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°' The wheels of wealth will be slowed by all difficulties of transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the roughness of the roads over which it runs."—john Beattie Crosier.
The Institute of Transport Congress.
The London Congress of the Institute of Transport opens to-morrow (Wednesday) and will continue until Saturday. Two papers will be read during the morning of Wednesday, one on Thursday morning entitled The Co-ordination of Rail and Road Transport," by Mr. D. R. Lamb, Minst.T., and two on Friday, one of them dealing with 'Arterial Roads in Relation to Town Planning."
The annual dinner of the Institute will be held at the Hotel Cecil to-morrow (Wednesday) evening at 7 o'clock, and during the four days a series of visits will be undertaken, some to railway departments and docks; one to the factories of Joseph Lyons and Co., Ltd., at Greenford ; one to the works of the Vacuum Oil Co., Ltd.; one to the Pakenhani Street Garage of Carter, Paterson and Co., Ltd., whilst the last visit will be made on Saturday morning to the Eastern Avenue and new Southend Road. The Institute has arranged for the issue of cheap tickets on the railway to passengers travelling to attend the Congress.
Inst. A.E. Council Members.
At the annual meeting which preceded the general meeting of the Institution of Automobile Engineers held recently, it was announced that, as a result of the• ballot for the council, the following had been elected to fill the vacancies :—Messrs. P. A. S. Acres, G. A. Burls, A. H. R. Fedden, H. H. Gregory, A. J. Hancock, W. H. flingston, W. 3. Iden, G. H. Lanihester, Max Lawrence, L. A. Legros, H. P. L. Oreutt, P. A. Poppe, A. J. Rowledge, G. J. Shave, W. A. Tookey, Geo. Watson, F. G. Woollard, Dr. L. Aitchison, Dr. P. W. Lanchester, Prof. W. Morgan, Capt. J. S. Critchley, Col. R. E. Crompton and Lt.-Col. T. B. Browne.
More 'Carrier Sweepers for Westminster.
The highways committee of the Westminster City Council recommends the purchase of two Kessler motor road-sweeping and collecting machines at a cost of 1950 each. The report of the committee states that last year Kessler Motors, Ltd., placed one of the machines at the disposal of the city de/insistssurveyor for trial. It was tested from September 22th to October 5th, and during that period an area of 592,179 super yds. was swept, the actual time of sweeping being 36 hrs. 27 mine. The weight of refuse collected was 17 tons 2 cwt. 3 qrs.
The fbchnical sub-committee recently met and inspected a machine offered by the company which sprinkles, sweeps and collects the refuse in one operation. A quantity of street sweepings was strewn on the roadway of Ebury Bridge Road, and the sub-committee witnessed a demonstration of the working of the machine. It formed the opinion that the machine is efficient in use and that the apparatus for tipping the body is simple and expeditious in operation.
C20 If it were desired merely to maintain the present standard of cleansing, the introduction of these mechanical sweepers would permit of a substantial reduction of the sweeping staff. It is not, however, the council's intention at present to displace any of the staff, but to employ the Machines for the purpose of improving the standard of cleanliness in the streets.
The London-to-Brighton Motorway. Brighton Corporation has expressed approval of the London-to-Brighton motorway proposal, but reserved its right to criticise details of the scheme. This moral support, it is stated, is not to be taken as extending to, or being concerned with, the financial proposals of any company promoting the scheme.
American Production.
The American Department of Commerce has recently announced that the March production of commercial vehicles in the United States was 42,923and in Canada 2,089. The total production of industrial vehicles in the first quarter of the year is given as 107,445, as compared with 100,021 in the same period of 1924. A Feather for an Agent's Cap.
An outstanding series of advertisements has been that based upon "Feathers in Our Cap," a slogan em ployed by Guy Motors, Ltd., of Wolveshampton, for many months.
Using the slogan and the general idea, an attractive poster was prepared by the company and distributed amongst agents, each poster being numbered, a promise being made that those agents who had exhibited their posters on their premises over a prescribed period should participate in a ballot for a Guy 1-ton chassis.
The draw for the prize took place a little while ago, being undertaken by Mr. John Chilton, the president of the Motor Agents' Association. The winner of the c-ompetition was Mr. Wolstenholme, of Marton, Blackpool, whose poster number was drawn in the premier position.
