News of the Week Ban Processions Which Waste Valuable 'Fuel
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lyfE have every sympathy with W useful efforts to promote a higher percentage of salvage of valuable materiaLs, but surely, these can be conducted without creating further waste.
In connection with the London salvage drive (starting to-morrow, September 13, and ending on September 27), it appears that some boroughs are organizing proc:essions of motor vehicles, not only of those employed on salvage work by 'the municipality, but including ordinary types in the service of tradesmen. For instance, Hackney is arranging to-morrow three processions to tour the eastern, southern and northern parts of the borough, and the borough engineer and surveyor has • written to a large number of traders asking for one or more of their vehicles, suitably de&arated for the purpose, to join.
If these processions be allowed to proceed and a considerable number of vehicles takes part, they will involve a high wastage of vital fuel and absorb loading space which, surely, could be far more valuably employed. We understand that special allowances of fuel are to be Made for the occasion, but this provision does not alter our view that the whole scheme is a deliberate misuse of such fuel.
If there must be processions, let them be • of people who are not otherwise engaged and who can carry notices or samples of the classes of salvage to which it is desired to draw particular attention. Meanwhile, in many districts salvage material has been awaiting collection for long periods.
REPRESE.NTATIONS to the Minister of War Transport have been made by the British Road Federation .suggesting that drivers' mates should be reserved. It does not appear to the Minister, however, that there is any substantial body of such men whose reservation -he 'would be justified in urging.
He adds:—(a) The additional man required by Section 17 of the Road Traffic Act, 1930, to be carried on heavy and light locomotives. appears to be covered by the entry " steerer or steersman" already in the Schedule of Reserved Occupations (page SO). (b) Whilst this Section requires an attendant where trailers are drawn,. the Minister is not satisfied that it is necessary to employ a man of military age. (c) Reservation of " mates," other than those required by statute, could be justified only where the loading and unloading require an able-bodied man of military age to travel on-the vehicle. Other functions could, presumably, be carried out by a youth, a man over miTitary age, or, in some cases, by a woman, Where men are employed primarily as loaders. they are already covered as "goods loaders " or under other appropriate entries, according ;to the individual case.
I T may be advisable for the Govern ment to establish British Restaurants along such highways as the Great North Road, to meet lorry drivers' wartime _difficulties in obtaining meals on their journeys. This suggestion came from the Transport Commissioner for the North-eastern Region, Major F. S. Eastwood, at a Press conference which he held in Leeds, last week.
The Commissioner said that the Ministries of Transport and Food and 'A14 other interested organizations were considering this problem.
An anomaly was that whilst cafes which catered for transport drivers' needs had, in numerous case's, been clOsed down, W.V.S. canteens for troops in convoy had been established, although the soldiers carried Army rations with them.
A CONFERENCE OF THE INSTITUTE OF PUBLIC CLEANSING THREE papers were read at the Annual Conference of the Institute of Public Cleansing, held at Blackpool on September 6. Those of interest to our readers were:—" Notes on the Work of the Ministry of Supply Salvage . Department andMunicipal Salvage," by Mr, J. C. Dawes, 0.B.E., M.T.Mecli,E., Deputy Controller of Salvage, Ministry of Supply; and " Salvage in Edinburgh," bylfr. N. G. Wilson, B.Sc., Inspector of Lighting and Cleansing of that city. Owing to pressure onour Space, points from these papers will be included in our nertt issue.
PERSONAL PARS M. W. LEESE has been appointed assistant traffic manager of the North Western Roan Car Co., Ltd.
-MR. HENRY SPENCER has resigned from the management committee of the Liverpool Cart and Motor Owners Association, owing to having given up business. MR. HENRY PARKER has been co-opted to serve the unexpiredportion of Mr. Spencer's term of office.
MR. W. WALLACE, a director 'of Dodge Brothers (Eritain), Ltd., is, we are hapPy to learn, now convalescing at home, following his recent serious illness. We are sure 'that his many friends in the industry will join with us in wishing him a speedy and complete-recovery. FIFTH COLUrINIST WARNING TO TRANSPORT OPERATORS
ROAD-TRANSPORTeperators are warned by the Minister of War Transport to be on their guard against fifth columnists who, in the event of invasion, might try .to disorganize transport services by posting false notices or spreading false information.
