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Page 19

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)13E, but without much iviction, that for a while we ill hear fewer demands for the -isfer of goods from road to . Public appreciation of the y quickly waned once the -y drivers' strike of three irs ago ended and the goods, absence of which caused :h histrionics, moved freely , lin. Such is the cussedness of nan nature.
ven on a day when lorries ne were available to move nation's goods, a peer in a ent debate in the House of ds was demanding a curb on )ds vehicles, as well as cars, .ondon to ease the way for ;es. Important as public ;senger transport is, its users )end first on food and other rchandise which can be tributed to shops only by id. Take away the lorries and buses become redundant.
:ALCUTTA newspaper ionised for sale "to a kind star, full-grown mesticated tigress, goes daily ilk untied and eats flesh from rid."
)ennis Thatcher denies all owledge of it but declines to nove his gloves.