Edinburgh Calls For Bus Clearways
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L" DIN BURGH Corporation transport .1-4 department has indicated the need for bus clearways in the city if passenger services are to be maintained. This follows acute congestion in July when, at peak periods, every second bus on certain central routes was turned short of its terminus in an effort to handle internal traffic and to keep to schedule.
In many instances buses are now taking four times their normal travel tus complete runs. Passengers on the perimeters, badly affected by these shortenings of runs, have been complaining.
Thoroughfares clear of unnecessary obstruction were basic requirements. for the regular operation of .bus services.
More for Maintenance Men ?
THE National Council for the Omnibus Industry this week received and adopted the report of the special committee set lip on May 27 last to consider and report back on the question of the minimum weekly rates of pay of skilled maintenance workers governed by the Model Agreement. Accordingly the following increased wage rates are being recommended for all concerned.
An increase of 3s. 6d. per week in the basic or minimum weekly wage rate of skilled maintenance workers governed by decisions of the Council. This sum is in addition to the increase of 15s. per week which was granted on May 27. Some 6,000 workers will he affected.