WHEELS of INDUSTRY "The wheels of wealth will be slowed
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by all difficulties of transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the roughness of the roads over which it runs."—John Beattie Crozier.
Latest Beardmore Engines in Production.
Production of the latest compression.. ignition engines and injection pumps made by William Beardmore and Co., Ltd., has now started at the concern's works at Dalmuir, Glasgow, where they are heneeforward to be made instead of at the Parkhead factory, as hitherto.
We are informed that the first two Dalmuir-made Beardmore engines were delivered at the beginning of this week, one to Albion Motors, Ltd., for a lorry ordered by a local haulier, and the otherlor the Western S.M.T. Co., Ltd., Kilmarnock. Both are four-cylindered unite. We understand that a further order has been received from Aberdeen Corporation, the engines, in this case, being for use in Thornycroft doubledeck buses, and that 28 more engines are being made for the Albion concern.
Although, of course, suitable in all respects for other makes of chassis, the new four, five and six-cYlindered Beardmores have been designed specifically for accommodation in certain of the Albion range. Their adaptability is wide, as they are available with three oil-sump positions.
It is anticipated that, in the immediate future, 10 engines per week will constitute the output. At the present time the concern is working 24 hours a day on its commercial-vehicle engines.
Protest by National Organizations Against the Bill.
Delegates from all parts of the country, representing between 60 and 70 national organizations representative of trade and industry, attended an important conference in London on Wednesday to consider the terms of the Road and Rail Traffic Bill.
The conference considered the main principles of the Bill, and the following resolution was passed : "This conference of national organizations representing trade and industry, whilst accepting the principles of the Road and Rail Traffic Bill in so far as they relate to the hours of duty of drivers and the fitness of vehicles, dissents from the details of a Bill which establishes a system of bureaucratic control, creates an additional staff of officials, and constitutes an additional burden on. trade and industry."
Labour Representation on Traffic Advisory Committee.
In accordance with the provisions of Section 58 and the 12th-schedule of the London Passenger Transport Act, 1933, the Minister of Labour gives notice that he has under-consideration the selection of representatives of the interests of labour, engaged in the transport industry within the London traffic area, for appointment as members of the London and Home Counties Traffic Advisory Committee.
Employees' organizations, haying members engaged in this direction, are invited to furnish the Minister with particulars of such membership by BIG May 25. Forms for the purpose may be obtained from the secretary, Ministry of Labour, Montagu House, Whitehall, London, S.W.1.
New "Temple Press" Journal.
Considerable interest has been aroused by prior announcements of The Oil Engine, a new monthly journal. The first issue will be published on Monday, May 15, price 1s.
The Oil Engine will rapidly secure for itself an important place among British specialized journals. It will fight the battles of the oil-engine industry, and supply users of oil engines for various purposes with expert advice and authoritative news of the latest developments.
Formation of S.M.M. and T. Retailers' Section.
With the objects of raising the status of the retail section of the industry on both the commercial-vehicle and privatecar sides, increasing co-operation between retailer and manufacturers, conserving the profits of the legitimate retailer, and strengthening the organization of the industry by greater concentration, the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders is forming a Retailers' Section.
This section will 'have it own committee, which will discuss its particular problems in conjunction with that of the Sales Managers' Committee, and any step which is agreed unanimously • • will be put before the council of the Society for action to be taken.
The Society wishes to emphasize that it does not desire to destroy the Motor Agents Association, which is,doing most useful work in fields with which the Society could not concern itself.
It is obviously to the interest of buyers to purchase from agents of good standing providing efficient service.
Transferring Road Research Station.
In accordance with a recommendation of the Select Committee on Estimates of the House of Commons in its second report for 1932, arrangements have been made for the road-research station at Efarmondsworth to be transferred from the Ministry of Transport to the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research, as from April 1, 1933.
The committee of the Privy Council for Scientific and Industrial Research has decided to appoint a Road Research Board and, with the concurrence of the Ministry of Transport, has appointed Major F. C. Cook, D.S.O., M.C., M.Inst.C.E., deputy chief engineer, Roads Department, Ministry of Transport, to be the first chairman.
The following have also accepted invitations to serve on the Board:— Professor R. G. H. Clements, M.G., M.Inst.C.E.; Messrs. T. Pierson Frank, M.Inst.C.E., E.S.I. (chief engineer, London County Council) ; W. J. Hadfield, C.B.E., M.Inst.C.E. (city surveyor, Sheffield) ; W. P. Robinson, M.Inst.C.E. (county surveyor, Surrey) ; Professor C. G. Cullis, D.Sc.; Mr. E. V. Evans, 0.B.E. ; Professor E. H. Lamb, D.S.C., A.M.Inst.C.E., M.I.Mech.E.; Professor C. H. Lees, D.Sc., F.R.S.; Lt.-Col, Mervyn O'Gorman, C.B.; Mr. T. Franklin Sibly, D.Sc., LL.D.