In a letter, to associations asking them to call attention to this danger, the Minister of War Transport makes the following suggestions to defeat any such attempt:—
Notices giving instructions to staff should be posted only inside premises at one or at a strictly limited number of well-defined points which can be kept under constant supervision by the management.
On no account should instructions be posted outside premises, or in any position acceasible to unauthorized persons.
Employees should be warned to disregard any instruction purporting to come from their employers which may be posted in any other place than the recognized official notice board.
They should also he warned to satisfy themselves of the authenticity of any instruction conveyed to them in other ways.
A S a result of complaints which the 1-1Minister of War Transport has received on alleged overcharging for spare parts, I;le is taking action and inviting those who have been asked exorbitant' prices to write to the Ministry giving fun particulars. Before passing on detaila, however, operators should remember that due allowance must be made for normal war increases and for cases where, owing to reduced manufacturing capacity, spares have to be produced in small quantities by other than the usual suppliees.
TAKING petrol from lorry tanks was stated by Det.-Insp. Timpany, at Manchester Police Court, to have become a " racket." It was said that lorry drivers were " falling for this sort of thing" and that numerous complaints had beenhmade to-the police by ernpldyers. John Jas. Swann,Montby Road, Gorton, pleaded guilty to stealing five gallons of spirit belonging to, the commercial-vehicle owner for whom he worked. The magistrates, in imposing a fine of £5, added that future similar offenders would probably be sent to prison.
have been UcEomSpelled to hold Wover, until next week, a number of letters dealing with predictions of types for the post-war demand, protec,tion from -dermatitis, the organizing of tests or light tractors, and the suggested formation of an association for commercial-vehicle drivers. In our issue for September 26, we hope to publish an analysis of the views on such an association and to outline the constitution and work of such a body.
W/E learnt with the greatest regret of W the death, on September 4, eat Lt.-CoI. A. G. Scammell, D.S.O., who was one of our earliest friends in the industry. The name of Scammell has been connected with the commercialvehicle industry for nearly a century, and Lt.-Col, Scammell founded Scammell-Lorries, Ltd., in July, 1922, occupying the position of managing director until 1934, since when he has been a director. The offices and works were originally in London, but several years ago they were transferred to Watford. Lt.-Col. Scammell won the D.S.O. during the war of 1914-18, when he took to France. a Royal, Artillery (Territorial Army) batter'. which he commanded before that period. He wasa prominent member• of the British Legion, and leaves a wife, daughter and son. Thelatter, Captain E. G. Scam/hell, is also serving with the Royal Artillery.
T'Post Office ha; collected in scrap during the past two years the following items:—Wastepaper, 11,238 tons; lead, 7,000 tons; copper and bronze, 6,766 tons; old mailbags, 600 tons. Scrap stores recovered by engineers, postmasters, and factories have been sold for £700,000.
kilANY schemes have been examined ,IVIduring recent months by Mr. J. H. Stirk, North Midland Region Transport Commissioner, and the principal bus operators, in an attempt to find some solution of the problem of carrying workers at morning and evening peak periods. Mr. Stirk contends that the only real solution is the staggering of hours of commencing and finishing work, and this method will have to be resorted . to when the -bad weather comes, if the war effort is not to suffer, The experiment tried on services of the Trent. Motor Traction Co., Ltd., between Mansfield and Nottingham has had excellent results and is to be extended to other routes. On Mr. Stirk's instructions all intending passengers not holding a permit stamped by the Trent concern are refused.
BUS-OPERATORS' meetings, whieb are being convened by the Yorkshire Area of A.R.O., to discuss the application of the authorities' policy of economizing in operation, whilst safeguarding essential transport facilities, had a good send-off recently in the Doncaster Area. Both large and small operators showed themselves willing to co-operate on war-time problems.
It was agreed that, so far as possible, operators in the area should cut their night services, so that the vehieles are in the garages by 9.30 p.m. on weekdays and 8.30 p.m. on Sundays. Exceptions to these curtailments are services primarily engaged in carrying workers to or from essential jobs after these hours. Co-ordination of services as. a means for reducing mileage was also discussed.
Smaller meetings of operators are being held in various parts of the Doncaster area for the purpose of working out details of changes in services.