A week or so ago, Mr. Virolstenholme and a number of agents were invited to the Guy works at Wolverhampton, when the 1-ton chassis was presented to the winner, and following a luncheon and a visit to the works, Mr. Wolstenhohne was given a very hearty send-off on his journey of 120 miles tti Blackpool. The competition had been very popular and the prize could certainly be described as one of a munificent character.
Linking Up Lancashire and Yorkshire Towns.
Oldham Corporation has approved the recommendations of the joint control committee, consisting of representatives of the municipalities of Oldham, Huddersfield, Halifax, Todmorden, Rochdale, Ashton-under-Lyne and the Stalybridge, Hyde, Mossley and Dukinfield Joint Tramways and Electricity Board, with respect to the proposed service of motor omnibuses between the border towns of Lancashire and Yorkshire, subject to the sanction of Parliament being obtained to the running of buses by the corporation.
A Dennis Bus Catalogue.
To bus owners actual and potential, the new catalogue dealing with this type of public-service vehicle, which is issued by Dennis Bros., Ltd., of Guildford, Surrey, will be of extreme interest.
It is a 16-page quarto pamphlet in a cover, and it gives full details of all the bus chassis and single and double-deck bus bodies manufactured by the company. These include a 20-seater frontentrance omnibus, a 25-seater frontentrance omnibus, and a 30-seater saloon bus, all on the 30-40 h.p. chassis, the respective wheelbases being 13 ft., 14 ft. and 15 ft. respectively. Provision has been made in respect of the 15-ft. wheelbase chassis to fit,at a slight extra cost, a larger engine developing from 40 h.p. to 50 h.p. Other specifications include a covered top-deck bus on a 40 h.p. chassis, a 36-seater single-deck bus on a 40 h.p. chassis, and a 20 h.p. hotel station bus, whilst the 20 h.p. Derrnis ambulance is also embraced in the issue.
Buses v. Trams at Glasgow.
The tramway committee of the Glasgow Corporation is being asked to appoint a special committee to report as to the effect of the existing omnibus snrvices On the traurniays, and the alterations, if any, which should be made in the working of the tramway system in consequence of such traffic. The advisability of -confining the rimming of tramways to routes inside the city and adjacent populous areas is to be considered, as is the question of instituting motorbus services from the city to districts outside which are at present served by the tramways.
Lancashire and Water Supplies for Steamers.
Concerning the Rochdale Corporation Bill, the Lancashire County Council reports that the corporation has made the necessary amendments whereby the water tanks, which are to be provided with the consent of the road authority in any street outside the borough (within the water limits of the corporation) for the use of users of road vehicles, shall not be placed on any county bridge or approaches thereto. This amendment was obtained without the necessity for the council petitioning against the Bill.
Auctioning Surplus Vehicles and Spares.
We are informed that Mr. J. M. Roberts is holding a special two-dal auction sale of surplus vehicles and spare parts at his premises in Leysfield Road, Shepherd's Bush, London, W., on May 14th and 15th. The sale will be conducted by Messrs. Goddard and Smith, the well-known auctioneers, and in all 800 lots will be disposed of without reserve. Various makes of lorry and chassis will be put up for sale, as well as several motor coaches, whilst. a large quantity of new and used spare parts for certain makes of British and American chassis will be disposed of. The sale commences each day at 11 a.m., and a catalogue concerning it can be obtained from the auctioneers at 70, Seymour Place, London, W.1.
Darlington's Trolley-bus Plans.
Recent developments have made it possible for the Darlington Corporation to forecast a much earlier transference from tramway to trolley-bus operation than had at first been thought possible. It will be recalled that the corporation, which was the first in the country to decide upon the complete replacement of trams by the more flexible mode of pasienger locomotion, contemplated haying the new system in use by March, 1926. The satisfactory outcome of negotiations relative to the Oppothtion lodged against the Parliamentary Bill, however, has made it possible for the authority to expedite its arrangements, and it is possible that the new vehicles may be in operation by October next.
Considerable headway has been made towards complete agreement with the municipal bodies and private companies objecting to the scheme, which include the London and North Eastern Railway Co., the Durham County Council, the Darlington Rural District Council and various omnibus 'companiesin the district. and if. as is anticipated, the Bill should be placed on the unopposed list, it should be passed in the Course of the next few months. Li anticipation of early developments, the light railways committee has accepted the tender of Clough, Smith and Co., Ltd., for 30 railless vehicles at. a cost of £30,000. •
Chain-track Vehicles for the Tropics
It is with interest we learn that the executive of the Empire Cotton Growing Corporation has recently set up a committee of experts to itm7estigate and determine the vehicle best adapted for cross-country transport in the undeveloped portions of Africa, where efforts are being made to develop the cultivation of cotton.
