Our "Campaign Comforts" Fund.
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Ladies Committee: Mrs. Shrapnell-Smith, Mrs. S. S. Long (wife of Director of Transport and Supplies), Mrs. Bagnall-Wild, Mrs. W. E. Donohue (wife of the Chief Inspector of Mechanical Transport). Hon. Sec. and Treasurer to Fund : The Editor.
An Appeal by the Wife of the Director of Transport and Supplies.
We have pleasure in giving the text of a notice which has been widely issued from the War Office. This letter has been addressed to the relatives of the officers in the A.S.C., M.T. columns. It will no doubt ensure many additions to our list of gifts in kind.
"Relatives and friends of officers of the Army Service Corps who are desirous of assisting, either by gifts of money or in kind, in providing comforts for the Mechanical Transport units, are requested to forward contributions to :—
Mrs. Long, C/o E. S. Shrapnell-Smith, Esq., Editor, THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR,
7-15, Rosebery Avenue, London, E.G.
"The following articles are.suggested as being suitable for gifts :—Knitted waistcoats, flannel shirts, woollen vests (36 ins. to 40 ins.), woollen pants, woollen mittens, woollen mufflers, warm socks, soap, woollen helmets, hide bootlaces, coloured handkerchiefs, pipes, tobacco in two-ounce, tin-foil packets, cigarettes in cardboard packets, warm body belts, packets of notepaper, envelopes and pencil, boracic ointment in small boxes, plain chocolate. Parcels to be marked in the corner on the outside A.S.0 "The proprietors of THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR have kindly placed a room at Mrs. Long's disposal at 7-15, RoseberyAvenue, for the reception of parcels and for the packing and sending of them to the Front. Presents addressed to individuals should not be thus sent to Mrs. Long, nor should inquiries regarding relations be sent to her."
Donations in Cask (to the 9th inst.), £324 Ws.
The list of cash donations continues to grow. The complete list to the above-mentioned date is : Tobacco from Bond.
We suggest to ladies and gentlemen who are desirous to help our "Campaign Comforts" Fund by sending tobacco or cigarettes to the men, that they should not make their own purchases. We can buy in bond much better than they can buy from shops, and we save the heavy import duties. This saving makes a considerable difference, and it enables us to purchase for a single guinea anything between 8 lb. and 11 lb. of tobacco, according to quality, and anything between 1500 and 2000 cigarettes, according to quality and size. The purchase of odd packages, either of cigarettes or tobacco, by well-meaning supporters of our Fund, is therefore not advisable, and is certainly not spending money to the best advantage.
The Transport Department.
Our arrangements in connection with the selection of suitable samples and packages of tobacco, cigarettes, gloves, etc., and for their early purchase, previous to allocation and forwarding to the Front, are well in hand, and a great deal of detail work has already been put into this all-important task. With regard to the special methods of distribution which we have already foreshadowed, we are now happy to be in a position to inform those who have already subscribed to the Fund that we can with con
fidence state that each gift in kind which is contributed, and each batch of -comforts which is purchased by subscribed funds, will definitely reach the men of the Mechanical Transport branches of the A.S.C. for whom it is intended. Our arrangements are of sueh a nature, and are based on such careful and detail6d inquiry at the Front, and at Headquarters here at Home that there will be the minimum of risk of delay for the packages at the base_, or during their subsequent distribution amongst the men. The officers commanding the columns and bases have, almost to a man, already notified direct to us, in response to our request, not only their willingness, but their pleasure tb do everything possible to ensure adequate, fair and prompt distribution.
Our renewed assurances on this point should do much to give confidence to those who perhaps feel some little diffidence about subscribing to the many funds which are now before the public; in some cases because of their tremendous and more or less indefinite scope, and in other cases because of their inability to ascertain if the distribution is effective and prompt. Our intentions do not lack definiteness.
Auditors to the Fund.
We have much pleasure in announcing that Messrs E. Bishop and Co., Chartered Accountants, 106, Jermyn Street, St. James's, London, W., have kindly promised to act as Honorary Auditors to our Fund.