The immediate direction and control of road research undertaken by the Department will be in the hands of Mr. R. E. Stradling, 11.C., D.Sc., Ph.D., M.Inst.C.E.
Road tests throughout the country under normal traffic conditions will continue, as heretofore, to be carried out by the Ministry of Transport, in conjunction with highway authorities.
Oil-engine Business in France.
The Compagnie Lilleoise de Moteurs held its annual general meeting in Paris, recently, and the balance sheet presented showed a profit on the year's working of 5,115,657 francs. This company manufactures the C.L.M. oilengine under licence from Junkers, and it has met with great success in Prance.
The Rights of Public Service Vehicle Examiners.
It is not often that our legal adviser is caught napping, but he recently expressed the opinion that a public service vehicle examiner had no authority to enter a private garage without the consent of the owner. Our attention has been drawn to Section 69 (3) of the Road Traffic Act, 1930, which states that any certifying officer or public service vehicle examiner may, at any time which is reasonable having regard to the circumstances of the case, and on production, if so required, of his authority, enter any premises on which he has reason to believe a public service vehicle is kept, and anyone obstructing him in the performance of his duty is guilty of an offence. The Department of Overseas Trade announces that Sir Basil Mayhew has been appointed chairman of the British Industries Fair Site and Buildings Committee, in succession to Lord Chelmsford. This committee was set up in 1931 to investigate the question of providing permanent accommodation for the London section of the Fair.
We are notified by Morris Motors, Ltd., Oxford, of which company Sir William R. Morris is chairman, that Mr. E. E. Blake has been appointed deputy chairman and that Mr. Leonard P. Lord, late general manager of Wolseley Motors (1927), Ltd., has been appointed managing director of the company.
Mr. Gordon Sergeant, who has recently been appointed manager of the Government bus services in New South Wales, is well known in transport
circles in Australia. In 1925, in conjunction with a friend, he formed the company known as Glenister and Mackenzie Fageol, Ltd., which, at the end
of 1931, owned nearly 40 buses. In 1929, Mr. Sargeant was elected chairman of the motorbus section of the N.S.W. Motor Traders' Association.
The following officers have been elected by the council of the Institute of Transport to take office on October 1, 1933 :President, Mr. William White
law (chairman, L.N.E.R.) ; vicepresidents, Mr. C. le M. Gosselin (managing director, H. Viney and Co., Ltd., Preston), Sir James Milne, C.S.I. (general Manager, G.W.R.), Mr. F. Handley Page, C.B.E. (managing director, Handley Page, Ltd.), Mr. T. E. Thomas (general manager, L.C.C. Tramways), Mr. W. V. Wood (vicepresident, L.M.S.R.). The past presidents to serve on the council are:— Col. Sir Joseph Nall, D.S.O., T.D., D.L., M.P.; Mr. Roger T. Smith ; Sir Josiah. C. Stamp, G.B.E.; The Hon. Sir Arthur Stanley, G.B.E., C.B., M.V.0.; Mr. Frank Pick and Sir David J. Owen.
On this page we reproduce a portrait of Mr. E. H. Dainton who, with Mr. A. I. Logette, is a partner in the wellknown concern of Henry Miller and Co., the works of which are at Park Royal, London, :%T.W.10.
Mr. Dainton's association with the engineering trade covers a period of nearly 30 years, and for the past five years he has been in control of the corn pany mentioned. It is interesting to note that Mr. Dainton was connected with the development, in 1913, by the Victoria Oil Engine Co., of what was probably the first semi-Diesel agricultural tractor.
At 'present his attentions are mainly centred on the production of brake testers, vehicle lifts, high-pressure lubricators, cylinder-sleeving presses, spring testers and hydraulic pumps.
Pagefleld's New Headquarters.
The head offices of Pagefield Commercial Vehicles, Ltd. (division of Walker Brothers (Wigan), Ltd.), have, as from May 8, been removed to 40-42, Quadrant House, Pall Mall, London, S.W.1.
A Magneto Instruction Book.
C.A.V.-Bosch, Ltd., Acton, London, W.3, has issued an instruction book for its type-BM magnetos. It contains much useful information and embodies some hints on how to locate and remedy troubles, as well as a list of service depots and official stockists.
French Trial of Oil Engines.
It is announced from Paris that the technical committee of the French Automobile Club is drawing up the conditions for a trial of high-speed oil engines, which, in the near future, is to be held under that body's auspices.
Experienced Transport Man Available.
We know of a man, age 34, who commenced in the haulage industry in 1920, running his own fleet until -1929, when he became a depot manager with control of 50 vehicles. He has had experience with all types of steam, electric, petrol and oil-engined machines, and is conversant with all modern methods of docking, machine-shop practice and general office routine. Letters addressed "Haulage," care of the Editor, will be forwarded.
Mr. E. R. Foderfs New Enterprise.
