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13th January 1910
Page 8
Page 8, 13th January 1910 — World.
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Yews eontribution3 are invited: payment wilt be made cn publication.

There will. in future. be no" im perials n Paris motorbuses, and the total of sueh vehicles is estimated to reach eel before the end of next year.

The seven(' aanual report of the Traffic Brandi of the Board of Trade. which was not available when we

IA to prisss last week, calls for tit-tailed notice elsewhere in this issue.

Election Limitations.

People may pay their own fares. by motor bus es otl ter haekney-earri a ge, in order to reach a polling-booth. It is riot legal. however, for such a.vehicle to be hired for election purposes. The owner may lend it, but nobody can hire it for that work.

Packet Tickets.

Persistent rumours are in circulation, to the effect that it is the intention of the directors of the London General Omnibus Co., Ltd., be sell packets of tickets at digestant rates. it is not known, et the moment. whether any general adoption of this scheme will take place, but the praetire of the Tubes, the Great Eastern Railway Co. and other competing interests is likely to have effect.

First.-class Seats.

The accompanying illustration, of a 20-seated Dennis char-abanes, Which has just been supplied to Mr. Weenie. of Singapore, through Messrs. Tozer. Kemsley and Fisher, shows how some makers provide for firsteelass seating aceommodation. It will be noted that the two front seats are upholstered in a superior manner, whilst those behind are of the open slatted type. The general finish of the ear is excellent throughout. and it is quite a mistake to suppose that Malays and Chinese are indifferent to such points, which is mit the ease. It. is, of course, a common practice to have two classes of ac ctimmodation in one carrying body, but there are infinite possibilities for departure from accepted degrees of differentiation. We might recall, in this connection, the story of the Irish long-car, Min+, in spite of the obvious fart that all seats were pre

cisely quid in style. and finish, was alleged to offer first-, secondand third-class accommodation. The explanation was forthcoming when a certain steep hill on the route was reached, and when the driver loudly announced: " first-class passengers will keep their seats; second-class passengers will get out and walk; and third-class passengers will get out and push behind."

Summonses for Spitting.

The Glasgow triune:ir authorities have set a good example to all who are responsible for the management ox public-service vehicles. No fewer than 72 persons were charged, at Glasgow, last month, for spitting on tramcars.

The Darracq.Serpollet Co.

The report of the Darracq-Serpollet Omnibus Co., Ltd., for the year ended the 30th September last, discloses an additional loss of .£12,078, which brings the total debit balance to

37,527. The directors ascribe the poor results to the " state of almost complete stagnation into which the business of supplying motor omnibuses and similar vehicles has fallen during the last two years."

At Eastbourne.

It has been under discussion, at Eastbourne, to curtail or to discontinue a particular service of motorbuses, to and from the Devonshire Park Theatre; a strong letter of protest was thereupon sent in by the solicitors of the parties affected. Local requests for the retention and extension of motorbus facilities, arts now quite common in this popular health resort and watering place.

The Motorbus Committee has resolved to supply its drivers and conductors with army overcoats, at a cost of 7s. 64, per man.