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13.R. to Attack Changes in Normal User

13th December 1957
Page 44
Page 44, 13th December 1957 — 13.R. to Attack Changes in Normal User
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HAULIERS applying for renewal of. 1 1 their A licences and showing a change of user will in future find strong opposition from British Railways. This warning was given by Mr. T. B. Atkinson, for the railways, when he opposed the renewal of an A licence held by Mr. C. R Douglas, Elland, at Leeds, last week.

The Yorkshire Deputy Licensing Authority, Mr. 1. IL E. Randolph. advised Mr. Douglas to get legal advice before continuing his application, in view of the strong objection being put forward by the railways.

Mr. Atkinson said he wanted to know the names of Mr. Douglas' customers for outward and inward traffic so that rebutting evidence could be offered. He also wanted details of work by A-licence vehicles separated from that done by vehicles on special A licence.

He submitted that as Mr. Douglas' normal user was so different from at his last renewal, and from his pre-war user. he should be treated as a newcomer and would have to prove need. Mr. Atkinson said he would ask for all work for clearing houses to he ignored, and for the vehicle to be taken off A licence if opposition evidence were strong enough.

The application was adjourned after Mr. Douglas had given the names of his customers.


THE question of normal user, particu1 fatly in relation to British Road Services and special A licences, is occupying the attention of the British Transport Commission. The approach to be adopted towards the subject is likely to be established soon.

Special A licences and their renewal also formed the subject of discussions last week between the National Conference of Road Transport Clearing Houses and the Conservative Party transport committee. Mr. Norman Cole, vicechairman of the committee, presided and promised that the matter would be considered.


ANorder worth more than .£300,000 has been received by A.C.V. Sales, Ltd., from Australia for 112 Regent Mark IV chassis with Automonocontrol transmission. The contract is frbm the Department of Government Transport. New South Wales.

The department has also placed a contract with LeylandMotol-s, Ltd., for 136 Worldm aster chassis with fully automatic gearboxes and centrifugal clutches. The order is valued at more than 050,000. Bodies 8 ft. wide will be built in Australia.

A year ago the department placed in service 125 Leyland underflOor-engincd buses with semi-automatic gearboxes.

Ninety-two Worldmasters with semiautomatic gearboxes arc being shipped tc the Municipal Tramways Trust, Adelaide. who have now ordered another 80.