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THE report of Tilling-Stevens. Ltd., for the year ended March .31 last. shows that the tradinee profit, after , charging all expenses and making provision for estimated taxation, amounted to £41,325 compared with £44933 in the previous year, while the net revenue carne out at £14,295 contrasted with £19,643 a year earlier. A dividend at the rate of 5 percent. per annum is to
be paid and this absorb £11,128, , leaving £56,817 to be carried forward against £53,650 brought in.
The only t,Vpe Of commercial vehicle which the company ispermitted to make, at the present time is marketed by its subsidiary, Vulcan Motors, Ltd. This is a G.Ltonner, whieh is giving satisfaction in many spheres of com
mercial use. .
RECENTEY the attention of the. C.M.U.A. has been directed to the varying scale of rates for the hire of p.s. vehicles used as contract carriages on Workers' services.
In certain traffic regions, such rates have been agreed as a result of joint consultation between operators and the R.T.C.s. Therefore, members hiringout vehicles for this class of work should inquire from the Association as to whether or ,not such agreed rates exist in • the region where the hiring is to take place..
Saving .paper for salvage will 'help to save your cOuntry and. those under the heel of the dictator.
THE setting up of a new Southeastern Sub-area of A.R.O., covering Sittingbourne and Faversham and districts, is announced. The inaugural .meeting was recently held at Sittingbourne and was addressed by the chairman of the Association, Mr, D. Richardson.
Mr. F. Elvy, of Doddington, Kent, was elected chairman. Mr. N. F. Wacher, Herne Bay, was elected vicechairman, Mrs. W. Elvy, Sittingbourne, honorary secretary, and Mr. F. Elvy and Mr. T. Standen were appointed as 'Sub-area representatives on the Area Haulier Board.
WHEN Mr. Bartle Bull, in the House of Commons, last week, asked the Minister of -Fuel and Power to consider increasing the allowance of petrol for taxicabs, he was informed• that the cab service is being reviewed, in consultation with other departments concerned.
Mr. G. Mathers asked Major Lloyd. 'George to review also the position of the private-hire services, which, in many respects, he said, had'been in a worse position than taxicabs with regard to' supplies of petrol.
TYRE-REPLACEMENT DELAY"RESULTS IN FINE DURING police-court proceedings in York recently, in vielich a firm of building contractors were fined £2 for permitting a lorry to be driven with inefficient front tyres, the prosecution stated that the canvas was showing on the tyres ill .question.
For the defence, it was explained that the van was a light one, which was used on first-class priority for taking food to NO men employed on a
Government site. It was the only vehicle available, the others being immobilized awaiting the delivery of tyres, which took from 12 to 16 weeks: If the van—replacement tyres for which had been applied for—had not run, the men would have had to go without food.
The driver of the van was ordered to pay costs.
service since early in the war, as a result of transport economy cuts, the Village of Hawksworth—approximately seven miles from Bradford—again has bus-travel facilities, which were re-established on November 8. In the absence of buses running into the village ,the inhabitants have had to walk about two miles to join the nearest services. The undertaking concerned is the West Yorkshire Road Car Co., Ltd.
Ltd., has established a Southern Counties depot at 89, Woodbedge Road, Guildford, where stocks of all types of commercial-vehicle and car pistons which are in regular demand, as well as standard over-sizes, will be
maintained. The depot is under the control of the company's southern area manager and engineer, •Mr. W. G: Rogers. To deal with day-to-day orders and inquiries, Mr. L. R. Rolfe has moved from the London • office to Guildford, TRANSPORT ADVISORY COUNCIL WILL BE RE-ASSEMBLED REPLYING to Sir Herbert G. .Williams, in the House of Commons, last week, Mr. P. J. Noel-Baker stated that the •Transport Advisory Council consists of about 30 members. It is constituted on a representative basis, and in peace time it has given much valuable assistance and advice to the Minister of Transport. It is not, however, a suitable consultative body for the special problems of war. It will be re-assembled when matters arise which can appropriately be referred to it.
DRIVERS and operators running their vehicles into or passing through the Newcastle area will be particularly interested to learn that the canteen attached to the premises of Northumbrian Transport Services, Ltd., Second Avenue, Team Valley Estate., Gateshead, is now in full operation and is open to all employees in the road-transport industry. If they call, drivers, we are told, can be assured of good subsistence.
