Fire-Brigade Matters.
Page 19

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News ssnS, ibutions are ncit,il iyut be rnads on publiration.
Finchley U.D.C. is about to spend £1,000 on a second motor.
Derby Town Council is the latest authority to decide to purchase a motor vehicle for first-aid and hose-conveyance purposes. Why not add a pump, and so complete the oak.?
The first turn-out of Chesterfield's lkierryweather fire-engine occurred early on the morning of Wednesday, the 4th inst., when the local brigade did some smart work in extinguishing a fire at the butchering department of the local co-operative society.
Beckenham U.D.C. has resolved to purchase a motor fire-engine; it already owns a small tricycletype vehicle. This small machine, by the way, was recently sum:lamed to deal with a motorbicycle and side-car which were well alight on the highway.
Two Merryweather engines for Middlesbrough underwent their christening ceremony, in the presence of a large local company and several visiting officers of brigades, on the 4th inst. One engine was christened the " Sir Samuel Sadler," and the other the "Lady Sadler."Each of the engines has a pumping capacity of 350 gallons per min ute.
Ai. the annual competition and demonstrations in connection with the Bournemouth Fire Brigade held on Wednesday, last week, Captain E. L. Lane, J.P., the Chief Officer—who has been a member of the local fire-fighters for thirty-four years—said he was looking forward to keeping the Brigade " up-to-date " by the addition of a new motor engine.
Difficulties at Swanage.
A deadlock which has occurred at Swanage, in connection with the horsing of the fire engine, shows the urgent necessity of securing motor appliances for the safety of the town. At a recent meeting of the District Council, a letter was received from the contractor for supplying horses to the Fire Brigade, stating that he could do nothing more for the engines with his horses. A member of the Council pointed out, that if a fire broke out, there was no possible way of securing horses, so far as the Council was concerned. It was eventually decided that the Fire Brigade Committee be asked to wait upon a Mr. F. Haysom, to see if they could make arrangements with him for the horsing of the fire engine during the winter months. Mr. Haysom is, it appears, the contractor for the removal of house refuse!
Lively Times at Leeds.
The Leeds City Council, at its last meeting, had under consideration a recommendation of the Watch Committee that a motorcar should be purchased for the use of the police, and incidentally the services of the Superintendent of the Fire Brigade. An amendment to refer the matter back was proposed, and one councillor, who stated that it was no use mincing words, declared that ratepayers might see officials of every department riding up and down the city in motorcars, whereas he thought the tramway service ought to he sufficient in many cases. He thought a register ought to be kept in every department by which the motorcars were used.
After a heated interchange of personalities, the question of the purchase ef the ear was eventually lake!' back by the Watch Committee.
Hull Debates.
The Hull Watch Committee, on the 4th inst., debated the subject of horses or motors, on a report from a sub-committee recommending the purchase of four more animals. Some of the councillors belittled their own borough by saying that the streets were too nat.
row for motors, whilst others retorted that it was safer to rely upon the steering wheel of a motor than upon the obedience of horses to the pull of the reins. The chief constable pointed out that he wanted the extra horses for police duty, and that he would never oppose motor fire-engines ; as matters stood, when all the horses were out, the police had to hire horses to stand by in ease of fire.
In the end, it was decided to purchase the horses for the use of mounted men, and to call for a report in regard to the early purchase of a motor fire-engine.
Chislehurst U.D.C.
Chislehurst U.D.C. has received a report from its Fire Brigade Committee, and it looks as though it intended to purchase a petrol motor with " Hatfield " pump. There was a considerable discussion at the last council meeting, upon the estimated net expenditure of £723, which sum is reached by a contemplated allowance of £267 in respect of the existing steam fire-engine, but the Council has decided to apply to the LC.B. to sanction a loan.
At the same meeting, a petition from certain ratepayers was received in regard to alleged dangers due to the storage of 60 gallons of petrol at a certain shop, especially I having regard to the fact that no watchman or caretaker, or any other person, is employed on or occupies the premises at night." This apprehensiveness is not easily understood.