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Vans for Retail Delivery.
SIR,--We are writing to ask your advice on the question of motor delivery, but first of all we wish to compliment you on the excellence of your new paper. We at present employ about a dozen horses and wagons for delivery purposes, our business being that of a general store. We send into all the towns around here and also the country.districts, but we feel more inclined to experiment with motors for quick town delivery, in which case the loads would never exceed 5ewt. Now can you recommend us a van that would be perfectly satisfactory for this purpose? We should say that solid tyres would be indispensable, as although the load is light yet the risk of delay from puncture would be too serious to be entertained, At most times it would be necessary for the driver to also deliver the goods, and the stopping and starting would be very considerable. Can the engine be left running all right whilst he is away from the van? Also how would the gears stand the constant changing?
Most cars seem to take a considerable time getting away from a standstill, as it seems necessary to pass up through the various speeds each time. Can this be overcome?
At any rate we shall be much obliged to have your advice on this subject and to hear what car you would recommend for the purpose given. Of course we should only go in for one van to start with, and that only when we are convinced of the thorough feasibility of the idea, as we cannot afford to take any great risk in the matter, Thanking you in anticipation of your early reply.—Yours faithfully,
Palace Avenue, Paignton, April 7th, 1905. P.S.--Of course absolute reliability is essential, always allowing for very fair treatment and general looking after. Is it necessary to set aside one day every week for a general overall, or ■vould, say, every Monday morning be sufficient?
[In view of the hilly nature of the district to be served, our correspondent should buy a van with a two-cylinder ioh.p. to 12h.p. engine. This should cost little more than .k:300, fitted with solid ruhher tyres, and should work at about L:3 a week inclusive of all charges, whilst the load could be increased to rocwt. Engines can be re-started instantly after stops, and gears are now well able to stand constant changing without wear. Quirk starting is only obtainable with a steam van, but the apparent slowness he names is not a serious matter, A earefol examination each Monday morn
ing is " C.M."1 Dray for Furniture Removing Trade.
Sir,— your article in " THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR," I should be pleased if you will give me information as to the hest means of getting a suitable motor dray. 1 am in the furniture removing business. Our loads usually run to about four tons, and most of our journeys are to villages from Il up to 4o ntiles away. I find horses useless for the work. As we have slack intervals of a week or so, T contemplate doing other hauling to fill in At present I hire a small engine from a man here : the makers are Wallace and Steevens, and it only takes three tons; T use lift vans.Yours
faithfully, T. A. HOWELLS, Hereford, Hints for Gland Packing.
Sir,—First of all, congratulations on your paper, which I find very interesting, being devoted solely to commercial motors, I hope that the " Drivers' Column " will soon develop into a page at least. I am tempted to write on reading " S.J.C.'s " par. in No. 4, and the wrinkle is valuable, but 1 can't think what was causing his trouble. It certainly couldn't have been play in his rods, or I don't think his new packing would have kept tight. I have driven 5-ton steam wagon for nearly two years, and have had no gland trouble. Steam pressure 2oolb., and the most highly
superheated of any make of wagon I am acquainted with. I find asbes:os of square section, close laid and slightly larger than the space in stuffing box, quite satisfactory-. The packing to be put in in rings cu. as Fig. 1, the bevel to be according 10 size of rod. Ring to he cut 1-16th in. to !in. full, to allo w for frayed ends. Let joints come every 120 degrecs, as Fig. 2, After running a week or so another ring can generally be got in. The first few days. glands want tigh:ening a little each morning. After
wards once a week Fog z. or fortnight is enough. if cylinder covers and valve covers, if separate, are taken off to inspect every three or four months, old packing can be drawn then, the job being easier with the rods out. The packing stands well, and the cylinder oil I am using does not cake in the packing. If rods and cylinders are both well lubricated with good cylinder oil, leaky glands should cease to trouble (provided rods run true and. are not greatly worn or scratched). Fig. 3 shows tools to withdraw packing, and Fig. 4 is a caulking tool for repacking.--N ours faithfully, A.J.L.
I.V4.4d21.V.N 3.11"6._ Ft !Arc, 2"114f—Sn'Fiolc,s
A Tip for Petrol Drivers.
The Editor, "Tins COMMERCIAL MOTOR."
Sir,—Seeing in your excellent paper, " TUE COMMERCIAL Moroa," the invitation to drivers to send personal opinions, I beg to remit the following. Unfortunately I am not a motor driver, much as I should like to be.
Soon after the Birmingham Motor Express Co. commenced a 'bus service in Hag-ley Road in 1903 1 saw one of the single-deck Milnes-Daimlers " held up," the high-tension. cable having broken by the sparking plug. The cable being only just long enough before, and having no spare wire in the tool-box, the driver was stranded. When I got there I suggested the use of a metal watchchain which T had on me. The chain answered perfectly, and the driver was still using it when I last saw him. He even said it was better than cables owing to the vibration. He never experienced a misfire since using chain.
P. Cr. BaaLow.