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£181m. Budfords Sold Abroad: No less than 65 per cent of the total output from the Bedford factory at Dunstable during the first half of this year was exported to more than 150 countries. Shipments during this period reached the record level of 25.030 truck and bus and coach chassis, worth some £.181m. This figure does not include the Bedford 6 cwt.. 8 cwt., 10/12 cwt. and 1517 cwt. vans produced at Vauxhall's Luton factory.
New Dagenite Agents: Three new D34CIlitC service agents have been announced by Dagenite Batteries, a division of Electric Power Storage Ltd.. Dagenham Dock. Essex. They are: Smithson Auto Supply. Chelston Street. Longton, Stoke-on-Trent: Trent Battery Services Ltd.. 95 Princess Street. Burton-upon-Trent. and Newfield Tyre Service, 93 Burnbank Road, Hamilton, Lanarkshire, Scotland.
T. W. Walker Ltd.
AN error appears in the address printed in the T. W. Walker Ltd. inside front cover advertisement this week. The address should read Walker Trailers. Lanehouse Works. Thornaby Road. Thornaby-on-Tees.