Financial News of the Industry
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,Salthurn Motor Services,Ltd.—Private company. Reg. April 29 Cap. 410,000 in £1 shares. Tr, acquire the business of a par. operator carried, on by J. O. Pickering, at Saltburn. Directors:—Jas. C. Pickering, felillbrook, Marsh Mill Lane, Saltburn-by.theeeleai Ethel M. Si. Pickering, Mellbroek, Marsh Mill Lane, Sal-ilium-by-the-Sea. Solicitors:—Nixon and Ntinen, Renter Reg' offiee:—Oxclose Garage, Marsh Road. Salt-burnby-the-Sea. W. Alden and Sans, Ltd.—Private company_ Reg. May 1. Cap. £4,000 ing1 shares. To acquire the badness of a motor engineer,
garage proprietor, haulage contractor, etc., carried on as W Alden and Sous." at Central Garage, Dailey, Harrogate. Directors:—Walter B. Harrison, Walter Alden Harrison, Leslie Harrison and Elizabeth A. Herr/son.,-all of Harley, Harrogate. Solicitor:—H. W Fortune, Hairsgate. Reg office:—Central Garage, Ibuley, Harrogate
0.0.1. Transport, Ltd.—Private company Bey. April 21. Cafe £5,000 in £1 hares. To acquire the businese' of a haulage. contractor carried on as part of the undertaking of Graham and Douglas, Ltd., at New Theatre, Buildings, High Street, Ross-on-Wye, Hereford and eleephens. SuTescrikiers:•—Danglas A. Hooper and Mrs. N L. Hooper, both of 45, High-. Street, Ross-are-Wye_ Solheiteri--Sharpe. Prichard and Co., 12, New Collet, Carey Street, London, W.C.2 Drilfierd Sand and Gravel Co., Ltd.—Private company. Reg. April 26. Cap. £2,000 in £1 shares. To carry on 'the business of a cartage contrattoe, etc. Directors:—Iferbert Shores and Mrs. M. V. Shoree, both of Wyvenhee, Ferriby Road, N, Fertiby, E. Yorkshire; Arthur N. Annison, 43, Westlande Road, Eirkella, E. Yerkshire. Solicitors:— Davies and Thornton, Hull. Reg. office:—/20, Albert Avenue, Hull, C. Alcock HIMONT (Burslem), Ltd.—Private company.. Reg. Atril 26
C .
ap. 42,000 in ..E1 shares To acquire the Waimea.' of a haulage contractor and coal merchant carried cre at Lyndhurst Street, and lieweasete Street, Berslem, by Harry, Arthur, George. and Ernest Alcoek, and Lizzie Peppiatt• Directors:—.-Harry Alcock, 5, Reid Serest, Burstein; Arthur Aleock, 15, Portland Street, Bursleme• George Aleock, 158, Newcastle Street, 1341.s/era; Erneet Alcoek, 14, Newport Lane, Burslem;• Lizzie Peppiait, 36, Lyndhurst Street, Burslem, Solicitere:—B. Henson
Son and Moreton, Bardeen. Reg.. office:-361 Lyndhurst Street, Burelem, -Stoke-on-Trent.
Morgan Brown and CO., Ltd.—Private company. Reg. in Ealinburgh
April •27.. Cap. .E1,200 in. 41 shares. To aCCILLit13 the business of
a haulage contractor, carried on at 52, Carmichael Skeet,. Glasgow. and to edoptean agreement between David R. Eimwn and H. Directors:—David R. Brown, 462, Paisley Road W., Glasgow; uraccie O'Neill; 14, Clevecken Drive, Burnside, Ruthergien; Thomas Fagan, 71, Whilftet Street, Coatloridge. Reg. oblese-52, Carmichael Street, Glasgow.
„Frank Caton (Transport), Ltd.--Private company. Reg. /epril. 26. Gap. £1,000 inegl. shares. To•carry an the business of a haulage contractor, etcGirectors;—Frank E. Coton and Mn. Kathleen Colon, both. of .Epperstone Road, Lowitham, Nottinghamshire. Reg. office:— Central Buildings, Glasshouse. street, Nottingham.
A. P. Dix Transport. Ltd.—Private. company. Reg. May 2. Cap. £1,000 in g1. shares, To carry on the business of a haulage contractor, sic. Directerso—Lues E. Dix, 59, Loebraere Avenue, Woodford Green, Hesse; Piggy E. Jacobs, 3.2, Lachmere Avenue, Woodierd Green, Essex. Solicitor :—Lesser and C.o., Stratford, London. Beg. Oftleet142, The Grove, Lander), E.15.
Harold Thornher, Ltd.—Private company. Reg, April .28. Cap. £1,000 in gl shares. To acqufre the business of a haidage contra-ctor carried OD by 11. Thornher, at Hill Top Garage, Borkislande near Halifax. Subscribersi—H. norther, Hill Top Garage, Baekisland, near Halifax; B. P. Scott, 43, Cheltenham Place. Ha4fax. Solicitors:— Rice-Jones and smith, Halifax, Reg, oilloc-11111 Top Garage, Rarkisland, near Halite.
Warrington and District Transport, Ltd.—Private Company. Reg. April 27. Cap. £1,000 in £1 shares. To carry on 'the butitess rei a carrier, whartinger, etc. Dlrectors:—H. Peake, Holly Bank, Marlborough Crescent Grappenhall, Warrington: W. E. B. Ward, Warren, Birchdale Road, gtenkten Beath, Warrington; A. Lewis, NorleyeCulehett, near Warrington; ALeicester, Wayside, A.gden Park Lane, Hroomedge, Lymm. Reg. offico:-13 Bold Street, Warrington,
N.C.C. (Hauliers), Ltd., WettCeld," Sutton Seetney, Hampehire The nominal capitarneaa been increased by the addition of £5,000 in Li ordinary shares beyond the registered capital of £5,000. SATISFACTIONS Thompson and Gregory, Ltd., haulage contractor, Catforth, Lancashire. Satisfaction in full on April lel,. 1944, of debenture dated July 13, and registered July 21, 1943, securing 43,000.