WHEELS of INDUSTRY "The wheels of wealth will be slowed
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by on difficulties of transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the roughness
of the roads over which it runs."—John Beattie Crozier.
7 ft. 6 ins. Width for London.
Of considerable importance to those owners of buses and coaches which require to be licensed in the Metropolitan area is the new concession by the Public Carriage Department of Scotland Yard, by which a maximum width of 7 ft. 6 ins, will be authorized for such vehicles, subject to their being approved. Further details regarding this matter are contained in our leading article.
A Co-ordinated Bus Service.
The tramways committee of Bolton • Corporation has authorized the general manager to arrange a proposed coordinated bus service between Bolton and , Rochdale, to be operated jointly by Bolton, Bury and Rochdale Corporations.
Two Useful Publications.
"Where to Park Your Car" and "Motoring Maps of the British Isles" are the titles of two interesting publications just issued by Roadway Timetables, Ltd., Regency House, Warwick Street, London, W.1, the first at the cost of 1s. and the second at the price of 6d.
The parking guide contains full particulars of every official parking place for motor coaches and commercial vehicles, as well as for private cars, etc., in Great Britain and Ireland, and is arranged in four sections : (1) England and Wales, (2) Scotland, (3) Ireland, (4) London, all, of course, being bound together. The map is divided Into 30 sections, the scale being approximately 13 miles to the inch.
Door-to-door Service by the Southern Railway.
As a result of the road-transport powers granted to the Southern Railway last year by Parliament a combination of rail and road transport is being developed as a door-to-door service. This experiment will be carried out at Bexhill, Horsham, Maidstone, Guildford and Andover Junction. At these stations railhead distribution depots have been established for the collection and delivery of goods within a 10-mile radius from each of the centres which has been named.
Vehicles Required by Chile.
The Commercial Secretary at Santiago reports that the Chilian Ministry of Marine is calling for tenders to be presented in Santiago by October 24th, 1929, for the supply of motor lorries and trailers, motor tractors and spiral chutes.
Further particulars can be obtained from the Department of Overseas Trade, 35, Old Queen Street, London, S.W.1. Communications on the subject should quote referenco number A.X.8323. We understand that the London Midland and Scottish and the Great Western Railway Companies have offered to purchase outright the Crosville Motor Co. for the sum of £398,750, and this has been unanimously agreed to by the directors of the last-named company. At the time of writing the decision was only awaiting ratification by the shareholders. The purchase price is equivalent to 27s. (d. per £1 share, and it is agreed by the dire-0.45n' that £300,000 will become payable by the railway companies within , seven days after the ratifica tion. The) railway companies have agreed to retain the whole of the employees and staff of the Crosville concern on the same terms as those upon which they are engaged at present.
The services number 150, covering 1,250 miles and embracing 14 counties, including the whole of North Wales. Regular daily services are also run between Liverpool and London and Birkenhead and London.
A Devvandre Servo Appeal.
We learn that an appeal has been lodged in connection with the judgment recently delivered by Mr. Justice Astbury in the Chancery Division of the High Court of Justice in the case brought by Societe Anonyme Servo Prein Dewandre against Citroiin Cars, Ltd., for the infringement of certain patents concerning vacuum servo brakes.
Damage to Roads by Defective Solid Tyres.
The chief constable of Warwickshire has reported that motor lorries are frequently noted passing through Atherstone with defective solid tyres, pieces of the tyres having broken away, causing the steel rim of the wheel to strike the road. The county council has been in communication with the Ministry of Transport, but is informed that the Minister is not aware of any regulation which would enable Proceeding-s to be taken, or that the
• county council has powers to make bylaws dealing with the subject The Ministry states, however, that if the Road Traffic Bill becomes law in its present form; the Minister will have power under Clause 23 (1) (a) to make regulations with respect to the nature and conditions of tyres.
Selling a Vehicle Obtained by Hirepurchase. In a recent case at Smethwick .garage proprietor was summoned for
• fraudulently converting to his own use a single-saloon motorbus. This had been obtained on the hire-purchase system, the defendant paying £200 down and arranging to remit the balance by instalments. The vehicle was delivered, and certain of the instalments were paid regularly for a time, but later fell into arrears. It was found, after serving a notice to reclaim the vehicle, that it had been sold, and had passed through several hands. The defendant was committed for trial.