PRIORITY BUS-TRAVEL BADGES FOR WORKERS THE experimental issue by the West Riding Automobile Co., Ltd., of badges for the purpose of giving travel priority to bus passengers travelling to or from their work, was announced by the Transport Commissiorterr for the North-eastern Region, at a Press conference which he held in Leeds, last week.
He said he had little doubt the experiment would be a success. and that the idea would be extended to other roadtransport concerns.. The badges, which would entitle the holders to board a vehicle in preference to non-workers, would be sold by the bus company to employers, for resale to employees at a nominal price of -about 14d. Made of celluloid, the badge wOuld he numbered and bear the white rose of Yorkshire on a green background, with the words "Priority travel" superimposed.
Another priority measure, the issue of special return tickets to workers, is to be tried out in Sheffield, and it might be tried by Leeds Corporation, said Major Eastwood.
THERE will quite probably be a severe shortage of . anti-freeze materials, and it would be wise for operators to 6rier their stocks, or obtain supplies as early as possible, so; that they will not be caught unprepared in the event of a severe spell of cold weather. If they fail to secure adequate stocks, they should issue steict instructions to drivers as to the other precautions that can be taken in an emergency. such as draining radiators, carefully covering these at night and keeping vehiclet in places that are protected from the wind.
1' WEST YORKSHIRE" GAS EXPERIMENT THE West Yorkshire Road Car Co., 1 Ltd., is experimenting with a trailer gas producer for bus operation, the apparatus being attached to a single-deck vehicle.
MORE PAY FOR C-LICENCE WORKERS MEGOTIATIONS between the Con1 lference of Liverpool and District Road Transport Employers and the Liverpool Carters and Motormen's Union have resulted in an agreement,
whereby road-transport workers employed by 0-licence-holder members will receive the same increases in pay as have been awarded men on A and B • licensed vehicles, namely, 4s. seniors and 2s. 3d. juhiors per week. Carters will also receive this extra rernuneranon.
The Conference is composed of representatives of the Liverpool Cart and Motor Owners Association and other. associations, including theseed, oil and cake trade, coal merchants and owners, millers, provision Merchants, etc.
W/HILST appreciating the war-time W difficulties of conductors, Preston Bench, on Sept. 1, stressed the danger of overcrowding. Two Bamber Bridge conductors were each fined 22 for allowing their buses to carry excess passenger's. One vehicle carried 85 persons, 32 too many, whilst the other bus had 81 passengers.
SOUTHPORT Town Council reported at its September meeting that the local bus service is the first of such undertakings in Lancashire to adopt creosote as an alternative fuel. At present 15 buses are operating on a mixture of 30 per cent. creosote and 70 per cent. oil fuel, and in the near future the number will be increased. The creosote now being used enables the department to operate L'000 extra miles per week, after allowing for the refund of 20 gallons of rationed fuel for each 100 gallons of creosote used, With the approachingwinter, said Councillor H. S. Banner, and a ,drop in atmosplierib temperature, certain difficulties might arise which it was impossible to estimate at present.
MORE A.E.C. PRIORITY-LIST ORDERS CURTHER leading municipalities figure on the growing priority list of the Associated Equipment Co., Ltd., amongst them bhing Nottingham Corporation. which has ordered 16 Regent double-deckers. This is the nineteenth repeat contract, from this undertaking, which has purahased over 300 A.E.C. vehicles since 1929. Brighton Corporation, which, in 1938, began to replace its trams with 44 A.E.C. trolleybuses and 21 Regent motorbuses, has now signed up for a further two doubledeckers. Amongst overseas buyers is the Christchurch Tramways organization, which has ordered 13 Regal singledeckers,
On the )soods-carrying side, one of the largest orders comes from the Cement Marketing Co., Ltd., and isfor 15 Monarchs and IS Mammoth Major Eights. 'whilst the ‘Vincarston Transport and Engineering Co., Ltd., has. contracted for 25 Matadors. Both concerns.are big users of A.E.C. products,
AN appeal by Leeds Passenger Transport Department for auxiliary bus and tram conductors, who will help the regular conductors at peak hours, has brought a large response. Yolunteen have come forward -from many walks of life. As mentioned in otir issue for .last week, auxiliary conductors will see to the loading of vehicles, announce stopping places and make signals to drivers. In return for their services they Will be allowed to travel free.
