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A healthy state of affairs is shown by the report of Fodens, Ltd., for the year ended June 30 last, and a marked recovery is shown by the results. During the period under review, the trading profit was £45,192 and, after Charging income-tax, loss on redemption of investment and crediting interest on investments, etc., the net profit comes out at £46,383, which, when compared with the figure for the previous year (£264) shows that the company has made considerable headway during the past year. The year's working results in the debit balance being reduced from £58,032 to £12,563.
In view of the continued satisfactory progress being made, the directors hope to consider the declaration of an interim dividend at an early date.
Change of Base for Eastern Roadways.
. The Eastern Licensing Authority, last week, granted an application by Eastern Roadways, Ltd., to transfer the base of a number of its vehicles from Norwich to Birchanger.
It had been found that Birchanger was a more suitable centre for the business than Norwich, aud at that place the company maintained its main workshop and garage. It also provided a canteen and dormitory for its drivers, and the necessary staff was situated in Birchanger to supervise drivers' records and other licensing matters.
The company asked that Birchanger should be treated as the main base, but that nine of the smaller vehicles should be licensed in Norwich for local delivery work. Three vehicles were also required to have their base alKing's Lynn for similar purposes.
A30 On an application for six new vehicles to relieve some of the heavier machines on local work, decision was deferred, whilst on an application to take over the business of Mr. W. A. Hollis, of Wisbech, with three vehicles, the Licensing Authority said that the figures presented to him did not justify the transfer of three vehicles, but a licence would be issued for one.
Cardiff's " Royal" Next Year.
The 97th annual show of the Royal Agricultural Society of England will be held in Cardiff from Tuesday, July 5, to Saturday, July 9, 1938. LICENCE PERIODS SHOULD BE LONGER.
A recommendation has been forwarded from the road-transport section of Leeds Chamber of Commerce to the Association of British Chambers of Commerce, urging the need for the extension to five years of the period of validity of A and B licences.
It is emphasized that the greater security of tenure resulting from such an extension would encourage licence holders to invest capital in increasing the efficiency of their equipment by the substitution of new vehicles for existing ones. • PERSONAL PARS.
MR. T. C. Nawnoutn, who, during the past 18 months, has held the appointment of technical engineer to the Australian branch of Leyland Motors, Lid., is due to arrive in England on August 23.
MR. ROBERT BOWMAN, who since 1928 has been with Edinburgh Fire Brigade, has been appointed by Paisley Town Council to succeed the late Mr. Alexander Girdwood as borough firemaster.
MR. J. G. PINDER, B.Coat., a member of. the overseas sales staff of Leyland Motors, Ltd., has recently completed an extensive tour throughout Australasia, and is expected to arrive in England on August 21.
Darlington Town Council has conflated the appointment of MR, W. J. H. PENMAN as transport manager to the corporation. He has been general manager of the transport department of Lancaster Corporation for the past three years, during .which time the whole department was reorganized.
Glasgow Corporation's special committee on conditions of service has agreed unanimously to the recommendation of the transport committee to appoint Ma. ROBERT F. Sianai, deputy manager of the transport department, as general manager from November 14, in succession to MR. JAMES N. WILSON, who is retiring.
Sales Representative Available.
We know of a man of good education and with 14 years' sales experience in the commercial-vehicle industry who is available to take up a position where first-grade representation is required. He has a sound sales record with a number of important concerns and is able to • produce evidence of good lffisiness resiflts. Letters addressed " Sales," care of the Editor, will be forwarded.
Orkney Operators Disgruntled.
Bus and goods-vehicle operators in the Orkney Islands are displeased, because the Traffic Commissioners and the Licensing Authority have chosen two of the busiest days of the season among the dates selected for the Kirkwall sittings. The days chosen are August 14 and 17. August 14 is the date of the county stock show at Kirkwall, whilst August 17 is Lammas market day.
Operators say that they cannot attend the courts and will have to engage solicitors.
Wandsworth Technical aasses.
Evening classes in transport and allied subjects and the export trade will be conducted at the L.C.C. Wandsworth Technical Institute, London, S.W., the session commencing on September 20, at inclusive fees of '12s. 6d. to 20s. for students under 21. and 30s. for those over 21, for two or three evenings weekly. Two-thirds of these fees will be charged for one evening. The head of the department is Mr.. A. Williamson Bain, M.A., A.C.I.S., and the Principal of the Institute is Mr. D. N. Griffiths, B.Sc., M.I.Meth.E.
Next Year's I.T.A. Congress.
The 1938 Congress of the Industrial Transport Association will be held in Hull from June 20-22 inclusive. The Hull branch, under its chairman, Mr. L. S. Pagan, will shortly start planning the programme.
