversation with your driver whilst he was loading up this morning," we eommented,"and naturally also had a good look at the van. The point which particularly impressed us was the fine big body yon have had mounted."
" Yes," responded the official, "that is decidedly a feature. You see we wanted the machine to carry anything from a bit of lace 'to a mangle, and I therefore had a body constructed to my own designs in order to do away, as much as possible, with packing. We are often called upon to sir.ply and deliver costly sets of china and ent glass, in addition to general house furnishings of an unbreakable .natu7e.
"To meet this end I bad a. series of detachable shelves made and also some special baskets, and when we are delivering mangles, large consignments of ironmongery or bulky, unbreakable goods, we merely have to strip the inside of the body of the shelves. On other occasions the baskets are particularly useful for accommodating china, glass, earthenware, etc."
"Tell me, do you find any financial saving, Mr. Mandelson? "
" No, I cannot say that we do. We get our outlay back in this way, however. The motor affords us a much better service, and customers, on placing their orders here; often find when they get home the goods required awaiting them. This, of course, is much appreciated. Then, again, it has enabled us to increase our suburban trading immensely, because, as people living outside the town area become acquainted with our expeditious despatch and delivery of their requirements, they eventually become standing customers." "What ground do you cover wit} the motor'? "
"I must say the machine is kepi very busy. Our weekly mileage i; rather on the high side. In on busy week we totalled 400, al though, of course, the average run ning is not as high as that. It h not that we fully load the machim for each delivery, but it is tin multiplicity of our orders whiel runs up the mileage." " T suppose your driver attend; to the upkeep of the machine?" "No, he does not. For the main tenance of the equipment we an retaining the services of Wearings Ltd., and very well, too, they lool after the van."
" Quite a sound policy," we fell inclined to observe.
" Do you attach any advertisinE value to the equipment?" "Well, not directly, as our name is so well known throughout the Midlands, although, as the variouE sales come round, we advertise them. by posting a placard on each side of the body of the vehicle. Fox this purpose I had two frames spe cially mounted. As I told you before we get a big return through the better service which the machine affords, and there is every possibility that, in time to come, we shall make further additions."