News and Comment.
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The comment and views of this journal are respected and carry weight, because members of its Editorial staff have practical experience and knowledge of the construction and use of commercial motors. Our circulation is genuine, and includes the heads of many wealthy commercial houses.
The Wolseley Tool and Motor Car Co., Ltd., has a motor sledge in course of construction for Captain Scott's expedition to the South Pole.
A motor tower wagon, at an estimated cost of £600, is about to be purchasixl by the Electricity Committee Of the Accrington Town Council.
Mr. T. B. Browne's paper on " Some nuelern developments of commercial motor vehicles." before the Institution of Automobile Engineers, will not be read until the February meet:ng.
Colonel R. E. B. Crompton, C.13., deals with some fundamental points in regard to transport conditions during times of peace or war, and indulges in a brief historical retrospect (pages 397 to 395).
A review of the second annual report of the Traffic Branch of the Board of Trade will be found on pages 394 to 396. Complete copies of this blue hook, which contains 19'2 pp. of text ..nnd an excellent map of London's railways and tramways, may be obtained from Wyman and Sons, Ltd., Fetter Lane, E.C., for 2s.
1910 Canadian Trials.
The conditions for this year's agricultural-motor competition, at Wienipeg, which will be held from the 11th to 23rd July, are now available, and we shall be happy to furnish partkeilars to any interested manufacturer. The engineers-in-charge of the test Will be Professors A. R. Greig and L. J. Smith. Mr. A. W. Bell is manager.
With reference to the English trials, which are to he held in connection with the 1910 exhibition of the R.A.S.E.. we published the full text of the regulations for these tests in September of last year. Bridges and Docks.
A conference took place, on Tuesday afternoon last., at Maxwell HOUSE!, between the Commercial Vehicle Committee of the Society of Mot.or Manufacturers and Traders, and the Docks and Bridges Committee of the Commercial Motor Users' Association.
The Manchester Show.
We reproduce, on page 404, a photograph of a portion of the interior 'of the City Exhibition Hall at Manchester. It is in this building that the show, organized by the Manchester and District Motor Trades Association, will be opened on the 18th February next. These premises are undoubtedly amongst the best-equipped for exhibition purposes in the country.
A Lacre Disclaimer.
We have been officially notified by the Lane Motor Car Co.. Ltd.. that rumours have from time to time reached its offices, and members of its staff, to the effect that certain of time eolUpg fly's customers, who have consistently bought Ltwre vehicles year after year. had an interest in the company, whilst the da Ma ging suggestion
has been made that, because of this alleged interest, the company has obtained business which would otherwise have gone to competitors. The Lams Co. emphatically states that none of its customers, partners in its customers' firms, and no directors or other representatives of such firms, have now, or ever have had, any pecuniary interest ill its undertaking.
Institute of Metals.
The annual general meeting (if The Institute of Metals will be held, on Tuesday and Wednesday next, the 18th and 19th inst., at the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Storey's Gate, Westminster, S.W.
Fire-Brigade Matters.
The Wallsend Town Council, on the 4th inst., decided to invite quotations for a motor tender and fire-escape, ii ith first-aid eqiiipment. The Leeds City Council resolved, at its meeting on the ah inst., to aaopt the recommendation of the Watch Committee that a motor fire-engine and eseape slunikl be purchased.
The New Secretary M.T.C.
Captain A. E. Davidson, of the Royal Engineers, has been appointed secretary of the War Department's Mechanical Transport Committee, in succession to Captain Bagnall-Wild, who retired from the service to take up the position of manager of the commercial-vehicle and technical departments of Milnes-Daimler, Ltd. Captain Davidson has had considerable and varied experience with tractors, lorries and cars. It was during the South African War that he first saw service with the mechanical-transport section. Thereafter, he acted as observer during the 'War Department's lorry trials of 1901, and its tractor trials of 1903; he also went through a course of mechanical engineering at the works of John I. Thornycroft and Co., Ltd. He was employed, during 1904, as Assistant to the Inspector of Iron Structures at the War Office, and had much to do with experimental tractors and lorries. In 1905, he was appointed Assistant Instructor of Electricity at the School of Military Engineering, Chatham.
Captain Davidson is an Associate Member of the Institutions of Mechanical Engineers and Electrical Engineers; he is an enthusiastic motorist, and he has owned a car for some years. We understand that he will take an active part in the motor world, and he will succeed Captain Bagnall-Wild, as the representative of the Mechanical Transport Committee of the War Department, on the Executive Committee of the Commercial Motor Users' Association. Stretford U.D.C.
