The Wheels of Industry.
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'this journal, cleating as it does with the "Chariots of War," no less than with the "Wheels of Industry," IS now of national-importance. Its interests embrace impartially the transport wagon and the parcelcar, . the steam wagon and the ambulance.
The . C.M. Employment Bureau remains: at the dispogal of em ployers•and emplo an _yes. Forms can
L-ordlCitchener,-at last Monday's civic banquet • at the Mansion House, definitely confirmed the statement, on page 202 (letter No. 1873), that there are now over a milli OA recruits.
Proposals and Purchases.
Chester Corporation is buying a Morris motor fire-engine at 21060.
Wrexham Town Council. is buy jug a Morris motor' fire-engine, fa 21010.
Manthester City Council has bought two Crossley motor ambulances.
West Ham Tramways Corn mittee has resolved to buy a motor tower wagon.
Preston Corporation is buying a motor ambulance, from Messrs. Merigold Bros., at 2684.
Rotherham Borough Council, on the recommendation of its Watch and Fire Brigade Committee, is prepared to spend 2600 on a motor ambulance.
The Surveyor and Deputy Treasurer of the Ilford U.D.C. are preparing a comparative statement of the .cbst of motor and horsed ambulances.
The Leyton Tramways Committee --hopes to convert its present .hOrse7drawn tower wagon, and to install it upon a petroldriven chassis.
The Metropolitan Asylums Board will shortly order an additional motor. omnibus, to seat seven persons, for use at its southern hospital.
East Ham Town Council finds it impOssible to get delivery of a motor fire-escape, but it has accepted the offer of Messrs. Simonis to supply a combined pump and escape for 2912.
Eastbourne Corporation has been recommended to order six new. Leyland motorbus chassis, for delivery before Easter, 1915, and another four, complete... Leyland motorbuses, for delOerY. before Whitson, 1915.
Waltham s to wU.D.C. has received L.G.B. sanction to borrow
£1862 for the purchase of a three toil steam wagon, a five-ton_ steam wagon With watering tank, and a sweeping machine. It has also
been recommended to purchase two 9,0 h.n. Ford ehassis„ at £236 2s.
for, the two, and two ambulance bodies, from Oakley, Ltd., for £110 the two.
c26 Erratum.
For " 9-ton " on page 178 of last week's issue, under the heading of " U.S.A. Getting Busy," there should have been printed "3-ton."
The Bradford Transport Ltd., is being wound up voluntarily, and Mr. T. E. Gardner, of 2, Darley Street, Bradford, is the liquidator.
Is a Compensation Court Wanted?
We announced last week that the consequences of impressment thethods, and incidentally the matter of Pressing for the appointment of a Court of Compensation, were before the C.M.U.A. That body has now issued a letter to its members calling for additional information. Any other owners, who may desire to supply the secretary of the C.M.U.A. with particulars of their own grievances, are invited to do so forthwith. There is every likelihood that this subject will be raised in the House of Commons.
A Sporting °Her. , Any men wishing to be trained as motor drivers, with a view, to enlistment, after passing. a medical test, should make application to Messrs. Leicester and Deakin, 41, Pall Mall. This firm requires the loan of cars uponwhich to _teach the men ; instruction is being given gratuitously. .
The loss on the RoyalShow at Shrewsbury amounted to approximately 23500. The R.A.S.E. is proceeding with the arrangements for holding the Nottingham show next year. The annual general meeting of the society will be held on Wednesday the 9th pros. at the Royal Agricultural Hall, Islington.
New Registrations.
Goodchild and Co.' Ltd. (L2100), by H. W. Rydon, 77, Cornhill, E.C.
Scottish Commercial Cars, Ltd. (25000), with its registered office at 98, Duke Street, Glasgow.
J. W. Hollings, Ltd. (L10,000), to take over a motor-jobbing business at Brunswick Garage, Cross Belgrave Street, Leeds.
Thoma Rubber Co., Ltd. (X2000), by Messrs. Kerly, Sons and Karuth, 10 and 11, Austin Friars, E.C. Sole director, S. Paterson.
Army Motor Lorries and Wagon Co., Ltd. (.21608), with its registered office at 88, Tadema Road, Chelsea, S.W. First directors : W. Van den Plas and Max Mahieu.
Motor Industries (Manchester). Ltd., registered with 100 members each liable for £1 in the event of winding up, and with its office at 6, John Dalton Street. Object : to promote the motor trade in the United Kingdom, and to protect the interests of persons, firms and companies engaged in dealing in motor vehicles, etc.
A meeting of creditors, in the matter of Crouch Motors, Ltd., in voluntary liquidation, will be held at the, office of Messrs. E. T. Peirson chartered accountants, 17, HeAford Street, Coventry, on Monday, the 16th November, at 12.30 p.m.