We understand that Mr. E. R. Foden, formerly managing director of Fodens, Ltd., who, as announced in our issue dated April 28, had intended to start building oil-engined vehicles at the disused works of Imperial Chemical Industries, at Cledford Bridge, Middlewich, decided, last week, to accept the offer of Messrs. J. H. Jennings and Son, Sandbach, of a large building, in which he will commence to manufacture 4-ton oilers. We are informed that Mr. Foden is to work in conjunction with Messrs. Jennings, New Membership Grade for the T.A.E.
Mr. Basil II. Joy, secretary of the Institution of Automobile Engineers, Watergate House, York Buildings, Adelphi, London, W.C.2, has asked us to draw the attention of our readers to the new grade of "Affiliated Operator," which enables firms operating motor fleets to become associated with the work of the Research and Standardiza tion Committee of the Institution. • This committee is at present concentrating on the causes of cylinder wear— a matter of importance to all users of commercial vehicles. Many research reports have already been issued.
The subscription for the new grade is the same as that for Affiliated Manufacturer, i.e., £10 per annum, the financial year being from July 1 to June 30, inclusive. Membership carries with it the obligation to treat as strictly confidential all the information so marked.
Theed Tipping Gear Creating Much Interest.
In our issue dated April 28 we gave a well-illustrated description of the new Theed patent pneumatic tipping gear, which is being marketed, both in this Country and abroad, by Hamilton Motors (London), Ltd., 466-490, Edgware Road, London, W.2. Subsequently, the company invited Bedford agents to inspect the new gear, and the manner in which it has been received is clearly -indicated by the fact that orders for demonstration vehicles have already been received from a number of prominent distributors, amongst which can be mentioned Gregory's (Uxbridge), Ltd. ;Great Western Motors, Reading; Scottish Motor Traction Co., Ltd., Edinburgh; Western Motor Co., Ltd., Glasgow ; Rowland Winn, Ltd., Leeds.; and the City Motor Co. (Oxford), Ltd.
Hamilton Motors (London), Ltd., is now working on the production of the gear for other makes of popular 2-ton chassis.
Burden of New Taxation on Big Fleet.
The manager of a Lancashire concern with 350 commercial motors computes that his business will have to find between £4,000 and £5,000 a year in addition to the present £27,700 for taxation. This sum comprises £9,000 for licence duty and £18,700 by way of fuel tax (last year's actual figures). The fleet embraces vehicles ranging from 5 cwt. to 12 tons, of petrol, oil and steam types, and trailers.
"Thames Valley" Report.
During the year 1932 the net revenue of the Thames Valley Traction Co., Ltd., Reading, was £6,012, after allocating £1,000 to general reserve. The amount brought into the accounts was £7,929, so that there is a sum of £13,941 for distribution. A dividend of 5 per cent, is to be paid, which will. absorb £7,500 and leave £6,441 to be carried forward.
26 Years Without a Black Mark.
Greenall, Whitley and Co., which has been operating, since 1907, mechanically 'propelled vehicles for the delivery of beer, etc., from its brewery at Warrington, has not had a police court conviction during the whole of that period. A few days ago the company was summoned at Sandbach Petty Sessions for operating a lorry which caused exces sive noise. Mr. D. E. Watson, the transport manager, said that the only other occasion on which he had had to appear in a police court with reference to his company's motor vehicles was when it was summoned for not having the name painted on a wagon. That summons was dismissed.
Having regard to all the cirmanstances, the Saudbach magistrates decided to dismiss the summons, so that Greenall, Wbitley and Co. may still take pride in the fact that it has not a black mark on its transport records.
Weight of Leyland Engine.
In our issue for last week on page 421 we gave the weight of the Leyland eight-litre oil engine as 1,363 lb. and added a note that this did not include the starter. We are now informed by Leyland Motors, Ltd., that the weight does include the starter, as well as the dynamo.
New Service Depot in Birmingham.
A fine new sales and service depot for all makes of commercial vehicle, and particularly the Leyland Cub range, has been opened by Messrs. Burton and Cole at 103, Ruston Street, Birmingham, 16. The premises are off Broad Street at Five Ways end, and are claimed to be the largest repair depot in the area. Up-to-date plant is being installed, this including cylinder-boring equipment and power-operated ramps, whilst accommo dation is available for at least 50 heavy commercial vehicles.
The principal of the business is Mr. P. R. Burton, m.i.m.T. who has been associated with the trade since 1914. Mr. Cole, the service and repairs manager, has had 27 years' experience and is assisted by a staff of mechanics nearly all of whom have had over 20 years in the trade.
Rootes Opens New Francis Street Premises.
A display of Commer vehicles is beiog held this week by Rootes, Ltd., at i_ta new premises at 14-18, Francis Street, Tottenham Court Road, London, W.C.1, the Requisition of which was announced in this journal last week.
With the exception of the largest models, examples of the complete range of Commer commercial vehicles are on view, including the new 20-25-cwt. and 2i-ton chassis. Among the numerous complete vehicles exhibited, of special interest are a double horsebox, a Cornflier ambulance, the new type of van with separate low-roofed cab and the smallest model in the range—the ' 6-8-ewt. van, which made its debut at the Scottish Show.