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examiners carried out spot checks n 12,484 heavy goods vehicles during lane at roadside sites and at the remises of firms concerned.
Of these vehicles, 6,967 (56 per cent) ere found to be defective. Immediate titices issued totalled 1,673 (13 per cent) nd deferred, 5.294 (43 per cent).
Tiff. latest hulk chicle to he added to the Great Yarmouth Heel of J. H. Bunn Ltd,, the feed and grain transporters, is a Guy Warriorchassis fitted with a Leyland 400 engine, Six-speed gearbox and doubledrive rear ho0e, • Supplied by Marken. Brothers Ltd., of Huntingdon, the vehicle Is equipped with u MarlinMO 0 series pneumatic-discharge hulk-grain body.
To -keep down the unladen weight of the vehicle, extensive Use of light alloy has been made. The body has three partitions and five locking positions, so giving four completely divided compartments providing delivery combinations of 1, 1., 4 and parts of complete triads. .
Discharge equipment is powered by a Godfrey I..675 Mk; 9 blowet, driven direct by a shaft from a Martin Harper pt-a. Final discharge is via a Murtht 2115;184E
Rotary Feeder.,
The tipping gear is a Telehoist FR33 ITO front-end twin-ram incorporating the Murrilldesigned low level layOUr.