Lancashire's New Lighting Bye-laws.
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A Red Light or a Red Reflector Behind Compulsory for all Ordinary Vehicles.
We are indebted to Mr. Harcourt E. Clare, Clerk to the Lancashire County Council, for the text of the new bye-laws which came into force on the 1st inst. Many a motorvan and lorry owner will note these with pleasure, and they will doubtless inform their drivers, It may yet take time for some wagonerS and farmers to realize that a new duty has been laid upon them, and that they can, only at their own risk, continue to imperil the lives and property of others by inadequate lighting.
In regard to the Lights on Vehicles Act of 1907, to which reference is made, and under which all vehicles must carry a lamp or lamps, we may appropriately quote from our issue for the 12th September of that year " We greatly regret to note that the showing of a red light behind is not made compulsory by the Act which was passed on the 28th ult., and which will come into force on the 1st January. Clause 1 of Section 1 reads—'. . . and, if the lamp or lamps are so constructed as to permit a light to be seen from the rear, that light shall be red.' The 'if' is as important as ever, but here it is likely to cause all drivers of motors more trouble than is generally appreciated."
Lancashire, now, has seen the folly of letting progressive sections of the community be hindered by those survivals of the unfit who in effect say— " What is time to me?" The penalty is 40s. for a first offence, and -25 for any subsequent offence. Motor-drivers who are endangered by non-observance should summon offenders.
Resolred—That, upon the recommendation of the Main Roads and Bridges Committee (two-thirds of the members of the Council being present and voting), the following supplementary Bye-laws be made under Section 16 of the Local Government Act, 1888, and Section 5 (3) of The Lights on Vehicles Act, 1907, and that the Seal of the Council be .attached to such Bye-laws: 1. (1) Every person who shall cause or permit any vehicle to be in any street, highway, or road, to which the public have access, during the period between one hour after sunset and one hour before sunrise, -besides complying with the requirements of " The Lights on Vehicles 'Act, 1907," shall provide such vehicle either (a) with a lamp or lamps in proper working order, and so constructed and capable of being so attached as when lighted to show to the rear a red light visible from a reasonable distance; or (b) with a reflector or reflectors at least 1i inches wide, in proper condition and so constructed and capable of being so attached to such vehicle as to reflect to the rear, from a light carried by a vehicle approaching from behind, a red -light visible from a reasonable distance.
If only one such lamp or reflector is provided, it shall be placed on the off or right side of the vehicle, or if such vehicle is used for the purpose of drawing behind it any other vehicle or load, on the off or right side of such other vehicle or load.
(2) Every person driving or being in charge of any vehicle in any street, highway, or road, to which the public have access, during such period as aforesaid, shall keep such lamp or lamps properly trimmed, lighted, and attached so as to show to the rear a red light as aforesaid. or such reflector or reflectors properly attached and in such condition as to reflect a red light as aforesaid. Definition.
2. The expression " vehicle " in these Bye-laws shall mean every vehicle, machine or implement to which the Lights on Vehicles Act, 1907, applies, except that it shall not include vehicles exempted from the operation of the Act by the Order of the Connty Council of the 6th February, 1908, that is to say, vehicles carrying in the course of harvesting operations any farm produce to stack or barn during the months of June, July, August, September, and October in every year.
Extent and commencement of Bye-laws.
3. These Supplementary Bye-laws shall have effect and be in force in the whole of the Administrative County of the County Palatine of Lancaster, except in such parts as are comprised within any Municipal Borough or the Mersey Dock Estate, and shall come into force on the 1st day of February, 1913.
4. If any person offends against these Supplementary Bye-laws he shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding Forty Shillings, and in the case of a second or subsequent conviction to a penalty not exceeding Five Pounds. Provided that if a person driving or being in charge of a vehicle is charged with an offence against these Supplementary Byelaws, he shall not be convicted thereof if he proves to the satisfaction of the Court that such offence arose through the neglect or default of some other person whose duty it was to provide the vehicle with a lamp or lamps or reflector or reflectors.