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Geo. Ewer Buy Another Coach Business

13th December 1957
Page 44
Page 44, 13th December 1957 — Geo. Ewer Buy Another Coach Business
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ANOTHER acquisition by Geo. Ewer and Co., Ltd., was officially announced on Tuesday. They have taken over the coach business of Black and White (Walthamstow), Ltd., who operated about a dozen vehicles. The coaches have not been acquired, but the Black and White licences have been amalgamated with those of Fallowfield and Britten. Ltd., a Ewer subsidiary, through whom the deal was concluded.

The acquisition affects services from London to Brighton, Margate, Ramsgate, Whitstable, Hastings, Eastbourne, Portsmouth and Southsea, and other operations.

Other companies in the Ewer group are Keith and Boyle (Orange Luxury Coaches), Ltd., Ardley Bros., Ltd., and Classique Coaches, Ltd.


WHEN British Road Services vehicles were loaded with scrap metal. traffic highly vulnerable to pilferage, every knot on the ropes was sealed and drivers were instructed not to leave their lorries at any time. If there were atioss, the police were to be told at once.

This was stated before the Western Licensing Authority on Monday by Mr. L. Jenkins, traffic assistant of B.R.S.. when they and the railway i opposed an application by Mr. T. W. Haines, Bristol, for an A licence for two vehicles to carry scrap metal within a 10-mile radius, and to run certain services to Birmingham and Gloucester.

Applicant wished to serve a company of scrap-metal ,merchants, a director of whom said that Mr. Haines could provide more efficient service than B.R.S. The objectors contended that a grant would lead to abstraction of traffic.

The Authority granted the application, but forbade the carriage of scrap metal to South Wales.


THE provincial busmen's nine-day strike in July, resulted in a substantial loss of revenue for the East Kent Road Car Co., Ltd., says the company's annual report. Mr. L. W. Noble, company secretary, states that the loss more than outweighed increases in receipts gained by heavier traffic during the Suez emergency. the temporary surcharge on fares and fare increases which were granted in May and June.