ON November 22, the Kelvin Rubber Co., Ltd., of Glasgow, is Opening a new branch at 5. Chapel Street, Inverness, to give more efficient service to customers throughout the north of Scotland. It will be under the management of Mr. R. R. Carnie, who has' been with the company for a considerable time, operating from its Aberdeen branch.
AN interesting announcement is that the Minister of War Transport has relaxed the restriction on borrowing by the London Passenger Transport Board. Under the Act by Ithich the Board was formed it was enabled to .obtain temporary loans up to £3,000,000. By the new Order no acqount is now to be taken of any sum borrowed by the Board from the Trust Fund set •up in respect of the Board's undertaking under the Railway Control -Agreement of 1941.
' Up to the end of 1942, the Board had contributed to this Fund unspent maintenance -money amounting to nearly £13,000,000, and to the same date it had obtained £2,250,000 from the Fund, the remainder being invested in Government securities. Other loans to the Board amounted to £1,710,000, most of which came from the L.M.S., and £364,000 from the Prudential Assurance Company.
MEETINGS TO EXCHANGE WELDING .KNOWLEDGE ASERIES of meetings, designed to give opportunities for the informal exchange of practical information on welding, has been, planned by the Institute of Welding. The programme will consist of a short film followed by a general discussion, in which questions will be invited. All meetings begin at 6 p.m. The list is as follows—
November 17 —Croydon Polytechnic, Scar Wool: Road, Croydon. .
November 24.—East HamTechnical College, Baring Road, East Ham.
December. 1.—South-We,t, Essex Technic& Col:ege, Forest Road, Walthamstom.
December 15.—Acton :t'eNtinicat CoI:ege, nigh Street, Acton. December. 1.—South-We,t, Essex Technic& Col:ege, Forest Road, Walthamstom. oar. b.,„Ro9a1WW1:11P Tech I College, Members of the Institute will be admitted on production of their sessional card. Non-members are invited to apply for .guest tickets to the secretary, Institute of Welding; 2, Buckingham Palace Gardens, London, SW.!.
?THIS question was addressed, last i week, to the Joint Parliamentary Secretary to the M.O.W.T. by Major Lyons: " Whether, in view of the changed situation and the extended manufacture of synthetic rubber, some of the necessary, road services, both passenger and goods, can be restored, and whether, in the national interest, he can now review the present policy of transferring traffic to rail? "
Mr. P. J. Noel-Baker, in reply, said that " the Government is anxious to make all practicable improvements' in the transport facilities for worths. Arrangements are, therefore, being made to strengthen bus services ather6 the need is urgent, and where the necessary drivers and conductors can be found. Goods vehicles are available, and will be used to relieve the railways when they be required. But I must warn you that, in spite of the present improvement in fuel supplies and the prospect that we may receive some synthetic rubber, it is still necessary to economize in fuel, .tyres, vehicles, and man-power.
Major Lyons: " In view of the reeent statement made by the proprietor of
alb one of the biggest synthetic-rubber plants in America, while in England, will you take some steps to review the matter? "
Mr. .Noel-Baker: Yes, but much the greater difficulty is the provision of-. bus crews and maintenance personnel.
PERSONAL PARS Wpm F. W. LOWN, MC., F.I.M.T., is receiving many congratulations, to which we add ours, on his younger son, Flight-Lieut. Reginald Lown, being awarded the D.F.C.
Lieut. Lawn has taken part in some 24 bombing operations, including Berlin, Hamburg and Dusseldorf, but the D.F.C. is an immediate award for a special operation. Major Lowe's elder son, who was with Dennis Bros.; Ltd., is a Flight.-Lieut. on Coastal Command, and has been on operational duties for the past two years. Major Lown, who was himself in the Royal Tank Corps, is, as many people in'the industry know, sales director of Glasso Paint Products, Ltd.
MR. A. 'E. C. DENT, M.I.A.E., who recently made an interestirig contribution to our series of comments, " Let the Operator Advise the Maker," is road motor engineer with the G.W.R., Which company he joined as a premium apprentice at the Swindon locomotive works in 1911. He served with the R.F.A. in India and France between 1914 and 1919, attaining the, rank of Captain, and completed his apprenticeship after demobilization. In 1923 he was transferred to the drawing 'office of the road-transport department at Slough, and two years later became assistant supervisor of omnibus services at Neath, and in 1927 went to Wrexham as supervisor of omnibus services, but returned to Slough as assistant to the motor assistant in 1929, being appointed motor assistant to the superintendent of road, transport in 1938. Mr. Dent represents the company on the Automobile Research Committee of the I.A.E., and is chairman of one of its sub-committees.
