Moto rcab Topics.
Page 14
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For the first time in English luster, taxicabs have been employed for the distribution, in London, of the writs for the General Election.
We would remind any readers of this journal, who may be misinformed on the point, that it is illegal to lend hired motorcabs for election purposes.
The Exeter Garage Co., Ltd., of Clifton Hill, Exeter, which is under the management of Mr. E. J. Hancock, has put two high-powered taxicabs into local service. The vehicles are 20 h.p, Clthnent-Bayards.
The Town Clerk of Torquay is to consider the drafting of by-laws to deal with taxicabs in the Borough. The matter was brought up at the last meeting of the Town Council, on letters received from Mr. J. Kenny and Mr. A. Lindfield with reference to proposed services of taxicabs in Torquay.
More Motorcabs for Maidstone.
After two years of experience with the running of three motorealxs in Maidstone and neighbourhood, Mr_ E. T. Epps, a local jobmaster, has decided to add another three cabs to his little fleet. One of his earliest machines—a 10-12 lip. two-cylinder Unit!, which itlustrates this note—is well approved by the owner and driver it has proved itself very popular with residents. in spite of the hilly nature ofthe Kentish district. the two-cylinder engine has proved itself an efficient power unit in negotiating the severe gradients encountered, and the vehicle on the whole has come through in a very satisfactory manner. The curious position of the taximeter
on the dash may be noted: this is permissible in some provincial towns. The new cabs will also be I:tilos-of 12-1 I up., and 10-20 h.p.
Napier Cabs at Dundee.
1Ni-tiler good reports reach us about the working of the fleet of six Napier cabs, at Dundee, which S. F. Edge, Ltd., supplied last year. An additional contract has now been placed, for four more taxicabs, and two private-hire vehicles with all metal parts finished in nickel; these will bring the total of Napier vehicles owned by the Dundee Motor Carriage Co,, of .166, Sea-gate, Dundee, to one of 12 can A local correspondent informs us that the six vehicles now in use have run an
erage el about 10,000 miles each, The Garnage-Bell Motor Cab Co.
The holding of the statutory meetmg of the Carnage Motor Cab Co., Ltd., at the Holborn Restaurant, on the 4th inst., disclosed a fact which has caused no little comment in the City, and in motorcab circles. When, last November, following the issue of the prospectus of this undertaking, it was announced that '' letters of allotment and regret " had been posted, the usual conclusion was reached, by both the daily and the motor Press, that the issue had been over-subscribed. It now appears, however, that only 57,869 shares, of the 173,000 offered, were allotted. It is hoped, upon the subscription in question, and with the assistance of an advance of 1210,000, at four per cent. per annum—which has been arranged, that some 130 of the
two-cylinder B.S.A. cabs will be put on the streets this year. The name of the company has been altered to the Carnage-Bell Motor Cab Co., Ltd., and the remuneration of the managing director, Mr. Horace Bell, the late manager, at Brixton, of the General Motor Cab Co., Ltd., has been fixed at £2,000 per annum, with a bonus of 21 per cent. on the net earnings after the shareholders have received a dividend of seven per cent. per annum.
New Registrationt.
The Australasian Motor Cab Co., Ltd., with an authorized capital of ,C100 in £1 shares, by Birkbeck, Moreton, Thompson and Co., of 20, Copthall Avenue, EC., to supply cities and towns in Australia with an efficient service of motorcabs, etc.
The Neweastle-on-Tyne Taxicab Co., Ltd., with an authorized capital of
,C2,500 shares, and with its office at 16a, Grainger Street, Newcastle-onTyne, to carry on the business of owners of cabs, omnibuses, vans, and other public or private conveyances.
The Torino Motor Cab Co Ltd with an authorized capital of .C1,000 in Ll shares, and with its office at 3, Pennant Mews, Cromwell Road, South Kensington, W., to carry on business as proprietors of cabs, cars, vans and other public or private conveyances of all descriptions, and also as suppliers of petrol and garage proprietors, etc.