It is proposed that, when a suitable epportnnity presents itself, the Sanitary Committee of Stretford (Manchester) U.D.C., shall take into roesideration the question of experimenting with motor night-soil lorries.
Martin's Gate of Bow).
We are asked to remind supporters of this journal that Martin's Motors, Ltd., desires all communications to be addressed to Burghley Road, London, N., where its new premises are opposite Tufirs11 Park tube station. All goods are to be consigned to the Atlas works, North Road, North Finchley.
Volume IX.
Volume IX of this journal, which includes the Di numbers terminating with No. 234, was published, together with index to its contents, Shortly after the press of work due to the November Show at Olympia had ceased in our publishing offices. It is priced at 6s. ed. post free, and we shall he happy to send a separate copy of the index to any reader who forwards two penny stamps for the purpose of covering package and postage.
Thornycroft Orders.
John I. Thorny:croft and Co., Ltd., whose motor-vehicle sales department is at 2, Albemarle Street, Piccadilly, W., and whose agent in the North of England is Mr. C. Pemberton Wooler, of 2, Park Place, Leeds, reports the following satisfactory list of orders during three weeks of the old year : a 16 h.p., 30 cwt. box van (repeat sale) for the proprietors of the "Daily Chronicle " and " Lloyd's News ; h.p., two-tan elinSFIS for the Northern Co-operative Co., Ltd., of Aberdeen; ,a 16 h.p., two-ton chassis for Messrs. Vivian Lewis and Co., of Adelaide; a 16 h.p., two-ton ehassis for Mr. Robert Taylor, of the Livery Stables, Bannockburn; two 16 h.p., two-ton chassis for MPSSI'N. Malcolm and Allan, of Glasgow ; a 16 h.p., 30 mt. laundry van for the Elgin Steam Laundry Co., of Elgin : a iti h.p., 30 cwt. tilt van for the Southgate and District Gas Co.. of New Southgate, N.; a 16 h.p., two-ton chassis for Messrs. Harvey and James, of Melbourne; a 16 two-ton chassis for Messrs. J. Mitchell rind
Sons, of Sydney ; a 30 four-ton chassis for Messrs. Tozer, Kemsley and Fisher, Ltd.. of Fent-111rd' Street, E.C. ; and a 16 h.p., two-ton chassis for Messrs. Haschke and Pickering, of Leadenhall Street, E.G. The following are the orders that have been
plaeed through the company's agent in the North of England : a 16 h.p., two-ton lorry for the London and North Western Railway; a 16 h.p., two-ton lorry for Messrs. Drummond nnd Sojus, of Bradford; a 16 h.p., twoton lorry for the Masbro' Equitable Pioneers Society, of Rotherham; a 16 h.p., two-ton lorry for Messrs. R. E. Hale and Co., of Newcastle; and a 16 h.p., 20-seated char-k-hancs for the Cleveland Car Co., of Darlington.
First Garden City, Ltd.
We are pleased to know that quite a brisk suceession of enquiries has arisen in respect of sites at Leteliworth, where this eompany's enterprising scheme of development, under the practical direction and guidance of Mr. W. H. Gaunt, the Manager and Secretary, promises to fulfil mar recent anticipations in respect of prosperity dose at nand. Should Tariff Reform become an accomplished fact, there is little doubt that Letchworth will jump to the front as a manufacturing centre.
Election Risks.
Should any owners of commercial vehicles be lending them to Parliamentary candidates, in connection with the ensuing general election, it may interest them to know that all classes of special risks are covered by the Car and General Insurance Corporation, Ltd., whose head office is at 1, Queen Victoria Street, E.C., and whose telegraphic address is "Insucar, London."
Wellington Tractor Orders.
Recent sales of Wellington tractors have included outside-sprung machines for Mr. II. F. Bowker, of Hartwood Bond, Southport, Mr. Thomas Bowman. of 15, Aldwark, York, and Mr. J. E. Heath, of Cecil Street, Nottinglmm. Mr. Tritton's patented springing appears to appeal to both new and old users, and the business of Win. Foster and Co., Ltd., is benefiting accordingly.
The New L.G.B. Secretary.
