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Tramcar Disabilities for War Service.

13th August 1914
Page 6
Page 6, 13th August 1914 — Tramcar Disabilities for War Service.
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Which of the following most accurately describes the problem?

Leviathans Which Perforce Remain Tied to their Peace-time Routes.

The present is no time for attack or reel'i

We do not, therefore, in drawing attention to yet another disability of the tramcar, wish to triumph in any way over the vehicle as to the futureextended use of which we have so little faith. We have frequently drawn attention to the fundamental disadvantage of the tramcar, in that its use and scope, are limited to the highways upon which a track has been laid for it, The failure of the triimenr to become available for transfer on Sundays and holidays, away from its work-day routes, is hut the sequel of its incidental inability to depart from the rails at any point—its inability, as " Punch " has called it, '' side step." This irremediable flaw is now seen to demonstrate the uselessness and lack of worth of the tramcar to meet emergency calls at a time of national peril. A cartoon is included on page 507.

Every Corporation, every company, every firm, and every individual owner of a motorbus, is now of either potential or actual value to the nation. Their vehicles can be taken away from their customary 86 routes, and can be immediately employed for the conveyance of men, material or supplies from any

one point to any other. The tramcar, held on its rails, meantime stays at home, admittedly readyto serve the local inhabitants, hut unable to accommodate itself to the fact that half of them have gone or are going to answer the call of national defence. it flair, of course, he of use in street-fighting.

We quoted a passing phrase, some few weeks ago, in the course of our " One 'Hears,which read " Happy aye the tramIcss trtwns." Little did we think, when that paragraph was penned, that it would so soon have quite a new application. Happy, indeed, is the town whose council can adapt its public-service vehicles for public service in the truest sense of the words. May it prove, in all grid time, that the lesson will not be lost upon other authorities who stili fatuously allow the claims of the motorbus against the tramcar to remain undecided. Tiwy should at once vote for the mobile unit, and so be ready against another day.