R.H.A. Recasting Traffiopool Scheme
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THE Road Haulage Association I scheme to establish a traffic pool operated and controlled by the industry, in substitution for the Ministry of War Transport Road Haulage Organization, is being recast on much more simple lines. That is the outcome of a further meeting which R.H.A. representatives attended recently at the M.O.W.T. It has now been indicated that the Ministry's requirements to guarantee Movement of essential traffic at reasonable rates are less exacting than those which the plan was designed to meet, and R.H.A. areas have, therefore, been advised to suspend consideration of the plan until it has been revised on a less elaborate basis. .
It is anticipated that the revised proposals will soon be circulated by R.H.A. headquarters. for discussion at area and sub-area meetings.
The new developments were outlined at a meeting, last week, of the Barnsley Sub-area, addressed By Mr. J. A. M. Bright, of Selby, who is a vice-chairman
of the R.H.A., and by Mr. J: T. Rodwell, of Wombwell, chairman of the road panel of the Yorkshire Road-Rail Committee. Mr, P. Roberts, the Barnsley Sub-area's chairman, presided over a large attendance.
Mr. Brig ht stressed that thesuggested pool held out to the industry a great chance to demonstrate that it was fully competent to handle essential traffics without Government assistance.
Replying to Labour Party arguments in favour of nationalization of transport, Mr. Rodwell said that haulage operators generally had proved, particularly during the war, that they could give economical and reliable service to the Nation.
The meeting unanimously passed a vote of confidence in the R.H.A. National Council efforts in connection with the suggested traffic pool.
As a sub-area development, the formation of a tipping-vehicle operators' functional group, to work in conjunction with the projected West Riding area group, was decided upon.