At a recent meeting of the Royal Society of Arts, Mr. R. H. Brackenbury, a member of the committee, described the various types of flexible track vehicle which have so far been evolved to traverse loose sand and swamps. The committee is at present engaged on a series of trials over a stiff crosscountry course near Aldershot to test the various types under conditions which closely resemble those in the Tropics.
Chassis Manufacture in Poland.
It is reported from Warsaw that the Polsam Automobile Works of that city, whichat present confines its activities to the production of motor parts and to repair work, is preparing to commence the manufacture of a commercial vehicle specially designed to meet Polish road conditions.
Cumberland Roads and Bridges.
According to the estimates of the Cumberland County Council, further extensive expenditure is to be entailed upon win roads and bridges in the county during the coming 12 months, the estimated outlay on main roads amounting to £163,187 and upon 'county bridges £112,994.
Controlling Issue of Drivers' Licences.
Having regard to the density of traffic on many roads and the apparent increase iii the number of inexperienced motor drivers, a committee of the Mar,vlebone Borough Council now reports that there should be more control over the issue of drivers' licences. A Star Station Bus.
The station omnibus which is illustrated on—this page has recently been supplied by the Star Eagineering Co., Ltd., of 'Wolverhampton, to the Falmouth Hotel, Falmouth, through Messrs. Taylor's Garage, of Falmouth. The chassis is an example of the company's 20-25-cwt. model, and is fitted with pneumatic tyres of 34. ins, by 5 ins, dimensions on all wheels.
The bed is typical of the class used for hotel bus work, and it provides seating accommodation for eight people, four single seats being arrahged on each side with a gangway between them. There is a wide space to the left of
the driver to enable a quantity, of luggage to be carried, whilst further baggage can be accommodated on the Aid, for which purpose a rail is provided. There is also a rail along the running board, which can accommodate
comparatively light luggage. The bus is most distinctive, and is painted in an attractive shade of blue and lettered in gold.
The Star 20-25-cwt. commercial chassis incorporates in its design a four-cylinder engine of 90 mm. bore and 120 mm. stroke, a single dry-plate clutch, a fdnr-speed-and-reverse gearbox and an overhead worm-driven rear axle. The R.A.C. rating of the engine is 20.1 hm.
Crankshafts with Extended Webs, The Laystall Motor Engineering Works, , Ltd., Ewer Street, London, 8.E.1, advise us that they are now able to supply crankshafts with extended webs for replacement purposes. We are told that the extra cost is very little, and that the webs obviate much of the vibration to which the main bearings are, 'subjected with ordinary crankshafts, and thus the life of the bearings is lengthened.
-Police and White Mackintoshes •
Having received. and considered a medical report to the effect that traffic constables cannot wear white mackintoshes for long periods without risk of injury to their health, the Peterborough Watch Committee has decided to provide members of the force engaged On this duty with white sleeves instead.
A Large-capacity Milk Lorry.
There has recently been produced for and delivered to the Midland Dairy Farmers, Ltd., a 7-8-ton 1%-laudstay platform lorry with a superstructure for the transport of milk. At the forward end of the body is an elevated platform, and on the body and elevated platforms 48 churns, each of 17 gallons capacity, and 20 churns, each of 12 gallons capacity, can be accommodated, the smaller churns being placed on the top. Stanchions and chains rail round the two loading spaces, ready detachability being essential in the case of those rbund the top platform, because the vehicle has to negotiate a low archway at one of the depots. For the same reason, the cab has been built low. Uprights are fitted at the rear of the platform and sockets at the forward end to carry poles, on which, in hot weather, a canvas cover can be supported in order to break the sun's rays. The superstructure is so built that free circulation of air is maintained between the churns. The colour scheme of the vehicle is regent red picked out with white lines, and smartness of appearance has not only been aimed at, but attained.
Another Exhibitor at Wembley. Messrs. W. Harold Perry, Invicta Works, North Finchley, London, N.12, advise us that they have taken a stand in the Palace of Transport at the British Empire Exhibition at Wembley, where they are showing a range of Ford commercial models. Most of the bodies are the products of the coachbuilding department of Messrs. Perry, and visitors will thus be able to inspect a varied selection of types which are suitable for specific classes of work.
Bartlepools' Passenger Transport Problem.