Record Oil-engine Delivery.
What is claimed to be the largest single shipment of high-speed heavyduty oil engines for commercial vehicles has been delivered to General Motors Corporation by the Hercules Motor Corporation, according to an advice from Detroit. It consists of 100 DJXB units, which are to be installed in Chevrolet chassis destined for foreign markets. The engines are of the standard Hercules six-eylindered type, developing 77 b.h.p. at 2,600 r.p.m.
Wordie Expanding Interests.
Wordie and Co., Ltd., 129, Buchanan Street, Glasgow, is applying to the Northern Scotland Licensing Authority for the " transfer " of A and B licences from Mr. James Martin (Kirriemuir Carrier Service), 20, Reform Street, Kirriemuir. Four vehicles (10/ tons) are affected.
Shipping Guide for Hauliers.
The following is the number of ships arriving at the London docks, wharves and jetties named, from August 13-21 inclusive:—Doexs: King George V, 6; Royal Albert, 7; Royal Victoria, 3; Surrey Commercial, 6; East India, 2; West India, 2; South West India, 3; Tilbury, 4; Tilbury Stage, 4;
3; Royal, 3; London, 2. WHARVES: Hay's, 6; Middleton's, 1; Mark Brown's, 1. Tilbury Jetty, 3. WORLD'S WIDEST. HIGHWAY.
The first section of the new £5,000,000 highway, which is under censtructiou in Buenos Aires, will be opened early in October. When completed, the new road, which will run right through the heart of the city from north to south, will be the widest and most modern boulevard in the world. Its width is 150 yds., which is nearly 3i times as wide as Whitehall, London.
The highway will carry six lanes of traffic—fast, medium and slow—in both directions, separated from each other by tree-shaded promenades. Ramps constructed between the fast and medium traffic lanes will give access to underground parking places, accommodattng 5,000 vehicles
Following a tour of inspection of the methods adopted in London, Paris, Berlin and Rome, the Director-General of Traffic for Buenos Aires has strongly recommended the installation of traffic lights modelled on the British system.
It is rumoured that Mr. Leslie Burgin, the Minister of Transport, will be among the distinguished guests invited to attend the opening.
Stores Controller Required.
An important commercial-vehicle concern in the London area requires a first-class man to take full charge of its chassis-production stores. Applicants must have been engaged in a similar capacity and be capable of exercising efficient control of stock, etc. Letters should be addressed " Storekeeper," care of the Editor.
Old Worcester Bridge to Go. The SO-year-old bridge over the River Severn at Upton-on-Severn, Worcestershire, forming part of the road from Great Malvern to Pershore, is to he replaced by a new steel structure a little farther upstream. Together with other road improvements on each side of the river, the bridge is estimated to cost 4...445,000. The old one has become inadequate for present-day traffic. al PREPARE FOR NEW LIGHTING REGULATIONS.
On October 3 the new Road Vehicles Lighting Regulations (1936) take effect and the Ministry of Transport has issued a timely reminder of their main provisions. Under the regulations. front electric lamps (exceeding 7 watts in power) on all motor vehicles must be fitted with dipping arrangements. The beam of light from each headlamp must be: .(a) permanently deflected downwards, or (b) capable of being deflected downwards or both downwards and to the left at the will of the driver, or (c) extinguishable by a device which substitutes a dipped light (in effect the double-filament arrange-, meat), or (d) extinguishable. by a device which brings into or leaves in operation a deflected beam from another headlamp, so as not to dazzle, at a distance of 25 ft., a person whose eye level is 3 ft. 6 ins: from the ground. Headlamps of less than 7 watts power, that do not comply with this requirement, must be fitted with frosted glass or its equivalent.
More Taxes for Warwickshire.
During the past year the amount , paid in licence duties on motor vehicles in Warwickshire increased by 9.137 per cent., as compared With that. collected in the previous 12 rnpnths. The actual sum paid last year was £317,415. Drivers' licences increased by 19.26 per cent.
Bern 25th Anniversary. •
Beru-Werk A.G. has 'recently celebrated its 25th anniversary, and the managing director, Mr. Albert Ruprecht, has sent us an interesting and well-printed brochure giving the history of the concern and .details of the manufacture of its various products, including sparking plugs; oilengine heater plugs, etc_ The brochure is, however, in German.
" Plastics" for'August. •
"The Scope of Plastics in the Motor Industry " is the title of an interesting article appearing in the August issue of Plasties, the recently introduced Temple Press journal. Amongst other uses of plastic materials dealt with in this issue are in dentistry, for foot:wear and jewellery. and in the kitchen. A. P. Chalkley, Editor of The Motor Ship, also writes an article on the use of these materials in shipbuilding.