Cloth brassards bearing the imprint " L.C.T. Auxiliary Conductor" Will be worn by the volunteers. • .
At Preston, too, the corporation. is likely to ask reale bus passengers to assist the conductresses as volunteer auxiliary conductors, so as to speed up -the services, particularly during rush hours.
PROPOSED purchases of additional mobile canteens by the Liverpool Civil Defence Emergency Committee do not meet with the approval of the Ministry of Food. The committee already controls a fleet of 22 mobile. canteens and six, more have been Promised. It is understood that further gifts of such vehicles are likely to be
THE latest publication to come from Henry Wiggin and Co., Ltd., Grosvenor House, Park Lane, London, W.1, deals with methods of joining Monel, nickel and Inconel. It deals comprehensively with the special technique needed for welding high nickel alloys by both the oxy-acetylene and metallic-arc processes. Sections on soft soldering, 'silver soldering and brazing are included, together. with data on carbon-arc, spot and seam, and flash welding. A copy of the booklet may be obtained from the address we have given.
UPON good illumination largely depends good workmanship. In workshops, drawing offices, maintenance establishments and so forth, the need for adequate lighting was never greater that it is at present. To meet it the Edison Swan Electric Co., Ltd., 155, Charing Cross 'Road, London, W.C.2, has 'introduced what it describes as a new light source—the Royal Ediswan tubular fluorescent electric discharge lamp.
Outstanding features of the light emitted include its close approximation to daylight, its freedom from shadow and the absence of glare. Starting is immediate, full brightness being obtained almost simultaneously with switching on. Efficiency is represented by 85 lumens per watt, so the output of the staedard type, which is ratedat 80 watts,. is, according to the makers, almost . equivalent to that of a 200. watt tungstan .lamp. The heat radiated, it is stated, is about one quarter of that from a 'gas-filled -lamp of similar light capacity and that generated about one-third.
We have just received a leaflet giving full details of this new lighting equipment. Copies may be obtained on application to the Edison Swan concern at the address given above.
THE Passenger Transport Department of Rotherham Corporation is train-. Mg women to drive trolleybuses---sixwheeled single-deck vehicles.
THE index for Volume 4/3 of "The Commercial Motor:' covering the issues from February 7 to August 1, 1941, is now available, and may he obtained from the offices of this journal, Bowling dreen Lane, London, E.C.1, price 6d. net.
WE regret to ,learn of the. death of VY Mn. BERTRAM WHITING at -the age of 61 years. He was, for several years, manager of the Cords piston-ring organization of E. R. •Crabtree (Cheltenham), Ltd., of Cheltenham and Bristol, and was formerly associated with the Young Accumulator Co., Ltd., and the Bergougnan TYre Co., Ltd. COUPONS MUST BE GIVEN UP WHEN PETROL IS SUPPLIED A CONCERN of motor engineers, PAHorace Frost, Ltd., 179, Collie Road, was fined 20s. at Burnley, on September 3, for Supplying petrol otherwjse than by coupon. Wilfred Brigg, Overtown Farm, Cliviger, avaa fined 20s. for surrendering coupons at a time other than authorized. His lorry was seen to receive petrol from ,lorry company's garage and, when
interrbgated, the driver said he had handed over the coupons the previous week. These coupons were valid, but the regulations provided that they must be handed over when petrol was supplied. Defendants admitted a technical offence.
HAULIER'S SON KILLED IN • ACTION MEWS has been received of the death 1 lin action of Sergeant-Observer J. R. H. Webster. Royal Air Force, only son of Mr. Ernest Webster, president of the Bradford Horse and Motor Owners' Association. Before enlistment in the R.A.F., Sergeairt Webster was with his father's concern of Redfern and Greenwood, Ltd., haulage contractors, Bradford.
'THE well-known manufacturer of 1 cylinder liners, Harold Andrews Grinding Co., Ltd., of Bournbrook, Birmingham, is opening a number of branch offices in various, large centres throughout the country, and the first is located in London at 208, Fulham Palace Road, Hammersmith, W.O. Stocks of 4-tagco centrifugally cast liners, valve inserts, circlips, etc.., are being carried.
By establishing such branches the company will save delays in delivery and ease the transport problem.