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Year Being Lost

13th December 1957
Page 50
Page 50, 13th December 1957 — Year Being Lost
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in revenue, but even then they would only break even. The present application would not relieve the companies to any great extent.

They proposed to raise some 2d. fares by Id., and to add or subtract Id. from some 2-1d. and 34d. fares. No fares increased in July would go up again. Maj. F. S. Eastwood, chairman, said the application was very modest and would be granted.

Some fares on routes operated by Stratford-upon-Avon Blue Motors, Ltd., will be lowered, following a decision by the West Midland Commissioners. The company applied in October for increases designed to bring in an extra £16,000 year, but this figure will now be reduced by £1,000.

The Commissioners said that on routes where fare stages were the same as those operated by the Birmingham and Midland Motor Omnibus Co., Ltd.. the level .to be adopted must be that of the operator with the biggest frequency.

Bradford Transport Committee, facinei an estimated deficit of 169,000 on the current year, are urging the city council to make another application for increases in fares. Their last application was granted on August 4, but since then it has been found that the deficit will be greater than expected.

The committee have suggested that ld. should be added to fares covering between three and 10 miles, which, would mean no alteration to existing fares tin to 4d. They have to meet the cost of extensive replacements to the fleet amounting to £450,000, spread over thret years.

Increases sought by Wolverhampton Corporation last month (The Commercial Motor, December 6) have been granted by the West Midland Commissioners. The 2d. fare goes up by Id. Morning concessionary fares are also amended.