At its last meeting, the Hartlepool Corporation took a new step in connectiton with the yoked passenger transport dispute which it is waging with the adjoining authority of West Hartlepool. As has been previously stated, the situation briefly is that the Hartlepool Corporation is desirous of instituting a service of motorbuses over the through route between the two towns, whilst .West Hartlepool is anxious to convert the existing tram service to raillessvehicle operation. The Hartlepool Cor
poration's latest move is a decision to purchase—by exercising its statutory right under the Tramways Act of 1870 —the stretch of tramways within its borough boundaries, at a figure of £6.500, a sum which the tramway company, it is stated, have agreed to accept. By this means the corporation will secure control over any future
negotiation relative to the tram track in Hartlepool. At the same time, the council has reaffirmed its willingness to enter into a working agreement with West Hartlepool for the establishment of a motorbus service on the interborough route.
Traffic Control by Mounted Police.
The Chief Constable of Glasgow has reported on the s11036,13 of the experiment of traffic regulation by mounted police, and now advocates the establishment of a permanent and increased force of mounted traffic police.
Allen-Liversidge Dividend.
Allen-Liversidge, Ltd., advise us that a dividend at the rate of e4 per cent. per annum (less tax), calculated from the respective dates of payments of instalments up to April 30th last, has been declared on the preference shares of the company.
A Railless Experiment.
• We are informed that Railless, Ltd., of London and Rochester, have made arrangements with the Corporation of Southend-on-Sea for the loan of two single-deck railless cars of the new lowfloor pattern for the purpose of running an experimental service on the Prittlewell route. The company have received an order for planning the conversion of the overhead wiring and also for the supply of materials.
It is anticipated that the new service will be instituted shortly after the Whitsun Holiday, and it is to be run in conjunction with the existing tramway service for a period of several months.
French Accessory Makers' Year Book.
The French Syndicate Chamber of Manufacturers of Accessories for Motor Cars, Cycles and Aircraft has just published a year book in English which. contains much useful information for manufacturers and dealers. This little volume includes the names and addresses of all French manufacturers of accessories and spare parts, with details of their specialities. Furthermore, the formalities and the time required for the despatch of goods from France to English-speaking countries, etc., are indicated.
A copy of the book can be obtained by sending 12 French francs to the Syndicate Chamber, 18, flue de Tilsit% Paris.
A Paper on Accessibility.
The last meeting of the 1924-25 session of the Institution of Automobile Engineers was held a few days ago, when Mr. Maurice Platt read a helpful and practical paper which had as its main theme the need for greater access to motor vehicle parts in order to enable adjustments and replacements to be effected with ease.
In the disenssioh that followed, Mr. S. F. Edge adopted the point ef view that the motorcar should be made so reliable that it does net call for access to the engine parts by the user. This may be the case so far as the owner of a private car is concerned, but it is hardly applicable to the industrial vehicle driver.
Guy's Annual Meeting.
At the 10th annual general meeting of Guy Motors, Ltd., held a few days ago, lair. S. S. Guy, the chairman, dealt with various aspects of the company's trading during the past year. He referred to the fact that the company have conducted an increasing volume of business with municipal authorities, particularly for the lighter type of motorbus seating from 20 to 30 people. Similar vehicles have also been supplied to many large private companies.
Mr. Guy made a passing reference to the runabout type of passenger vehicle introduced by Guy Motors, Ltd., some time ago, and to the fact that for promenade service these vehicles have proved a profitable investment to a number of authorities. He also stated that the motor fire-engines which the company are developing in conjunction with Messrs. John Morris, of Salford, continue to gain recognition, and that they are obtaining a number of orders from the smaller municipalities for machines of this type.
Referring to the future, Mr. Guy made it clear that the output of the company, so far as the present financial year is concerned, shows an increase over that for the same period of last year. He expressed the hope that if the country were free from industrial disputes, and if the improvement in the general trade of the country be maintained, there should be good prospects for the commercial vehicle industry.
A Carburetter Catalogue.
Any of our readers who run vehicles the engines of which are fitted with Zenith carburetters will do well to secure a copy of the latest booklet just is,sucd by the Zenith Carburetter Co., Ltd., 40-42, Newman Street, London, W.1, which gives details of the various types of carburetter produced by the company.
The company make a wide range of carburetters suitable for different types of engine, and information is given in the booklet on the choice of a suitable
model. Those users who require details of earlier models of Zenith carbaretters will find several pages devoted to fittings for these types.
Inst. P.E. Meeting.