350 Austin Lorries Since the War Commenced.
In a note from the Austin Motor Co. (1914), Ltd., we learn officially of the large contracts which this company has secured from the Allied Governments, and of which we have given some indication in general terms in recent issues. The company naturally congratulates itself upon the fact that its whole enlarged output has been selected in this way. Some idea of the capacity of the works in its present state can be gathered from the fact that there are included in the contracts such different types of machines and plant as lorries, workshop wagons, special service cars, tank wagons, spare parts wagons, four-stretcher and twelve-stretcher ambulances, limber wagons, one-ten, three-. ton and flue-ton lorries, engines, marine engines, and electriclighting plant, and "also the nm:',..aus of a highly-important development in the history of the company." The factory has in constant employment nearly 2500 men, and the works are running day and night. Already, since the outbreak of War, 350 lorries, cars and ambulances have been delivered. In spite of all this work, the Austin Co. has facilities for dealing with orders from its civilian clientele for pleasure vehicles, as well as commercial models. A daily service, by Commercar char--banes, has been established between Dublin and Swords. Messrs. Thompson and Co., of Great Brunswick Street, Dublin, are responsible for the new means of transit.
"Active Metvice Hints" is a newly-published volume of "The Regitnent " library, and • a companion to "How to Use a Rifle" and " Army Drill Made Easy." It is written and illustrated by the staff of "The Regiment," and is an old campaigner's hints for bivouac, camp and trenches. It makes a distinct appeal to those who are enlisting in any branch of the Army.
The A.S.C., M.T., of the Austral. an Expeditionary Force.
Part of the Australian Expeditionary military force will consist of 142 commercial motors. This means that the pick of the machines in that Continent will be leaving its shores. The total value, including spares, which will thus be lost to the user, will be little short of £100,000.
The Defence Department has purchased every available and suitable chassis of two tons and over. This fleet consists of 50 new vehicles, and nearly 90 second-hand machines. The workshops of the leading motor agents are now working double shifts, in order to overhaul these chassis, and to build bodies for them. The division of the fleet is expected, to be as follows: General transport, 30 three-tonners ; meat transport, 5 three-tonners ; ammunition column, 90 vehicles ; travelling workshops, 6 vehicles ; store wagons, etc., 4 vehicles ; motorcars for officers, 7 vehicles ; and motcrcycles for despatches, 16 vehicles.
The Surveyor, G . P.O., Portsmouth, desires to receive tenders, by not later than the 21st inst., for the conveyance of mails 'between Woking and Dunsfold, via Guildford, The maximum load at any time is estimated to be 12 cwt. The contract will be let for three years.
Ambulance Bodies,
Amongst the towing-car coachbuilders who have found a welcome accession of business arising from the very considerable requirements for motor ambulances, Brown, Hughes and Strachan, Ltd., has executed very considerable orders. In particular, a fine fleet of machines, for the 7th Cavalry Brigade, 3rd Cavalry Division, has recently been constructed. There was no particular type of pleasure-car chassis selected for this work, the ambulance bodies being fitted on any model which seemed suitable. Pre
ference has been shown, both by ambulance associations and private donors, for four-stretcher types, in which the stretchers are pushed in from the rear and rigidly secured. The covering is of waterproof canvas.
Report of a meeting of the General Committee held at 83, Pall Mail, S.W., on Wednesday, 4th November, 1914.
Present.—Col. R. E, Crompton (chairman) ; Messrs. W. G. Lobjoit and H. W. Wigan (vice-chairmen) ; Mr. E. S. Shrapnell-Smith (hon. treasurer), Messrs. T. E. Harrison, W. Wolsey, Jun., M. J. Davey, E. W. Rudd, E. P. Beavan, H. Cannon, W. F. French, W. H. Willcox, B. Humphrey, D. H. Simpson (Manchester, Liverpool and Counties C.M.U.A.), C. le M. Gosselin (North and East Lancashire C.M.U.A.), and F. G. Bristow (secretary).
impressment of Commercial Motor Velacles.—The Committee considered the question of the hardship suffered by some owners as a result of the impressment of their commercial. motors by the War Office for military service, resulting, in some instances, in the owners having had their means of livelihood taken from them. The Secretary was instructed to obtain all the available evidence on the subject, with a view to the Association approaching the authorities on the matter to obtain, if possible, some form of compensation for those owners who had so suffered.
Extrabrdinary Traffic Claim.—A financial grant of .t25 was made towards the costs of the action in which the Silversprings Bleaching and Dyeing Co., Ltd., had been sued for extraordinary traffic on a road in Lancashire, to the maintenance of which they had been contributing for the last ten years.
1915 Parade.—Mr. W. G. Lobjoit
(chairman of the Parade Committee) reported the steps that had been taken in connection with the preliminary arrangements for the holding of a 1915 Parade. Over 159 entries had been provisionally promised, and nearly £200 contributed to the prize funds. The final decision on the matter would be made in the new year.
R.I.A.—A grant of 10 guineas was ;.--iade to the funds of the Roads Improvement Association for the year 19r1tnance.—
The financial statement for the month of October, showing a satisfactory balance, was received.
New Members. — Twenty-eight new members were elected. The North Wales Silver Motors, Ltd., of Mostyn Broadway., Llandudno, has declared an interim divi dend of 10 per cent.
Captain Cotton, of Heath's Garage, Ltd., Birmingham, and 18 employees out of a staff of 52, have joined his Majesty's Forces The price of three-ton lorry in the Belsize advertisement in our last issue was given as £575. This was an error, the correct price being £595, plus 5 per cent. increase, which took effect recently.
Dunlop Meeting.
The Dunlop Rubber Co., Ltd., announces that, owing to the delays which have arisen as a result of the war, the annual general meeting will he somewhat later than last year, but probably held before the end of the present month.