GUY'S 1,000th WAR-TIME BUS ("SONGRATULATIONS to Guy %_'Motors, Ltd., on its making history, both for the company and the industry, by producing its 1,000th bus designed and built to war-time pattern. In prewar days it usually-took a minimum of some 12 months to design and produce a new model and get a chassis on the road for test ; after this it took another six or eight months before production in quantities could commence. ..Now, in spite of war-time difficulties, those concerned in the production of the special Guy chassis have not only designed and tested it, but had actually brought, the number up to 1,900 on November,8, in exactly two years and two months. • The company has received a letter of appreciation from Sir GeoffreyBurton, Director-General, Ministry of Supply. He referred to it as a grand contribution towards the war effort. The Deputy Director General, Major General Max Brander, also conveyed his congratulations to the management and staff.
BOTH Canada and South Africa are using the series of witty posters
appealing to. bus passengers, executed by Fougasse for Thomas Tilling, Ltd. In South Africa they are included in a • 'series of war-time transport exhibitions between now and the end of the year. Canada reports that the posters have created a profound impression and served as a generator for new ideas.
THE maker of Ferodo brake and clutch facings has recently issued a supplement to its catalogue No. 745. This covers all amendments and addition for the years 1940-43 inclusive. Althoughprices are given, these are , • subject to alteration at •ally time. Copies . of the supplement may • be obtained from Ferodo, Ltd., 'Chapelen-le-Frith, Stockport.
THE Nuffield Organization has com
menced a new training course for service engineers which, being of two years' duration, will provide a comprehensive training in the assembly and servicing of the complete motor vehicle, and will provide facilities for the study of service and stores office systems, sales-office routine and service interviewing. Standard rates of pay will be given during the course, and those who complete the training sat's-. factorily will receive a certificate.
Such a scheme will ensure a continual, flow of trained men into the distributive and servicing sides of the trade and will undoubtedly reflect favourably throughout the industry as a whole.
THE Government is at present considering the problems of road policy after the war, and the Joint Parliamentary Secretary to the IVI.O.W.T. hopes shortly to be able to make a general statement on the subject. In the " House " last week this answer Was given to Captain Strickland, who had asked whether, seeing that the success of all schemes for planning the use of land depended upon the provision of adeqwe road comonunications and that the position of tme roads must
be determined before land could be planned satisfactorily for any purpose, the M.O.W.T. had considered the need for a national road-improvement scheme showing the approximate routes of new arterial roads and their connections with existing roads.
ULSTER' LORRY OWNERS' . COMPLAINT 1 AST week, in the House of 1-aCommons, Major Lloyd George, Minister of Fuel. and Power, informed Dr. Little that he was in correspondence with the Government of Northern Ireland regarding his statement that there was serious dissatisfaction among private lorry owners in Northern Irelahd at the treatment they were receiving. Ile was asked to givethem equal treatment, in the matter of petrol and tyres, with the Northern Ireland Road Transport Board.
WITH the approval of the Yreasury. VV the Board of Trade has--decided that the rate of premium for any policy under the Commodity Insurance scheme for the period beginning December 3, 1943, and ending March 2,1944, shall be at the rate of 5s. per cent, for the three months. This represents a reduction of one-third on the current rate.
hold an exhibition entitled "Motorways for Britain," at 22, Lower Regent Street, London, S.W.1, between December 9 and 24. It will demonstrate the necessity and value of motorways in the economic life "of the country.
AN industrial Health Exhibition is being arranged by the Chloride Electrical Storage Co., Ltd., at 27, " Berkeley Square, London, W.1, and will be opened on November 16,' the hours being 10 am, to 4 p.m. It was originally designed for the makers ofExide batteries to display at the fac• tory near Manchester, but it was felt that other manufacturers, etc., would welcome an opportunity of viewing the exhibits.
THE inaugural meeting of the South • 1 eastern (London) Branch of the Institution of Factory. Managers, will be held at the` Bonnington Hotel, Southampton Roy-. London, W.C.1, on November. 20, at 2.45 p.m, Mr.
Alexander Peet, M.I.P.E., M.I.Mech.E., will be in the chair.