One Hears—
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The following Rumours, of which the Press Sur2au has no Confirmation, but to the Publication of which, we imagine, it will take no exception.
Of Mr. Referee Manville.
Back axles—back smacks.
That Neutral is as Neutral does.
Of the tire-bonus bonanza again.
That a boom in reflecting mirrors has started.
Of new Continental tires being offered for sale.
Of veneering lathe tools with high-speed tool steel.
Of good work by Federal lorries in tent and S arrey.
That new users are coming into the C.M.U.A. at a promising rate.
That the S.E. and C. Ry. is farther from happiness than ever before.
That. the tarred surfaces of some Kentish gradients are regularly sanded.
Of inquiries addressed. to " The Extractor." for some of the suppressed verses, That Holt caterpillars are being demonstrated in Western Australia to some purpose.
That Folkestone will benefit very much from the big turn up and down on the Dover line.
That .cha.r-k-bancs seating accommodation has already reached a maximum of 52 in one vehicle.
That we now enter the cardboard age, what with season:tickets, B Army Reserve records, and lampdiscs.
That the " CM." small advertisements continue to render valuable war service to users and intending users.
That numerous picture postcards of subjects at the Grove-Park Depot have lately been censored out of existence.
That nearly 2500 new members have joined the R.A.C. since the 1st November at the five-guinea or three-guinea rates.
Of a case of Campaign Comforts tobacco 1:.s4. since February, 1915, and only just discovered in an Overseas office, where it had been used unsuspected as a stool meantime. Of Harry Tale's navy.
Of the galvanizing of Europe.
Little of the idle rich nowadays.
That the Irish Navy is now disbanded.
That woman's spending-power has already shown a fare result.
That M.B.R. does not mean "Messenger Boys' Reserve."
That Shrewsbury uses so many Fords because bridges are scarce.
Of another big railway company about to -try and build its own lorries.
That the. L.G.B. Committee finds it cannot possibly get through this side of June.
Of a C.M.U.A, first-aid box doing good service with an A.S.C., M.T., football team.
That there are 257 commercial-vehicle and 236 touring-car manufacturers in U.S. A.
That the wise user's motto is, " Look to the end of the CM.,' and ask there for what you want."
That, curiously enough, splash lubrication is nearly taboo in the Navy—they have enough of it in other ways.
That the Germans are now in the position of burglars who have collared the swag but can't get away with it.
That " Sir R. C. L. Holden, Ei.C.B." is the new and merited title fot one of the keenest military pioneers of motoring.
That if you can only put the gearbox far enough back you can reduce the engine torque to a negligible iittantity, according to " The Observer."
That the kaiser has succeeded in equipping Great Britain with an army of four millions—certainly no im
provement from the Hun point of view on the "contemptible " 120,000 which they first had to worry about.
That U.S.A. truck men are not. perturbed by the possibility of an import duty of 331s per cent., as they know what they have achieved—in Canada and other .parts of the British Empire—in face of a heavy tariff preference in favour of Great Britain.