Money Transport Ltd. Cap.: £1,000. Object: To carry on the
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business of meat transporters, etc. Dirs.: P. J. Heaney, 26 Waterbank Road. Slit'. E. 1). Heaney, 16 Gipsy Road, Welling Kent, 3. Page and R. Heaney. Sec.: E. D. Heaney. Reg. Office: 13115 Portland Place, Wl.
Twit's Transport Ltd. Cap.: i(X). Dirs.: A. S. 1w-k, Link Weavers, Be_nenden, Kent. A. C. Turk, Hillburt , Bent-mien. Sec.: A. C. I. Talk. Reg. Cliii, e: I .fille 'it rot ers. Benendeo. Kent.
Datelhsc Transport Services Ltd. Cap.: £100. Subs.: M. B. h1aliney and Mrs. A. T. Mahnev. 32 Briar Road, Kenton, Harrow. Middx. Sec.: 3.1. B. Mahney. Reg. Office: 167/169 GL Portland Street, WI.
Haricas Coach Works Ltd. Cap,: £4,000. Object: lb acquire the busines.s and undertakings at present being carried on he Harry Oldman and 1.eonard F. Wright, as -Harlens Coach Works" etc. Dirs.: H. Oldman, 15 Cherry Tree Drive, Grantland, Halifax. L. E. Wright: 30 Heath Hill Road. Mount. Tabor Halifax. F. Lownsbrough, Common End Farm., Hohnesfield, near Sheffield. SM.: S. 11 Davies. Reg. Office: 28 Firth Street, Huddersfield.
Marton (Car and Coach true) Ltd. Cap.: £100 subs.: p. W. Denton. A. J. Denton. -Silverdale" Bath Road. Hannondssvorth, Middx. Dirs.: A. T. Denton. Sec.: 6.1. Burge:, Reg. .0flice: -Silierdale", Bath Road, Harimmdsworth. Middx. .Turnwind Ltd. Cap.: £100. Object: To carry on the business of haulage contractors. etc. Subs.. L. H. Lewis and F. A. Dean. .12 Norfolk Street, WC'. Sec.: E. A. Dean. Reg. Office: 12 Norfolk Street, WC2 :Freignoiners Ltd. Cap.: £100. Subs.: T. G. Gibb, the Old '.1Leruaels, Henley on Thames, Oxon. 'Transport managerT. R. ;y. Boliand, Court Lodge, Adisham, Quiterbury, railway ,officer. Directors to number seven of whom three shall be appointed by British Railways Board and four by National ;Freight Corporation. The first directors are not narricd. National Carriers Ltd. Cap.: 1100. Subs.: P. A. Land, South Riding, 13isham Road, Marlow. Bucks. Railway general mar. ages H. Kinsey, 74 Clifford Road, New Barnes. Erns. The hist directors arc not
.Tyne Articulated Trailers Ltd. Cap.. t WO. dirs.:1. D. Dobson.
It WestleyAvenue. Whitley It s. it H. Dodds, 16 ,Westley Avenue. Whitley Ittiv. Sec. R. H Dodd,. Reg. Oillce: 66 Corporation Road, Leicester.
Clements-Tough (Transport) Ltd. an .kilO Suns.
and G. R. Kennedy, 2 &nitwits ii-n, EC4. Sols. Tiimus-s, Same: and 0, lit'. 2 Stijeants