A general meeting of the Institution of Production Engineers will be held at the Engineers' Club, Coventry Street, London, W.1, on May 20th, at 7.30 p.m. On this occasion Mr. S. C. Downes, of the Accounting and Tabular Corporation of Great Britain, Ltd., will read a paper on "Mechanical Costing."
Glasgow and Street Traffic in America.
The chief constable of Glasgow is to attend the International Police Conference to be held in New York, and while in America he is to visit cities in the vicinity of New York, Philadelphia and Washington, and the cities between Chicago and Montreal, for the purpose oi obtaining information with
regard to the regulation of street traffic, the use of one-way streets and other matters affecting street traffic.
• Goodyear's New Irish Depot.
The Goodyear Tyre and Rubber Co. (Great Britain), Ltd., inform us that, in order to cope with their rapidly increasing business in the Irish Free State, they have opened a new depot at 10, Henry Place, Dublin. This new depot is under the control of Mr. S. Kershaw, who has been managing the company's interests in the Free State for several years past, A New Coaching Company ' Registered.
A private compauy, known as London Coastal Coaches, Ltd., was registered a few days ago with a nominal capital of £1,000 in £1 shares, to run all types of motor vehicle as public conveyances. The directors of the company are Messrs. A. E. Cannon, S. E. Garcke, C. E. Holmes and B. Smith. The registered office of the company is at 7b, Lower Belgrave Street, S.W.1.
Bolton's Bus Bill.
In connection with the Bolton Corporation Bill, the Lancashire County Council reports that, without the necessity for presenting a petition in opposition' to the Bill, amendments were agreed to by the corporation in regard to the running of trolley-buses outside the county borough, which were satisfactory to the county council and to the local authorities in the county also concerned.
The amendments agreed upon provide, in effect, that the absolute consent of the local authority to the running of the vehicles in its areas shall be required, and that where the comity council is the road authority its consent is also required, but, if this be unreasonably withheld, the matter is to be determined by the Minister of Transport.
It should also be mentioned that the local authorities petitioned against the Bill in regard to the running of motor onniibu,ses outside, the county borough with a view to such operations being subject to the absolute consent of the local authorities. for the areas con
cerned. As a result of considerable opposition, this part of the Bill was thrown out by the parliamentary committee.
Lorries on Road Maintenance.
In view of the efficient and economical ways in which mechanically propelled vehicles are enabling the Darlington Rural District Council to carry out road maintenance and improvement tasks over a wide and scattered area embracing about 70 miles of highway, steps are being taken to augment the council's existing fleet by the purchase of an additional vehicle at a cost of £250. The council already operates a useful fleet of five lorries, including Maudslay, Leyland and other makes.
A Mobile Library for Rural Areas.
The suggestion mooted by the Northumberland Education Authority for the employment of a specially equipped motorvan to travel the rural areas is now being rapidly expedited, and should prove a boon to dwellers in the more isolated country districts. The authority has now resolved to expend between 1300 and 1400 upon the purchase of a motor vehicle fitted with shelves to accommodate approximately 1,200 books, and this will be operated from a centrally situated depot at Morpeth. This depot will act as a combined library exchange, office and garage, and attention is being given in the layout of the building to the provision of facilities for direct loading and unloading of the you.
Institute of Metals' Membership.
The ballot for the election of members of the Institute of Metals took place last week and resulted in the addition of .53 names to the membership roll. Of the new members, 31 arc resident in Great Britain and 22 abroad. The high proportion of foreigners joining the Institute of Metals is striking and indicative of their desire to obtain upto-date • information regarding nonferrous metallurgical research work.
Another ballot will take place on July 8th, of which further particulars can be obtained from Mr. U. Shaw Scott, M.Sc., 38, Victoria Street, London, S.W.I.
Local Proceedings.
.Keighley Corporation has recently ordered a further four 25-seater Guy buses.
Hull Corporation has purchased a 5i-ton motor road roller from Burford and Perkins, Ltd., at a cost of £585.
The electricity committee of the Eastbourne Corporation has decided to purchase a Trojan vehicle at a cost of £126 12s. 6d.
Plymouth Watch Committee has granted a licence to Shell-Max, Ltd., to store 490,000 gallons of petroleum spirit at Cattedown.
For the use of sewermen and for carrying plant, the city engineer of Hull recommends the purchase of a Morris 1-ton lorry with a trailer, Eastbourne Corporation made a profit of £3,400 on its motorbus services during the year ending March 31st last.
