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MAKING A CLAIM Invitations to apply for Marco Polo 2

12th October 2006
Page 39
Page 39, 12th October 2006 — MAKING A CLAIM Invitations to apply for Marco Polo 2
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funding will be published in the first quarter of each year on the Marco Polo homepage (see panel, previous page) and in the EC's official journal. Bids must be made from at least two commercial undertakings from different countries, one of which must be an EU member state. Only modal shifts off road are eligible — shifts from inland waterway to rail would not qualify, for example. Projects will be graded into three types: • Modal shift actions — start-up services that are considered robust but not innovative; they just shift freight off road.

Subsidy rate: up to 30% of eligible costs over three years.

• Catalyst actions— highly innovative projects causing real breakthroughs. perhaps overcoming structural market barriers. Subsidy rate: up to 35% of eligible costs over four years.

• Common learning actions — projects that improve co-operation and sharing of know-how, enabling firms to cope with an increasingly complex transport and logistics market.

Subsidy rate: up to 50% of eligible costs over two years.