Where the
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GREAT BRITAIN may be said to be unique in regard to its development of the steam-engine haulage unit. Although this form of machine was the pioneer of transport by road, in its modern sense, only manufacturers in this country have continued to advance the type to its logical development.
Generally speaking, the machines employing external-combustion engines may be divided into two categories— wagons and tractors. Numerically, the former predominate; as they must always .do, but the latter may be expected to develop more rapidly as the tractor principle is more .widelyappreciated both at home and abroad. There 'are, two. classes of 'wagon, the overtype and the undeitype. The former usually_ employs a' three-point suspension .syStean and a -horiiontal boiler; its ground clearance amidships makes it specially suited to work on rough ground. The 'undertype usually affords. a greater, bcidy:space and. gives greater. comfort ,to %the...crew ; .m.ost.of these wagons employ vertical boilers. In the vast majorityof cases steam wagons are uSed, for rough and heavy work. It is in these •:_eireinnstances that their inherent high tordue at low speeds sisaOws to most advantage ; they can start without the use of a clutch, and, in many cases, without the need
for a subsequent change of gear. In traffic, this ability to use only high gear a a great relief to the driver.
Naturally, on such beavy work as luarrying the transmission system is il'bjected to severe stresses ; the chain lrive favoured by most makers for Kagons for rough work is well able to resist the heavy torque and is easy to repair. Shaft drive is becoming-more videly adopted for main-road vehicles.
In recent years there has been a novement towards the provision of iariable-speed gears, and now• it is pos>ible to obtain wagons with as many as four forward speeds. .Although most af the running is dome on top gear, the ability to increase the tractive effort :onsiderahly widen the scope of the ;teamer and enables it easily to handle
t fully laden trailer. , For quarry work solid tyres are almost universal and will continue to )e usable ,within the requirements of. he law... For niain-road haulage -the ineumatic tyre is coming into favour trid is now obtainable on niost makes c42 of wagon. The steamer has a good power of resistance to the evil effects of overloading, especially when it is equipped with solid tyres. Therefore, it is well suited to the transport of loose materials which vary greatly in weight according to the water content.
Owing to the presence of large quantities of water on the vehicle the operation of hydraulic tipping gear is made easy, and that Without the addition of many parts. If desired, a connection can be made to the injector and the water delivered through a hose for washing or other extraneous work. The pressure of steam in the boiler can be turned to great advantage for operat
lug power brakes ; these are necessary on most large-capacity wagons, but the steamer scores by reason of the highpressure medium already available.
Generally speaking, the steam wagon will run up to 40 miles without stopping for a refill of water ; if extra tanks be installed this range can, of course, NI increased.
*In the case of large concerns which buy coal for factory use, the employment of steam vehicles is often a marked economy, because they have the definite advantage of bulk purchase to reduce the cost per ton.
For the carriage of special classes of load the steam vehicle offers certain advantages., When constant warmth is desired heater coils can be installed, using the steam from, the main boiler ; water for cooling loads is always available, and pumps, hoists or winches can easily be arranged to operate either from the 'main engine or from an auxiliary.
Turning now to the uses of the steam tractor, we are dealing with a type of machine capable of handling loads in excess of those usually borne by vehicles. In the case of tasks involving slow loading the Services of a tractor and trailer are of obvious advantage, because the motive unit can work most of the time while some of the lessexpensive load carriers are at the terminal points.
The ability of the tractor to manceuvre in confined spaces is good because it alone can get into places which are outside the scope of the wagon. The provision of a winding drum • enables the tractor to haul a trailer out of ground which Is impassable to its own wheela • the tractor—by reason of its large driving wheels—does not readily sink
As this class of haulage-unit. does not carry the load it can transport a much greater quantity of water and-fuel-than can a wagon, therefore its range of bon. is considerablY greater:'As a special-purpose machine; such as a mobile crane or . electric-generating plant, the heavy .steam' tractor fits many uses, and amusement caterers are amongst its Most ardent advocates: • Steam .wagons and tra.et.ors are made by the following conoerns:—WilltaM Allehin, Glebe Works, Northampton; Atkinson , Walker Wagons, Ltd., Frevehwood Works, Preston;