Mr. H. C. Moms, C.B., the Senior Assistant Secretary to the Local Government Board, has been appointed to the Permanent Secretaryship thereof in mu-Teel-ion to Sir Samuel Pros-is, K.C.G., who is about to retire. We congratulate Mr. Monro on his appointment, and we well remember his grasp of detail, as a member of Mr. Hobhonse's Committee on Heavy Motorcars. which was appointed hy Mr. Walter Long on the 14th January, 1964, and which, with commendable activity over its sittings, reported so early as -die 21st April of that year, with result that the Heavy Motor Car Order was published before the end of 1964. Mr. Monro has always shown himself to be as careful a student of matters =Unita as of any other of the numerous diverse interests which come within his official ken at Whitehall. We may recall, as a late instance of dose touch, that he was one of the British representatives at the recent congress in Paris on the subjert of International Motorcar Traffic, and that the recommendations from that congress are now law.
Apropos the intended early promotion of a motor transport company to conduct operations in certain Brazilian cities and towns, upon which subject we had a preliminary article in our issue of the 23rd December, we would direct attention to the further short illustrated article in this issue (page 399).
We learn that the test of Torkington tires, at the hands of the Royal Automobile Club, is making good progress, in spite of heavy road conditions. The tires are fitted to a vehicle with a gross weight well in excess of two tons, and had acomplished a total distance of more than 2,000 miles at the end of last week.
Willing's Press Guide.
A copy of the 37th annual shillingsworth published by Jas. Willing, Jun., Ltd., of 125, Strand, WC., bearing the title of " Willing's Press Guide for 1910," has recently been received at this office. Its 453 pages contain a vast amount of information, much of which may be found extremely useful by managers of publicity departments.
Superior to the Railway.
A hint may be taken by furniture stores which are still procrastinating with regard to the adoption of commercial vehicles, from the use of which U. Mawer and Stephenson, Ltd., of Fulham Road, S.W., puts its threeyear-old 30-10 cwt. Lacre van. Surprisingly hard service is exacted from this machine, which makes runs under loads to Brighton, 1-1 a st in gs , East Grinstead, etc. ; it is said to have covered 41,832 miles to the end of 1909. This company purchased the Lacre van, which we illustrate, with the object of carrying articles that were formerly carried by rail, and this duty it fulfils most admirably, being quite as reliable, more convenient, quicker and cheaper. The body was chosen specially for furniture accommodation.
New Registrations.
Wallace Garage, Ltd., with an authorized capital of £1,000 in £1 shares, by Jordan and Sons, Ltd., of 116 and 117, Chancery Lane, W.C., to carry on the business of a dealer in and hirer of motorcars and other motor vehicles of all descriptions (except motor-bicycles and tri-cars).
The Glamorgan Motor Engineering Co., Ltd., with an authorized capital of 21,000 in £1 shares and with its office at Newport Road, Cardiff, to acquire and take over as a going concern the business of motorcar proprietors, garage-keepers and mechanical engineers, now carried on by Harold Brewer at Newport Road, Cardiff.
The Atlas Engineering Co., Ltd., with an authorized capital of £500 in £5 shares, and with its registered office at 42, Grosvenor Street, Chorlton-onMedlock, Manchester, to take over the business, now carried on at that address, as consulting and mechanical engineers, lubricating experts, and mill furnishers, etc., by the Atlas Engineering Cu.
Edgar J. Coxe, Ltd., with an authorized capital of 421,000 in la shares, by A. H. Atkins, Ltd., of 27 and 28, Fetter Lane. E.G., to carry on the business of haulage contractors, etc., for some time past carried on by E. J. Coxe at Shell Villa, Victoria Road. Porthcawl, and as proprietors of traction engines and motor and other haulage vehicles.
The Automobile Bank, Ltd., with an authorized capital of £2,000 (1,900 preferred ordinary shares of £1 and 2,000 deferred shares of 1s.), by W. B. Styer, of 11 and 12, Fenchurch Street, E.G., to establish and carry on the business of a bank and to • buy, sell and generally deal in motor vehicles of all descriptions, etc.
Motorcab Topics.
Aron Taximeters.
The Area taximeter has been adopted by the Vienna Motor Cab Co., Ltd., and a contract for MO instruments has been signed. The Brussels Motor Cab Co., Ltd., which was formed about a year ago, has used this make of taximeter—to the number of no—throughout its operations, and we learn that the instruments have worked to the entire satisfaction of the companies which employ them.
Competition at Bristol.
Keen rivalry exists. at Bristol, between the drivers in the employ of the Bristol Tramways and Carriage Co., Ltd., and of the Provincial Motor Cab Co., Ltd. The police have, during the past few months, been considerably
perturbed by one outcome of this rivalry, which has generally shown itself in neck-and-neck races to secure coveted positions on important stands in the city. Several drivers have been heavily fined, and it is now hoped that a modirs tiveredi of a permanent diameter, under which vacancies on certain ranks will be filled in turn by the cabs of the two companies, may provide a solution.