Plastics is obtainable at all important bookstalls, price Is.
C.A.V.-Bosch Issues Injection. equipment Manual.
No oil-engine operator should be without a recently published booklet on the care and maintenance of fuel.. injectionequipment, obtainable from C.A.V.-Bosch, Ltd., Acton. London, W.3. The advice and information it contains are practical and comprehensive. Perspective and sectional drawings, showing every relevant detail, are included and each part is numbered, the numbers being quoted in the text.
After six pages of general instructions, there is a trouble chart, drawn up on an ingenious systetn. The heading is the symptom ; following it are the reason, where to look for the trouble and what to do _about it. Finally come the pictures with their part-identification numbers which tally with those in the chart. EXPORTERS OF ACCESSORIES, TAKE NOTE.
A haulier operating a fleet of 15 heavy lorries on the Gold Coast wishes to get into touch with a firm of exporters or wholesale dealers specializing in the entire range of motor parts, accessories and garage equipment, who are in a position to give expert advice. Letters should be addressed "Export," care of the Editor. EXAMINER'S CERTIFICATE FAILS AS EVIDENCE.
Defendants, who for their defence relied on a certificate from a vehicle -examiner, lost their case at Doncaster West Riding Court, when the bench convicted a driver and a haulier in connection with the use of a lorry with inefficient brakes and in a dangerous condition.
The defendants admitted the facts, but stated that the vehicle had been examined on June 8 by an inspector of the Traffic Commissioners.. who issued a certificate specifying certain repairs which were necessary, and prohibiting the use of the vehicle after June 12, unless these repairs were made. It was intended that the vehicle should be repaired on the afternoon of the day when it was stopped and examined by the police. The owner had depended on the certificate of the examiner.
Convictions after .Final Warning.
When Mr. J. Wyatt, Junr., of Diss, applied before the Eastern Licensing Authority for -the renewal of an A licence for four vehicles (12i tons)
and a trailer, Mr. S. R. Skinner, clerk to the Authority, said that the applicant had had notice to attend to show cause why his application should not be refused and why his existing licence should not be sus-. Fended or revoked. Evidence was given that, despitç a final warning by the Licensing Authority a year ago,' there had been several convictions.
For Mr. Wyatt, Mr. R. L. Parry said that since the applicant had received the final warning he had made every effort to put his business in order.
Mr. Wyatt said that he had been in negotiation for the sale of his business and he was awaiting the decision of the Licensing Authority.
The Licensing Authority said that he would give sympathetic consideration to Mr. Wyatt's position and he deferred his decision.
South Wales Trade Improvement Benefits Haulier. • Evidence of the improving conditions of trade, particularly that passing between London and South Wales, was given to the South Wales Licensing Authority (Mr. A. T. James, KC.), at Swansea, when Andrews Transport, Ltd., Swansea, successfully applied for two extra vehicles of 5 tons.
The applicant company was represented by Mr. C. J. Wyatt. secretary of A.R.O. South Wales Area.
Statistical evidence was produced to show that not only had the applicant's business increased, but that the trade of a large number of customers had expanded. The latter was supported by the personal evidence of customers, including Mr. L. C. Hoare, of the roadtransport department, of Shell-Mex and 11,P., Ltd., who deposed that there had been a considerable expansion of his company's trade in South Wales, particularly for packed products, for the distribution Of which an increase of road. facilities was essential. To a large extent, he said. this was new traffic. which had never been carried by rail. The rail services were not suitable and adequate.
The application was opposed by the G.W. Railway Co., which called no evidence to prove alternative facilities.
St. Albans By-pass Plans.
Hertford County Council has provisionally approved proposals which have as their object the construction of two new roads to by-pass St. Albans. One road will run from the junction of the North Orbital Road and Watling Street, near Park Street, St. Albans, whilst the second will connect the Watford by-pass with it. The cost of the two schemes is estimated at £1,000,000. APPEAL DECISIONS "A MASS OF CONTRADICTIONS."
Most of the Appeal Tribunal's decisions are a mass of contradictions, with the result that nobody knows where he stands. This vigorous criticism was made by Mr. F. G. Bibbings, secretary of A.R.O. Yorkshire Area, when appearing before Mr. Russell Gurney, Yorkshire Deputy Licensing Authority.
Remarking that the position of applicants, other than railway companies, was becoming intolerable, Mr. Bibbings declared that the Tribunal was not entitled to deprive the Licensing Authority of his statutory discretion.