The tramways committee of the Morecambe Corporation hhs accepted the tender of Guy Motors, Ltd., for the supply of two 30-seater saloon motorbuses.
The tramways committee of the Leeds Corporation has now decided to invite tenders for the supply of ten motorbuses complete, a previous decision having been rescinded.
Wembley Urban District Council is inviting tenders for the supply of a Baico 2-tan tipping lorry for use in the removal of house refuse. Tenders have to be delivered to the sanitary inspector not later than May 10th.
The ambulance committee of the Metropolitan Asylums Board recommends acceptance of the tender (the lowest of 13 received) of the North British Rubber Co., Ltd., for the supply of 51 pneumatic tyres for £187 2s. N.
Bolton Corporation has accepted the tender of Walter Bradley (Engineers), Ltd., to supply two Leyland 3-ton chassis fitted with Leyland bodies and three-way tipping gear, also the tender of Bromilow and Edwards, Ltd., to supply a vehicle of the same make and capacity fitted with their threeway tipping gear. The health committee of the Oldham Corporation has authorized the purehase of a tipping motor wagon.
Cheadle Urban District Council has authorized the purchase of a 2-ton petrol lorry for refuse collection, The tramways committee of the Walsall Corporation is inviting quotations for the supply of motor omnibuses, Watford Corporation is considering the purchase of another refuse-collecting motor vehicle instead of purchasing more horses.
Birkenhead Corporation has obtained sanction for a loan of IMO for the purchase of two motor ambulances and a bedding van.
Birkenhead Corporation has sanctioned an expenditure of £085 by the tramways committee for the purchase of a small motor omnibus.1 Morecambe Watch Committee has decided to charge a fee of 10s. for the inspection and examination of each mechanical vehicle submitted for licensing.
Oldham Corporation has again considered the question of purchasing a light motor for use at the sewage works and has also given instructions for prices to be obtained for a tractor.
The Merthyr Tydfil Borough Council is to add one single-dedk motorbus to its fleet, at an estimated cost of £700; a sum approximately representing the Profit of the undertaking in the last financial year.
Lancashire County Council reports in favour of granting the requisite Consent tothe Ashton-under-Lyne Corporation and the Stalybridge, Hyde, Mossley and Dukinfield Tramways and Electricity Board to run motor omnibuses along main roads in laartshead parish, in the Limehurst rural district. The Nesta Spring Cushion.
The .spring seating used for buses and chars-à-banes must be carefully chosen for shock-absorbing qualities and durability. Many cushions which give excellent results for a few months become highly uncomfortable after a more prolonged period of use owing to breakage and "give" of Ate springs.
A spring seating Which` is now used quite extensively overcomes these difficulties by employing a large number of relatively small coil springs, scientifically arranged, this being known as the Neste.
We have given a Nesta seat-cushion a prolonged trial on one of our staff cars, the cushion in question being a standard product for bus work measuring 32 ins, long by 15 ins, wide, the depths being 6 ins, at the front and 4 ins. at the back. Despite daily usage for six months, the springs show no sign of fatigue, and the covering has also stood up exceedingly well As regards comfort, we found the Nesta cushion to be a great improvement upon the one previously employed in this car, and the degree of comfort afforded did not depreciate as time went on. The makers are Neste, Ltd., Brunswick Square, High Road, Tottenham, N.17.
Lacre Tippers for Abroad.
The Lacre tipping wagon which is illustrated on this page has recently been shipped by the Leers Motor Car Co. Ltd., 78, York Road, London, N.1:, to the Mauritius Government, on the instructions of the Crown Agents for the Colonies, and forms part of a repeat order which duplicates a consignment made by the company in 1922.
The chassis consists of the company's Model 0. 2-2i-tonner, and the tipping body is actuated by Lacre gravity-type gear. The body is so constructed that it can be used for general haulage purposes, and for this reason the sides and tailboard are hinge,d and can be detached.
Vehicles of a similar type have been supplied to many municipal authorities' including the gas department of the Glasgow Corporation (which has six in service) and the Stockport Corporation (which uses seven machines).
Hyatt Line-shaft Bearings.
Delco-Remy and Hyatt, Ltd., 111, Grosvenor Road, London, S.W.1, have just issued a new leaflet which gives details and prices of Hyatt line-shaft bearings and fittings. Particular attention is drawn to the fact that this type of bearing, in addition to possessing the advantages of anti-friction bearings, is split so that it can be easily erected without the need for disturbing pulleys, belts, couplings, etc.